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The old one hasn't hit a bump limit you faggot

>"I saw a Serbian boy in the local hamam for the first time in my life yesterday, unfortunately, I could not approach him... He was with a Habeshi (Ethiopian/Sudanese) tellak which means he was owned by someone. Such beauties are very rare in Anatolia. "

What did turkish intellectuals mean by this?

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now ikibey will spam this forever

>"I saw a Serbian boy in the local hamam for the first time in my life yesterday, unfortunately, I could not approach him... He was with a Habeshi (Ethiopian/Sudanese) tellak which means he was owned by someone. Such beauties are very rare in Anatolia. "
>"But I thought..."
>"I thought how exciting it would be to talk to him, uncovering what made him as beautiful as he is. I thought about how nice it would be to learn about his life, and learn about the world I never saw."
>"I pictured talking to him, eyes darting like those of a harem lady, looking anywhere else but in his eyes."
>"I pictured myself carrying him like a sultan with ease, to a döşek (bed). I pictured myself, unclothing myself, and rubbing his silky-smooth pale skin with my rough, dark hands, and him, squirming sultana-like."
>"I pictured him unclothing himself in a slow manner, drawing himself out, so I can have a good look at his body. "
>"I imagined him slipping his hands under tuman (underwear), and jostling my manhood, rubbing his almost lady-like, pale fingers on the tip of my dark manhood."
>"I imagined..."
>"Unfortunately, my day-dream was interrupted by the tellak who poured the hot water on my head, may Allah curse him, for ruining the image of the beaut."

>Vasil Levski
>tatars stealing another macedonian hero

Attached: BASA-600K-1-1865-15-Vasil_Levski-retouched.jpg (594x821, 103K)

>Monica Lewinski

happy valentine / trifon day

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She has a W in her surname, obviously from polish background

Why did his name have a currency (lev)? Was he a jew?

Lev = lion in old bulgarian, before the standartization.
Levski - "like a lion". His actual name is Kunchev.

Turkish man visiting Athens

Attached: FB_IMG_1550150394320.jpg (1016x664, 114K)

Toз тaeн знaк e cтap. Hoв тpябвa.

Attached: възвишение.jpg (1009x438, 52K)

pic related
310 is the bump limit
sometime mods delete early threads
but we're fine now

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>same race

Also why does thing on the far left have tits and yet looks like a male

absolute WEW

Do you think Levski would've liked post-1878 Bulgaria, lads? He wanted a republic after all.

the bulgarian lev and the romanian leu are named after a german currency, the "lion mark" or idk smth like that
they were both pegged to the german money as well later on, before and after communism
lev is pegged to euro now, about abut the leu tho

no one liked bulgaria ever lol

>Stanislav Yanevski
stop stealing everybody you mongoloids

Attached: Viktorkrumyulleball.png (330x373, 161K)

>hates kings
>hates russia
>is basically a christian socialism leftie

He wouldn't have liked any iteration of Bulgaria to ever exist.

Croatian football shirt on one of the athenian pigmies... Lmao


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>here come the macedonians

>christian socialism leftie
you mean like everybody from ottoman bulgaria and vmro before the 2 balkan war. Socialism was not tried back then.

maybe 3000 years ago

Everyone was anti-monarchy, but I don't think they were for wealth distribution. Don't forget that in Bulgaria, even under Ottoman times, more than 90% of people own the land they live on and live of. Places where redistribution was popular are, for obvious reason, places where most people don't own land.

heil satan
why is there 2 worms in goo ge's valentines logo?

Attached: valentines-day-2019-4848332248711168.3-l.png (550x220, 6K)

Worms are hermaphrodites,thus represent the LGBT

> represent the LGBT
and tape worms, reminds me of that screen cap

any nazi faggots going?

Attached: 20190214_152852.png (1080x1717, 1.15M)

Tape worms might be too.What screen cap?

missed your trip fulgrim

>christian socialism leftie
source: my ass

not him

zaet sum s po-vajni dela putko

Attached: organizatorite-na-lukovmarsh-shestvie-shte-ima-nezavisimo-ot-prizivite-za-otmqnata-mu-493310.jpg (670x367, 48K)

Source: him saying it.
He was a christian priest, thought monarchy is cancer, wanted tzars and sultans to be hanged, and wanted people to rule themselves.

>being against monarchy makes you a socialist

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Is that the guy who leads Legionary Bulgaria in HOI4?

Back then, it literally did.

I started a thread with his pics. Why does he look so bydlo?

I know this is not real,but i wish it were lmao


they eat raw meat
it may be

I constantly ridicule Jow Forumsacks for their absurd Jewish cabal shadow government theories, which are indeed shit and delusional, but why are there so many Jewish communists literally everywhere? Half of the People's Court judges were fucking Jews. In Bulgaria where there were barely any Jews. Also a Jewess killed Lukov.

So the French revolution was a socialist revolution, then? Topkek.

Horthy was a romanian puppet

Because most jews would do anything to ruin a country and take over

Yes, it was? They confiscated land from the aristocracy and priesthood, and redistributed it to the middle and lower classes. People from all economic classes were offered political office and military rank, unlike in the "ancient regime" of monarchy.
Only later when Napoleon hijacked the revolution (like Stalin did, and like Washington was offered but refused), it turned back to a more traditional system.

Thanks for the info.

Jews didn't have a state, and didn't have a nation. Makes sense they'd be disproportionally represented in groups fighting nationalism and autocracy.
Funny how today when they do have a state and a nation, you see many of them on the far right.

Used to love those guys


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Is Kalergi the world's most misunderstood white supremacist?

Who wore it best?

Attached: WE WUZ.png (1257x716, 1.84M)

The French Revolution is a classic example of a bourgeois democratic revolution. BDRs have the historic tasks of demolishing the old feudal society, redistributing land (agrarian reform), expanding the industrial base (national industrialization) and effectively establishing political sovereignty. They are called bourgeois democratic revolutions because the guiding ideology and the revolutionary class itself are the bourgeoisie. The path of the BDR is the path towards capitalism, and none of the things you listed are intrinsically linked to socialism.

Coincidentally, most early socialist thinkers (particularly Saint-Simon and Fourier) began writing in response to what they saw as the failures of the Revolution, rather than its successes.

Jacobins are proto-socialists.

i wonder why

Robespierre was fucking based.I wonder what would've happened if he had managed to keep his powers and lead France like a dictator

Lol no, they were absolutely not. The French Revolution was a liberal revolution against feudalism.

>jewish happa
>wants too destroy the white race through miscegenation
>white supremacist

He didn't WANT to destroy it, he simply realized it's inevitable.

The essentials of a socialist revolution to me are:
>remove the monarch
>remove the rights of the clergy and aristocracy
>redistribute the land of the king, clergy and aristocracy
>institute a (hopefully) meritocratic rule in government, science and the army
>institute a people's army rather than a professional one

The French revolution did all of these. So did the Russian revolution, so did the American revolution, etc.


I was joking, but he didn't want to destroy Europe or the whites. He wanted whites to rule the planet, a global government (ran from Europe), and the white man's burden of accepting and educating other people into civilization. He 100% isn't what Jow Forumstards make him out to be, read his works. Its not a surprise that a few pro-EU organizations use him as a mascot.

t. vasil kunchev, probably
although he'd add armenians and greeks

Just look at these faces man
You can tell there is something evil about them

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>chista i svqta republika, bez da gledame na narodnost
ne sum sig

caмo мaйкa pycия

caмo мaйкa пopтyгaлия

me on the right

>B нaшaтa Бългapия нe щe бъдe тaкa, кaктo e ceгa в Typcкo. B нeя вcички нapoди щe живeят пoд eдни чиcти и cвeти зaкoни... и зa тypчинa, и зa eвpeинa и пp., кaквитo и дa ca, зa вcички eднaквo щe e... Taкa щe e в нaшa Бългapия. Hиe нe гoним тypcкия нapoд, ни[тo] вяpaтa мy, a - цapя и нeгoвитe зaкoни, c eднa дyмa, тypcкoтo пpaвитeлcтвo, кoeтo вapвapcки влaдee нe caмo нac, нo и caми[тe] тyp[ци].
>B Бългapcкo нe щe имa цap, a "нapoднo yпpaвлeниe" и "вceкимy cвoeтo". Bceки щe cи cлyжи пo вяpaтa и зaкoннo щe ce cъди кaктo бългapинът, тaкa и тypчинът. Cвoбoдa и чиcтa peпyбликa.

You are correct, and I was wrong.

so pic is fake then?

Attached: DMuY9mmWsAEvhXj.jpg (859x1200, 225K)

the right one is a portugese

>jewish writer financed by jewish bankers wants white genocide
How can you read that and think its objective?

>socialist revolution
>establishes the capitalist system
Topkek. Let's sum it up:
1789-90: Bankruptcy, burgher liberals make a stand and demand representation, Tennis Court Oath
1792: Second revolution, state of virtue, terror, reign of Robespierre. Effective mob rule
1794: Thermidorian Reaction: Conservative republicans run the state until Napoleon usurps control.
I'm failing to see any significant connection with workers seizing the means of production apart from the fact that both were revolutionary.

In fact Lenin made a very good comment on Robespierre; he said that his downfall wasn't that he used terror but that he didn't understand the class nature/basis of his enemies.

He thought that everyone that was trying to overthrow him wanted to go back to the Monarchy but what he failed to see was what really got under the skin of his bourgeois opponents was that he was turning loose the proletariat of Paris and interfering with the "sacred" edicts of the economy and the market. It is understandable that he made this mistake since in the beginning there were many big bourgeois of the era that supported the Jacobins against the Holy Alliance but that changed as the economy deteriorated and the danger of royalist occupation began to pass.

im sure McNukes is the way

Attached: Anarchocapitalism_3d5bce_6079658.jpg (647x797, 86K)

i vse pak psuva turcite u teftera i vika, che sa agarqni. Baziran 4etiriizmeren shah ot levski

LMAO how many of you pathetic incels are not goinig out today and shitpost instead
just remember today is as good a day to kys than any

>1789-90: Bankruptcy, burgher liberals make a stand and demand representation, Tennis Court Oath
>1792: Second revolution, state of virtue, terror, reign of Robespierre. Effective mob rule
>1794: Thermidorian Reaction: Conservative republicans run the state until Napoleon usurps control.

The same timeline can be made of the Russian Revolution. Was that not a socialist revolution too?

maybe not jewish but a judeophille for sure
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe.

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Aбe дocтa пocтoянeн cи e c тaзи дeмoкpaтичнa peпyбликa. Изнeнaдвaм ce кaк изoбщo нe e peднeк ceляндyp.

The French and Russian revolutions are similar in a sense that they were anomalies -- throughout most of history dynasties would regularly face upheaval and get replaced by another that did a good job. See the example of China where if someone did a bad job they were considered to have lost the mandate of heaven and then some general, steppe nomad or relative would take over and found a new dynasty that kept the place functional and restored the mandate. The French and Russian revolutions were not revolutions to restore previously existing order (which is essentially what's happening when someone tries to take over as king from another king who is doing badly) but were completely trying to tear down all remnants of the previous order. Those revolutions were already completely immersed in modern and anti-traditional ideology which is why they were different from the usual palace plots of the middle ages.

But, regardless of that, the Russian revolution was a socialist revolution because it established SOCIALISM, the French revolution was a liberal bourgeois revolution because it established CAPITALISM, and as such it can't be socialist. Killing people and seizing land doesn't necessarily make you a socialist, just so you know. It's a bit more complex than that.

why must you remind me, iki?

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In what way was Napoleon different from Stalin? Very superficial ways only. They are pretty much the same governor. You throw the labels capitalism and socialism, but the USSR had money, and shops, and traded, and France had guaranteed education, and redistributed land, and limited welfare. Fuck, Napoleon was even trying to command the economy, literally micromanaging production with letters, from stupid shit like champagne to boats to roads.

Attached: converts-2.png (564x595, 110K)

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>10 conversions per year
Woooow, such efficiency. Almost like the sultan didn't give a shit what god his slaves pray to.

exactly the point

Attached: cizye-3.png (756x401, 81K)


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forgot to mention, these three pics refer to the 1520-1535 period

You wan't me to believe Albania was 1-10% muslim?

this pic was made when it was believed that the yuruks were not settled in present-day serbia as well; i have discovered their presence in certain parts of present-day serbia during the last year, and i will try to fill in the data after i finish writing my work on them

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