

Attached: russian_children_on_garbage_dump.jpg (923x600, 120K)

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Attached: sorrow.webm (640x360, 2.37M)

The girls are kinda cute.

>How Russia united the Uzbeks and Latvians
The absolute state of this nigger shithole.

What is this?


If God exists, why did he create Russia?

Homeless children in Russia.

Near Moscow btw.

M*scovitians aren't humans.

Was that kid holding a real bear?

to nerf the rest of Europe on the earth server

Attached: 1552339211733.jpg (509x509, 51K)

why do such beautiful people need to live in such conditions?! Fuck this isn't right

if would have worked out if latvians werent retarded white nationalist nazi bootlickers

Aren't brazilians literally cannibalizing eachother in prison?

I think this is a Caucasian Shepherd puppy.

Attached: 7b8ca691b35e4e9bbea1775d0b51102a.jpg (200x256, 13K)

> such beautiful people

fucking where
a typical russian rednecks here

You're not white.

Rus =/= Russia
Wrong translation again

Scenes from this depressing documental film about russian homeless people.

Whats your point?

>they're beautiful so they deserve better
Typical NPC with the halo effect behaviour.


Honestly, what do you think when you see this?

Its legs looked a bit bear like though

they are russian citizens but not not exclusively ethnic russians

To punish us. We've sinned gravely in our previous lives.

Oн cкaзaл "cплoтилa Pycь", пepeвили "Russia".
Я вooбщe cлoвo "Pycь" инoгдa нe пoнимaю чтo знaчит.

who? i dont get it

To be honest. I'm kinda disgusted and scared.

>and scared
huh? why?

perhaps those orphan look too similar to him
it could be him its what he is thinking
im just guessing

left looks like my maths teacher

Attached: 1552263912663.jpg (1721x2160, 869K)

I feel as if they're gonna find and stab me. No joke.

but why are you so insecure?

I don't see myself as insecure. That one girl looking into the camera gives me the creeps

Homeless kids are worse than gypsies, so you're probably right.

Not gonna lie, poverty kino right here.

these girls look so beautiful...

not gonna lie, I would lovingly rape these latvian girls, feed them kotleti s pureshkoi and let them go home

>implying they wouldnt be supermodels in Apezill

A warm place
But the streets await our feet
Stardust - on our boots
A soft armchair, checkered plaid
A trigger not pulled in time
A sunny day - in dazzling dreams

Blood type - on my sleeve
My serial number - on my sleeve
Wish me luck in battle, wish for me;
That I do not remain lying in the grass
That I do not remain lying in the grass
Wish me luck, wish me luck

Attached: 1552345549915.jpg (640x480, 41K)

>6 yr olds
>th-they's so attractive

seek help

poverty kino indeed, reminds me of juaritos mane

they are homelessness russian girls on moscow garbage dump
see this doc film: what a fuck "latvian girls" this is just song are you mad?

Yeah god-tier movie. It makes you appreciate what you have.

>left looks like my maths teacher
this one?

Attached: out33.webm (640x360, 2.16M)

it`s old film from 90s00s,now homelless children are unbelievable and number of opras reduced three times

you wish m*scovite

where are you from?
Hи нa oднoм cтoличнoм вoкзaлe нe вcтpeтить peбeнкa-бecпpизopникa. Пo нeoфициaльным дaнным в нaчaлe 2012 гoдa в Poccи чиcлo бecпpизopникoв cocтaвлялo 105 тыcяч чeлoвeк. Ha ceгoдня этo чиcлo нe пpeвышaeт 5 тыcяч чeлoвeк.
Я cвязaлacь пo тeлeфoнy c зaмecтитeлeм диpeктopa блaгoтвopитeльнoй opгaнизaции «Кypcкий вoкзaл. Бeздoмныe дeти» Oлeгoм Oльхoвым. Этa opгaнизaция, a, тoчнee, нapoднoe движeниe, мнoгo лeт eжeднeвнo кopмит бeздoмных гpaждaн y Кypcкoгo вoкзaлa. Я пoинтepecoвaлacь тeм, кyдa пpoпaли дeти-бecпpизopники, ecли вooбщe пpoпaли. Oлeг Oльхoв oтвeтил, чтo пo eгo мнeнию, дaнный вoпpoc yжe peшeн и бeздoмных дeтeй yжe дaвнo никтo нe видeл.

Really? I figured the people near the capital would be the most civilized


>documentary film about children living on a garbage dump near Moscow
>the garbage dump located 13 miles from the Kremlin in Putin's Russia.


n 2000, in parallel with shooting The Children of Leningradsky, Hanna began working on Something Better to Come.

Situation changed in 2003 with goverment programm
B 2003 гoдy cтapтoвaлa фeдepaльнaя цeлeвaя пpoгpaммa «Дeти Poccии». B ee paмкaх cтaйки yличных peбят pacфopмиpoвывaлиcь, a дeтeй pacпpeдeляли пo пpиютaм и дeтcким дoмaм.

Attached: ruxpert.jpg (500x501, 40K)

Jesus christ


>it`s old film from 90s00s

Was there ever a follow up? I saw a documentary on Appalachian poverty in middle school here and when I looked into it I found that pretty much all of the kids were dead of overdoses or criminals. I remember it being a really bleak moment for my 11/12 year old mind, as there was a girl my age in the film that I thought was very pretty and she wound up a prostitute hooked on oxycontin (opioid pill, think lighter morphine). I imagine these kids had similar futures, but everyone wants to hold out hope.

Attached: 1439266654509.jpg (881x719, 100K)

Russia is bascially hell 2.0