Why are these guys incels in Brazil? They aren't ugly to me

Why are these guys incels in Brazil? They aren't ugly to me.

Brazilian women want supermodels as boyfriends?

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It's most likely their repulsive personalities.

Both are very ugly.

Pic is average Brazilian man.

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I'm khv and look better than both of them.

this tbqh

Be honest, they aren't ugly. I was expecting something repulsive like Jared Lee Loughner

>They aren't ugly to me.
You answered your own question without knowing

They're ugly as fuck, and probably you're as well.

The one on the left has a model-tier face, so that cause of the shooting definitely was bullying but not woman

Why is everyone only focusing on their looks? How are they going to attract a woman, if they are autistic and spew hateful things? No sane woman is going to give it up to someone who belittles them- that's for the bedroom

>model-tier face
>a swarty alien with a pignose
>model-tier face

How much pussy in Russia would the Brazilian incels get?

No one knows if they actually were incels. The young guy probably is, but I think the older one isn't

He is definitely not ugly for /soc/ standards

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Left one was 25 years old.

They arent ugly. They are normal. Like really normal. 5/10
The right one looks like a virgin.

Only dicks up your ass, if that counts.

Well then I have very sad news for you.

They got tons of them during the 2018's football championship.
Oh wait those werent incels

I heard Russia has 40 million more women than men.
Should we ship all our incels to Russia? Your women can save lives.

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Top left and bottom right is how I imagine brown incels, not these guys.

I dont think you wanna aggressive caprise bitches who need punches to be normal.

These guys are the worst of the worst. It's not funny making fun of them, they will probably never fuck women in their lives.

No one in that picture is incel.

Brazilian men are good at giving discipline.

Attached: Brazilian discipline.webm (408x720, 2.84M)

>No one in that picture is incel

How do you know it? You are in that pic?

Those are average Brazilian guys, they all fuck.

Average where? In Bahia? How do you know they are not incels? And I'm pretty sure most don't fuck.

Here in South Brazil they all fuck and they have beautiful white gfs.

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If they are average the school killers would not be incels

In Brazil it's not much about how you look but rather about your social standing.

You can be very ugly but you're like the guys in the pic you will get tons of pussy.

Brazil is not like Russia where quiet ugly men can get pussy, here the ugly guys have to be outgoing and successful either in crime gangs or academically.

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It's because women live longer retarded monkey, before 30 there are more men than women

>In Brazil it's not much about how you look


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>It's most likely their repulsive personalities
Back to inceltears soycuck

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cuz they think that world owes them something, and once some girl will knock on their door and say "Fuck me please", so they don't think about any efforts. Girls are like work, you won't get it unless you find it by yourself.

Only one in a million Brazilian guys look like that and he would be average in USA or Europe, so what's your point? in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

>average in Europe

No. Too good looking.

Why do the second didn't take the weapon? He tried to kill the whole crowd with some kind of pissing knives.

What weapon? They only had one revolver.

Gun control is effective at one thing: it keeps incels from getting guns since their social skills are so bad they don't know any bro that could get them a gun from the black market.

Oh sure, Brazilian women aren't demanding, sure user.

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Go to Russia and stop whining like an incel bitch. In Russia Brazilian men are kings.

Most mass shootings happened in gun-free zones lel

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It refers to gun-free school zones. For a suicidal incel it makes no difference, he can acquire the weapon anywhere and simply walk into a gun-free zone and BOOM BOOM.

In Brazil you can't get a weapon anywhere without a license, but with connections you can get a weapon anywhere. We're a Chad nation and proud of it, only Chads gets weapons.

>They aren't ugly to me.
Women and gays are not attracted to the same kind of men