Your country

>your country
>do you like and support central europe?


Attached: central europe.png (450x376, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:ékelysБалты

yes I like & subscribe Central Europe


Pls gib Višegrad membership already.

Looks pretty comfy when you paint it that way.

Kick Poland, Slovakia and Hungary out and yes

off with you ignorant burger!


Attached: fixed.png (450x376, 108K)

Germany (plus Austria) is the definition of Central Europe
Poland, Czechia etc regularly get counted as Eastern Europe

No such thing

Attached: file.png (2049x1270, 183K)

Yeah it's pretty cool

You're irrelevant, Germ*ny. We want a Catholic alliance and US wants an Intermarium and we're gonna get it. You've been kicked out of the club.

the american foreign minister or whatever it is said central europe, blow it out your ass brainlet


people here don't even know about the existence of v4 thanks to our subhuman b*snian politicians who are trying to focus only on serbia and b&h
might as well talk about subsaharan africa for all I care

yeah I guess that's why the entire youth of your country migrates here for work

expain why then central evropean blood is flowing through my veins

Germany is not Central Europe, they're quintessential Western Europe. Modern Central Europe is not Mitteleuropa. It's more of an updated concept of Intermarium than Mitteleuropa. Germany owns these countries economically (just like the rest of Europe, I guess), but politically the region is not Germanocentric. See V4, TSI, Via Carpathia.
>inb4 but it's all just eastern europe, nobody calls it central!!
If someone doesn't see the multiple differences between, let's say, Ukraine and Czechia or Belarus and Poland then they really shouldn't be voicing opinions on the matter.

Attached: 8b1.png (1126x845, 666K)

ok settle down pilsudski before we get invaded again

>Modern Central Europe is not Mitteleuropa

Attached: mittle evropa.jpg (824x947, 365K)

Yes, it is my greatest ally

Attached: v5.jpg (798x532, 46K)

Piłsudski's concept was flawed because
1) he was too obssessed with Polish hegemony and he scared away potential allies with it (he wanted a federation)
2) it was a military block, and people don't like to put their lives on the line for random foreigners
Meanwhile TSI is purely cooperational and doesn't force anyone to anything and it's focused mainly on investments and infrastructure. And, to my own surprise, it actually gets shit done. Via Carpathia is already partially built, and it's no small project. From Greece to Estonia.

The meme makes a good point but I think it's actually the other way around. We took a hostile concept and made it our own.

I support Intermarium

Attached: 1401400183270.jpg (1766x1734, 961K)

BASED eternal merchant

theres no economic union without political one, look at greece, would you honestly let those idiots govern themselfs?

Daily dose of sanity for you gypsies

Attached: 134131.png (2296x1598, 381K)

Central europe doesn't exist

0:26 Luigi, Mr. Pompeo clearly says "heart of central" europe, you arab shitskin

nobody gives a shit about your irrelevant soviet shitholes

In Romania we have a saying: it's better to be hailed in your village than to be a loser in the city. We should be glad that we tower over our fellow balkanites.

america does apparently butthurt pizzaboy

Wtf except austria all of those countries are shit tier and i dont want to be grouped with them

I have a residence in Hungary and tax id too because born as a proper Hungarian hereékelys
and was entitled to 2nd citizenship which I got rather quick
via the new Constitution
Lived there for a couple of years, had Hungarian gf too of that country. She was 179cm tall because her father was Slovakian Hungarian and like 188cm or something like that. Idk do Hungarian hookers of Hungary count too? Had those as well.
>Romanians call me Bozgor here.
>Hungarians of Hungary call me Romanian scum here.
>The rest call me Paki diaspora.
So do I count? Will the dear distinguished respectable poster sirs of Jow Forums be so gracious of not engaging in racism, libel, etc by Hungarian law? I am not on Hungarian soil but the Hungarian Constitution treats me as such and because of speed differences I am literally using Cloudflare, Google captcha of Budapest when posting. When Jow Forums is down I get the error message of Cloudflare server of Budapest can't connect and alike. It's a Jow Forums 404 type of page.

Attached: post-34463-0-1446061381-78612.jpg (1463x2069, 308K)

too late analbania, you are stuck with us

Poland, Czech porn republic and Hungaria is Eastern Europe

You also say
>kiss the hand you cannot bite
>the head that bows down can't be cut by the sword
>make the devil your ally until you cross the bridge
>pretend it's raining
>the law is a barrier, big dogs jump over it, little dogs crawl beneath it, but only the cattle stop in front of it

0:26 for you too sven, we are CENTRAL EVROPA

>>pretend it's raining


when the superior HVNGARIAN nobility peed on their heads they pretended it was just raining...

Thank you Sven. I have relatives who moved with political asylum claims to Sweden in 1990 after the Revolution of 89. They are in Göteborg. One of them became a language teacher in school there speaks all the Germanic stuff in the area plus English. This person has moved to be a professional translator to Budapest at a large corp. Has a higher salary than in Sweden (after taxes obviously and tons of work), doesn't pay rent either. Someone in the extended family fled to Budapest in '90, had a shitty apartment there, she died it has been inherited and renovated now. These people in Göteborg have Romanian, Hungarian, Swedish citizenship.

When someone asks for help ""you pretend it's raining"" as in you ignore them like you don't leave the house while there's heavy rain.

Van még több de nagy részük török meg fanarióta. Meg kell tekerjem az agyam, ezek a leggyakrabbikak.

Old commie junta members, possibly high ranking, were accepted as refugees in Sweden? Gee, they really out-YES'ed us years before

All but germany, yes

Why thank you. Love you too

Attached: aaaaaaa.jpg (364x304, 28K)


>catholic alliance
leave us out of it then, nigger

your country will serve to appease russia


You are not white no matter Protestant or Catholic

Attached: JQZ0CIo.jpg (876x696, 238K)

Central europe is a may may.

Attached: European_sub-regions_(according_to_EuroVoc,_the_thesaurus_of_the_EU)[1].png (1138x917, 61K)

>you are not white
true, I am baltic-finnic BVLL

Mind giving a legend for this map?

Opinions. Dirty Harry used to say all have one

Yes, Poland, Hungary, Romania all float around the 14-15k eur per capita now. Romania however is dirty af and has shitty roads.

>russian europe


Attached: kNTi5ic.png (966x1318, 1.25M)

Kinda accurate.

>balts, belarussians and northwest/central russians are genetically similar
real shocker there

There's no such thing as "central Europe".

I support Austro-Hungaria, Yugoslavia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth though, but these hace nothing in common.


But you are mongolbreed....

I bet you know where is Perm

Attached: 1549535561095.png (1189x542, 91K)

>In the Middle of nowhere
I guess we're no mutts then?

Northern Italy is part of central Europe.

Attached: map_centraleurope.jpg (470x435, 70K)

In the middle of Austrians and North Italians

I support the separation of Catalonia. Nice people, good GDP per capita too. They always were with their own king in the past.

Yeah but farther away from anything else than anyone else

>Even Northern Italians are quite far from Austrians
Now this is a real shocker

Look at the Iron age archaeological cultures of those areas in Russia. It's not a coincidence Pskov and Suwalki are also pulled towards Balts.Балты

Romania close to Montenegro?
Not sure of that. Too much appricity autism.

Attached: haplogroup_i-borders.png (2338x1653, 1.11M)

Balts were iron-age BVLLS?

We've always been quite reclusive and only ever stuck to ourselves, until recently that is. And people wonder why the North/South Tyrol issue is such a big problem to us

The Alps are quite a strong genetic barrier. Plus terroni, who are basically Greeks genetically, have moved and mixed in the Italian North for centuries already, pulling them even farther away

Balkanic I is a different subclade (I2) and not a result of Germanic migrations

Then you leave me with no option but support Moldavian annexation of Romania.

Also, did they include German/British tourists in the Canary Islands sample, or why are they pulled so much to the north compared to the rest of Iberia? One would expect them to cluster with Nafris because that's what the native Guanches are

Even Austria itself seems pretty isolated. What the fuck are we?

with the sample sizes you typically get in studies this finely categorized it's quite likely that a lot of those Russian cities are sampling among Russian colonist populations. Urals and Siberia were fairly sparsely populated before that, and big cities like Perm are hardly a good approximator of the genetics of the autochtons.

You don't understand what isolated means, you're literally inbetween South Germans and Slovenians/Hungarians you're something in between those two populations genetically. You'd be considered isolated if you'd be away from other all of the population in one direction.

Okay, what am I?
The last time I asked a German in the summer on Jow Forums about Eastern Euro people in general.
>Which is more worth to you Germans?
The answer was surprising.
I called here schizo too but the thing is the psychotic people have awful memory.
I have several axiomatic rules for life, they came about organically and aren't autistic at all.

Attached: History_Hungary_1 (1).png (806x303, 464K)

I don't mind.
I had ethnically Romanian gf's here before. A hole is a hole and women aren't of many kind out there really irrespective of their language.

Attached: anna-lesko.jpg (960x541, 116K)

Consider the fact that those dots are the euclidean mean of each geographic distribution. The actual spread is likely quite a bit more even.

I visit Jow Forums maybe once in a blue moon, so no clue about your issues on there

shutup milorad

Yeah I figured that way but there still seems to be a pretty large gap between us and bavarians and slovenes.
It would be really interesting to see the genetic differences between the individual states of Austria. I have no clue how genetics work but there should be a significant variation between the north-western parts like Salzburg and Upper Austria and the eastern states like Lower Austria and Vienna. The Burgenland for instance was Hungarian until 1921 and every native Viennese has ancestors from the balkans so one could conclude that there would be a big difference between those parts of the country and some isolated mountain-village in Salzburg.

I believe you 100%

Ah, there's only one German poster on this whole site and he has a vendetta against you, TIL.
Schizophrenia much?

Well it's well known that only the very western part of austria is germanic proper. The east always had a lot of slavic influence, Carinthia was 50% slavic (slovenian) 200 years ago.

Attached: carinthia-slavic-names2.jpg (483x383, 77K)

That's a very helpful pic. Probably answers my questions better then a DNA test could

V4 is Eastern Europe

Central Europe is the only future we have.

it doesn't exist

>your country
>do you like
>and support central europe?

But actually it would be better for Croatia to revive Yugoslavia and become the leader than be the least relevant member of V4 (which isn't really a thing anymore as there are more differences than similarities between us and Czechs and Slovaks are always first to bully Poland and Hungary in Europe, also they try to prove their Europeanness by comparing themselves to Poland and Hungary shown in a negative light).

Only Sopron and it's neighbouring area was populated by hungarians in burgenland

Austrians are genetically closest to Czechs, the similarity is very big, I think close to 90%. Genetics don't play any role though, culture and mentality does.

You're right. I just started reading into this topic after this thread since it really interested me and this is a pic I found (don't know how credible this is though since it was made on reddit)

Attached: Österreich DNA.png (2092x1698, 148K)

Y-DNA doesn't tell much, especially if subclades are compared that split off at vastly different times, it's anachronistic. Better use some autosomal PCA

Attached: PCA.png (1485x770, 177K)

Ah good to know thanks!

Meta-identities are pathetic. Each nation is its own thing not part of some huge made up entity. They have their own characteristics that set them apart even from the ones right next to them. At most you could group nations based on language or religion but this doesn't mean they are all one big blob completely separated from the others.
If you claim to be part of something like this you are basically admitting that your own identity is shit.