This is how TRUE Lithuanian men looks like

This is how TRUE Lithuanian men looks like

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He is clearly a swiss

I think he bought a bic mac at the mcdonalds I work at

Didn't know you had Celts there too.


We do

I'm sorry,Is he a refugee or a identitarian?

We're not so different after all
Except we're poorer and don't have cantons
>working at mcdonalds
What the fuck are you doing with your life

Don't know
Fun fact about Vilnius : we have steadily rising minority of blacks. We even had some minor celebrities 10 years ago who were black.

Attached: 18D46EC3-F104-459B-AD53-54290878A100.jpg (750x1334, 331K)

Studying law

Me too
Which university?


Attached: 1487867315_negr.jpg (453x604, 59K)

that's this guy right


Only bachelors I presume?

Probably not

Attached: average lithuanian.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

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Nah. 5 years. Straight to a masters degree

Attached: berneen001.jpg (367x562, 37K)

Same in Vu
Weird though, law field in courts and advocates are over represented by only vu, so I though Vdu is pretty much like Mru, they call themselves lawyers but can never get a job as one as they only have bachelors degree.

Attached: lithuania yes.jpg (745x960, 119K)

How do you rate this beer, Lithubros? In my country it costs around 2 dollars, not very cheap but I really like it.

Attached: kalnapilis.jpg (355x969, 110K)

Pretty shit/10

All Lithuanian big breweries are shit, small breweries where beer is good. Though they only do small batches of draft one, almost never bottles it.

Sorry but Lithuanian national drinks and pride lies in mead.

>Imagine never trying this

Attached: 521f27d2f57021686f9c42f218f275e2_640x640.jpg (640x640, 79K)

Attached: lithuanian qt.jpg (742x960, 63K)

I've drank many big brewerie shit beers in my life and this one ranks among the less shitty desu, at least better than Heineken, Budweiser, Corona, etc.


Attached: 1551541940751.png (3422x653, 2.36M)


Based, have tried it.

corona is pretty 'aight
Goes great with coctails

from minsk to fucking pinsk the yellow green red colors will fly bitch lmao. kiev is next GDL reunion coming 2025 and you're going whether you want to be there or not. HOHOLS AND RUTHENIAN DOGS WILL TEND THE FIELDS OF THE BALTIC BVLL LIKE THEY HAVE FOR CENTURIES BEFORE. It is the natural order of things.

You know our government owns that shit?

Who cares, Swedish companies own Lithuania, banks as well.

>Studying law
kek why is this so common, my friend did the same

Pls don't be a Telia customer. You're only feeding our government refugee money

I am though

As I said, who cares

Lithuania itself becoming more and more like Sweden, and it's a good thing

You're assist-raping this country!


Well he did say Lithuanians are Black.

Which one? Sweden or Lithuania?

Cause as you see, even from this thread, we are becoming more and more like you.


Too bad I guess
Your government are our main investors

oh l know that hall, what's the name again?

Cathedral Basilica of St Stanislaus and St Ladislaus of Vilnius

Why did you make this thread?


Ar tikrai verta masalaut mūsų orumu, broli? Nebūk toks netikėlis kaip užsieniečiai

Neissaugosim orumo bet kokiu atveju, broli. Bent jau Vilnius sparciai tampa tokiu paciu kaip bet koks vakaru miestas. Tai kodel gi ne pamasaluot kaip uzsienieciai? Mes ar taip ar taip tampame indentiski.

Attached: lithuania yes2.jpg (757x960, 93K)

Nesutikčiau, visada įmanoma kovoti jei nematai visose šiose nuotraukose moterys yra tikrai negražios, čia tas pats kas lietuvis pasiimtu sau azijietę.

Tai bet kokiu atveju beveik visur juodaodziu ir siaip kitos spalvos zmones ima pagrinde moterys, su kuriomis kazkas negerai (nimfomanes, negrazios, storos).
Toje pacioje Svedijoje realiai su normalia Svede kad pasipisti reikia buti tuo paciu Skandinavu arba blogiausiu atveju Baltu (salyginai panasus mes pagal isvaizda).

Rytu Europieciai sunkiai ten gauna, o dar sunkiau yra visu kitu spalvu zmonems. Ypac kai jie patys save segreguoja. Ka matai Jow Forums ir Jow Forums yra is tikro isimtys,o ne taisykle.

Visi cia memena Sweden yes, bet realybe yra truputi kitokia.

Attached: Lithuanian emmisaries.png (718x654, 820K)

She makes me hard. Black women are so hot...

Tai aš tą ir sakau, sakau nelygink mūsų lietuvos su tom šūdaskylėm

Me too.
My friend has Black girlfriend, she is soooo hot

Lietuvos ateitis tokia pati.

Vilnius tai puikiai parodo. Mes esame pretty much kaip bet koks kitas Vakaru Europos miestas siuo metu.

looks like his shoe are melting. how could you walk in those

It's yeezys I think

As far as I heard, they are comfy af

Where did he get her from?

She grew up here.

Not all blacks and asians are tourists/students here, some stay here ( I live in Vilnius)

Attached: vilnius suicide squad 3.jpg (1878x1252, 588K)

btw what's your recommendation to visit in lith? natural sites

>*look'em up*

Pilnas Rusų ir Lenkų? Kad vienas kitas negras atvyksta kokioj TVM pasimokyt ir durnesnių mergų pakabint tai čia visiškai nulinė problema.

Natural sites are almost non existent here. We are flatlands after all.

She wuz queenz

> Kad vienas kitas negras atvyksta kokioj TVM pasimokyt

umm so comfy

And Lithuanians ruled teh slavs

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what the fuck is that fucking hairline wtf

Strong woman one

Lithuanian nationalism on the rise

Attached: Lietuva.webm (963x720, 2.91M)

This is us rebelling against soviet union

only seen a few black people going to Lithuania a few times. I had the luxury of being taken around verious spots around the country and even taken to a packed out pub out in the middle of nowhere where I had no choice but to speak Lithuanian. Planning to go back sometime this year as I quite like the place. Old Town is pretty comfy.

t. black person

Every year there's more and more of your kin

Though it's all good, Lithuanian history is one of multiculturalism.


Kiek tu moki lietuviskai?

It's not just Vilnius sadly
In Klaipėda I see more and more ethnics especially Indians in streets and in schools
though they tend to hookup with fatties and shorter women

*sorry for any mistakes ahead* trys metai? Žinoma, nedažnai turiu galimybę su kitais paskalbėti bet darbo dragai gana dažnai man padėda. Man truksta pasitikėjimo bet šiais laikais tai bandau įveikti.

Blemba, visai neblogai. Yra klaidu, bet kas ju nedaro.
Ka dirbi? Kokiais tikslais lietuviskai ismokai?

Auditorius. Sudetingas darbas, kurį man kelia daug stresų bet mėgstu, ypatingai dėl to, kad galiu dirbti su užsienečiais.

Lietuvių kalba buvo pirma kalba, kuri mane intrigavo. Labai sunku paaiškinti bet dabar galiu pasakyti, kad kuo daugiau girdžiu lietuvių kalbos kirčius, tuo daugiau mėgstu...dėl šios kalbos, noriu mokytis kitų kalbų.

Since I actually started with Lithuanian some other people have even asked for me to learn some of their language, some have asked me how I practice, they have started to practice or even tell others and then they start using it with me sometimes.

kuris man kelia daug streso*

Still very nice, fren

ty user and ty for the corrections (using the right pronouns in that situation is still quite tricky for me). A girl in Lithuania said to me - after speaking some Lithuanian - that I can use it as a secret langauge, which was quite an interesting as well as nice way of putting it.

But I am interested in learning some history here and there now that I am actually learning. May as well make the most of it.

Why is baltic bull cleaning toilets in the paki-infested shithole?

small correction
it's mostly the polak that cleans toilets

>falling for such obvious LARP

Pretty based, desu.

I remember video where blacks sang ant kalno murai