How would you describe American vs Russian aeronautical engineering?

What are their most distinguishing hallmarks?

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American planes are good, Russian ones aren't.

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I find the Chinese more interesting
would be cool to see them in combat

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American use highend tech and overcomplex engineering.
Russians use "meh" tech and simple engineering.

rlly makes u tink

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American aircraft are the greatest and Russian ones sucks. That's about it.

>dying for Israel

>costs 1.5 trillion dollars and drags entire congress and pentagon in corruption and political scandals
>kills 10 times more test pilots just like american space program killed a bunch of people, look it up
>maintenance costs in billions too
>will probably have to start 20 new 9/11s and wars just to justify the program

>pick it up from some scrap metal yard after it has been sitting there for 50 years in the rain and snow and dirt
>lmao, still works

you forgot this part

still rich
still poor and a shithole

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sure, america is richer if you want to be a fag, junkie, welfare leech, worthless human scum, i agree
but what if you want to be math professor, have a nuclear career, aeronautical engineer and all these other meaningful and important careers that you cant even pursue in sweden?
i doubt that people who matter are paid significantly different, im not interested about free nigger housing and foodstamps program tho, that scum shouldnt even exist let alone be rich

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why Western Europeans love to suck off America so much? I mean have some self respect wtf

can someone translate this post into english

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realism =/= dicksucking
the US is lightyears ahead of everybody else regarding military

I know right? Literally worshiping a third world country full of obese scum.

yeah, according to holywood movies
name a single war americans won

Mirages aren't American. But yeah Russian planes are absolute garbage

Islam aeronautical engineering is the best

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Keep saying that and maybe it'll come true.

The wars the barely fought in and just acted as meme supply chain support

Revolutionary War: Won
Indian Wars: Won
War of 1812: Stalemate
Mexican War: Won
Civil War: Won
Spanish-American War: Won
WWI: Won
Korean War: Stalemate
Vietnam War: Lost (although more politically than militarily)
Gulf War: Won
Afghanistan War: Won
Iraq War: Won

you should remember

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if you knew a thing or two about aircraft, you would know migs were flown by illiterate egyptians, and that soviets sent like 10 pilots with 0 aerial kills to just be there while israel scrambled pilots with 70 kills among them to hunt them all down and force the soviets into peace talks

>bunch of local crap no one but you even cares
>killed less germans than monte fucking negro in world wars
>anyone but israel winning anything in the middle east

only wars america fought for itself were korea where you got kicked out, and vietnam where you got kicked out too
its silly mentioning world wars where you were equal to montenegro, at least montenegro joined world wars in 1914 and not 1944