Am I white?

Am I white?

Attached: 23andme.png (1217x929, 86K)

post a picture of your face and lets see.


3.1% white

Anglos aren't wh*te. I'm sorry, Bruce.

Who cares? Realistically, no one is going to judge you for your genotype, but your phenotype. If you pass for white, you're white. If you're Brazil white, you're not white.

But I'm 5.1% Mid East not 3.1%

average sicilian

North AFRICAN? Does that mean Berber? Anyway you're white but it's pathetic of you to care

white is an english word and english is the only anglo language so outplayed.

>half nafri
Means you're octoroon

you probably look like a french so no

Ayy lmao at the 34% Nafri. The fuck are you, Brittany Venti's brother?

3.1% white

You would pass as French

>0.0% Mongolian
Absolutely disgusting

I know I'm mostly mixed, but I guess I kinda count as white.

Attached: 23me.jpg (640x581, 83K)


How can I do this

Please post picture I'm genuinely interested

You're a semite