I changed my mind, Germans can have this whole country...

I changed my mind, Germans can have this whole country. It would be much better than living under the current government and we're cousins through Goths and Vandals anyways.

Attached: mapa-regionow-fizyczno-geograficznych-polski.png (1280x1088, 1.18M)

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this whole "country"


ok see you next week

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It should go on in our hearts, just not as a polity.

We can't govern ourselves if our own government treats us like fodder.

Shut the fuck up, you nigger.

>t. piscuck and childbucks beneficiary


>wanting the jewish puppet state F"G""R" have more soil to negrify

we are not ''cousins'' Goths and Vandals didn't mix with slavshits

>says while applying for handouts for fathering yet another malnourished, undertaught future taxpayer and wifebeater
Go back to your cardboard box you piece of shit.

ackshully they did, a lot even, that's why there's more R1a then I1 in certain regions of Spain and Sardinia

Attached: 1528833862281.png (755x708, 31K)

No, what we need is a European superstate.

Change my mind.

Attached: eu superstate.jpg (800x420, 64K)

>o protestantach jebanych zanim nie kolaborowali ze szwedami
masa Polaków była protestantami do Potopu, potem ta religia straciła na prestiżu a kompletnie pierdolła przez kulturkampf. To nie zmienia faktu że między samymi Polakami nie było konfliktów religijnych.

>hurr durr polaczky
>nie ufajcie nikomu
>bądźcie jak japonia (tyle że nie w sojuszu z USA jak japonia)

-t. opcja rosyjska, idź się pokiwać na kremlowskim "berle"

Modeled after Germany of course. I'm not even joking.

Yeah, that's gonna be a yikes for me fella.

>criticize Poles for being self-critical
>end your argument with fiery self-criticism

How can anyone treat you seriously? At least have some consistency if dignity is not an option.

>Modeled after Germany of course.

What does the German model imply? How is it different politically than other EU members?

we wont allow it

What I meant is that Europe should be a federation with separation of powers on both federal and state levels.

its too late to save this shithole "nation" anyways

too many kikes infest it, like maggots in a dead corpse

let it rot

We won't allow you to not allow it.

Wouldn't it be a good idea to model it after Switzerland then?

>we wont allow it

says the guy who's (government) just shut down for the longest time in history


you cant even save yourself, yankeedoodle

R1a is not necessarialy slav.
The regions with the highest incidence of it are rarely the same regions were the slavs were thought to have been appeared for the first time

", he furiously types, tears rolling down his swarthy face while the American MEU runs a ballistic missile drill three blocks away"

>he furiously types this with his fat fingers as greasy sweat runs down his forehead

haha the moment russians make a push into this shithole your MEU's (wtf that is) will be evacuating faster than in vietnam...heroes

Attached: Vietnam fail.jpg (800x583, 342K)

lmao based

Youre right. Your winged hussars and stealth tanks will drive the russians all the way back to vladivostok.

>Yes I'm der destroyer of die Polen

Attached: comment_WhI8DOXY1aRGs44udz5AZTVSSEFNcLlu.jpg (1080x1331, 246K)

youre the destroyer of the falafel you bought from mehmet's kebab stand down the street from the GDR commie block you live in.

I am from Pommerania, which Germany consider their rightful clay. They have written in their constitution that they have to get it back.

Funny thing is, people of Pommerania are so tired and angry of polish bullshit, that if Germany would take it by force and made a public poll, Volk would choose being a part of Germany.

My sister is a history teacher in Szczecin. When she asked kids in class some patriotic questions, she was shocked. Children told her that they hate Poland and will leave as soon as they can. All of them.

If only Germoney knew.

Pic related; Me in helmet, and german welfare system in front of me.

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mateusz go back to cleaning tyrone's toilet

>If only Germoney knew
we know that poles hate their shithole country, that's why it's so funny to shit on poles on the internet using real world data

Attached: poland wealth.jpg (1748x2480, 821K)

and that is a good thing, this shithole of naive subhumans should not have gotten it's "independence" in the first place.

it embarrasses me this so called "government" shithole has anything to do with americans, let alone sent it's soldiers to help occupy Iraq for those yankee/anglo cocksucker interests.

>caucasus states

im 50% english, 25% irish, and 25% swedish, abdul ibn umar

flyovers are poles

Problem is not with the people. Here, in Germany, people are exactly same greedy, egoist, unthinking piece of homo sapiens sapiens as in Poland and everywhere else on the planet. German precision is a meme; everything holds together on a fucking bubble gum. You can hear in goverment office that your case will not be heard because only person who has access to your files is sick and no one else knows what to do.

Problem with Poland is that '91 "revolution" was a lie. Wałęsa got a nobel prize, but he was a puppet. Same people stayed in power and theyre there still. Political system is just a show, nothing ever changes, all the time the same few pigs rule Poland. And they systematically made the country their personal slave farm. Prices in Poland are same as in Germany, but salaries are five times less.

Where goes the difference? Why market sells something for German price but does not have money to pay its workers german salary? Taxes are similiar. It is pocketed by few people in powet. Law is a fucking mess and nobody can understand it anymore, everyday you see total chaos in all goverment offices because of it. It is impossible to run a bussiness normaly, one journalist counted that if a bussiness owner was to be on time with changes in law, he would have to spend 8 hours a day reading codixes. Thats impossible and its planned to be thay way.

Poland is just a slave plantation for few assholess making giant fortunes of it. Its kind of genius, actually.

Also, people with charisma, dangerous knowledge or power to change something die. Car crashes most often, teheee... That makes me think that goverment in Poland is actual dictature, hidden in shadows behind false facade of "democracy", as country is nowhere as powerful to be open with it like Russia ist.

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>he wants to share a country with r*ssia and the friendly town rapist from dürres

>he's jelly because his meme country's influence is waning

lmao change your tampon

>he unironically gets his fake news fix from der spiegel and al-jazeera

This is 100% true. Is this a pasta or something? If not, then I must say I love you.

bump i wanna know

Those are my own thoughts which made me leave Poland.
I started to think that way when polish famous archaeologist who was rented by goverment to check Smolensk catastrophe using archaeological methods died a week after returning to Poland. In a car crash. He was not the first nor the last.

Yes, it's copypasta. Sorry.

Pasta or not, this is what I believe too. I was talking to a friend of mine a couple of months ago and we came up to the very same conslusion. This is very true and most Poles will deny it because like in most countries they are NPCs. The only way to live a normal life here is to get a job in a foreign company (best scenario also with foreign managers, never Polish) or inherit something from your parents. If you do not have that then you are screwed and the only option is to emigrate.