How many people speak English in your country?

How many people speak English in your country?

Attached: 8044.gif (735x515, 13K)

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english is taught as a 2nd language here. Most people can hold a simple conversation


everyone up to boomer age

according to exchange students germans do not speak english very well

Barely nobody

>people can hold a simple conversation
>in English
>in Japan
>everybody knows that's not true

>Most people can hold a simple conversation

fack you
die English

probably like 40% can speak basic english
20% currently


Attached: Pearl-Harbor-attack-e1514568512859-776x675.jpg (776x675, 149K)

You all can get what this conveys?

specifically saying "basic greeting" like "how about you", "I'm fine thank you and you?" literally toddler tier English.

11 to 20 percent.

>loli tier English

Almost everyone

Attached: english-eu.jpg (650x607, 185K)

But 30 per cent are Java devs, how so?


Almost everyone younger than 30 speaks English well. Boomers (as in the real ones) are usually bad at it.

that survey is only representative for people with EU citizenship, figures would be lower if it were to include all people regardless of nationality

Attached: Eurobarometer2012.png (712x1519, 171K)


>more proficient than you, pierre
>le 56 % faec

To be fair there is a percentage of very young children, mute, mentally retarded and foreigners

How the fuck Germany is lowest among Germanic families?

Considering the low percentage in Spain, how the fuck does tourism work here? Especially when there are so many British tourists.

they speak basic english at tourist destinations.

I went to Spain once, and outside the tourist areas it's very difficult to communicate.
Even in the tourist areas it can be difficult, their level of English isn't exactly perfect.

Germans rarely need to work at EU, so don't need it.

I expected Hong Kong to have more speakers. Maybe it's because all of the English-speaking Hong Kongers have already flooded Canada?

the actual percentage for the UK is 98% according to Eurobarometer data, there are other mistakes in Jakubmarian's map, and as I said the data is only representative for people aged 15 years and above with EU citizenship

English tourists always learn the local language before visiting a foreign country

>English tourists always learn the local language before visiting a foreign country
Funny joke m8. The only russian word I'd heard this summer from UKtards was "Pivo".

people are migrating to germany and only a few germans work abroad (which is mostly switzerland and austria anyway)

you'd be surprised how hard it is to get a job with little to no german skills here

Yeah exactly that's what I just said

too much


Attached: Mexicanos_idiomas_extranjeros.png (858x642, 120K)

>Could order regular sized beef udon in some tokyo suburb in english
Good enough for me

