
Maechallah edition

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Maechallah because everyone is spending time with their loved ones..I can only conclude we are a general with very happy people..3id 7ob sa3d...
And also maechallah because of pic related, if you are not mentioned in this picture even indirectly your country is irrelevant and not important

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love is for the weak minded
also sp today!! but i don't really care


Why kikebomb never posts here she was even ignoring assman...ignoring just as hard as when pershits are asking her to say something in farsi...

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>page 9
Ya masi7...

I hate how this nigger relegates egyptians and tunisians to being assortments of people while giving retards like you a starring role
How can this monkey call anyone outcasts when everyone is more adjusted than a guy who posts about not having an arab girlfieend 24/7
Nik ommou
Just came to say that this is a shit thread

Is حبيبي only used when speaking to a man? Should I use حبيبتي for a woman?

Mer7ebe mwebna.. 5memou3liha khawti fi ga3 diaspora ana huwa le moins malade mental :^)

Couls you speak like normal I can't wrap my head around this

nik yemet yemek miboun, rajli dziri wa huwa 3lmni lughatkoum B)

arabs have always used habibti instead of habibi when speaking to me
but since you live in france, keep in mind it's not a maghrebi thing to say though..
>ana le moins mentale
en sois, j'agis d'une manière presque normale bien que un petit peu autiste quand je suis moi et naturel ce qui est dans la vrai vie et parfois sur internet
mais agir naturellement sans trolling et playing around peut être beaucoup trop ennuyeux

I had to google words from english to french

Dzeyer w tounes ma ya7kiwch nafs el lahja
Nikkomek mabhmek

So that would be the accepted form in MSA when addressing a lady, right? I don't do dialect.

No it would be something like 'sakker fommek 3asba ma3adch t7al fomek'


Je ne voulais pas dire que tous les gens sont comme ça(malade mental) mais au moins ceux qui sont présent dans les mena threads, en tout cas je ne te connais même pas frérot!

Speak for yourself just because you are mentally ill doesn't mean everyone ITT is impaired too don't try coping with retardation by thinking everyone has an extra chromosome too

On the same page, should one greet a group of women with "Salam alaykunna" instead of the usual "alaykum"?

Khawti mtsm3ouch l twansa, hadou machi khawatna aw loughathoum khatina

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dunno desu because never heard it and they usually just simply say "salam" but that has been used on the internet

Ok, thanks. I'm done bothering you :)

Cringe thread

hey no problem
I'm glad to be of any help

Pour ceux qui sont intéressé a la culture tunisienne, (si ca existe) ca ce que je vais vous dire n'est PAS un mensonge, ils disent que tous les Tunsiens sont lies a certain personne qui s'appelle "Izem" et qu'ils sont une grande famille heureuse, et les marocains et les algeriens quand ils veulent appeler quel qu'un "stupide" ils disent "t'es un Izem!"
Sorry i did not know who you were until now i think you are one of the better posters desu

>but since you live in france, keep in mind it's not a maghrebi thing to say though..
No it's fucking not, it's a middle eastern thing picked up by the dumb diaspora born there. No one says habibi in a normal conversation here

hello fellow sandniggers... what your schedule today look like?

whitest man in europe here, AMA