Germany we might need some more land could you give us Berlin?

Germany we might need some more land could you give us Berlin?

Attached: 1549483543248.png (600x490, 198K)

Other urls found in this thread:,s,historia.html

Can you take all of it.


Attached: Ja Ja Ja.jpg (800x1263, 612K)

>he wants Berlin
Why do you hate yourself so, Poland?
You're still a young nation with so much ahead of you. Don't do that to yourself.

I mean it was our to begin with so you can just return it back

>young nation

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West Slavs aren't automatically Poles just like West Germanics aren't automatically Germans.

Why not retake your true lands from West Ukraine like Lwów

Do you want it wrapped as a gift or just like that is OK?

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No refunds tho once its our we never give it back like Silesia and Gdańsk

Good thread

They would have been polonized if you hadn't interfered.

>could you give us Berlin?
are you insane?

West Germanics are automatically Celtic niggers

would have been ebin if they'd given the rest of denmark to germany to make up for prussia being used to resurrect the non-existent medieval state of poland

Berlin's economy is as big as half of Poland's.

my little state's economy is twice as big as poland's

I wish I were American so badly now

Germany would be richer without Berlin.

And its use of funds is bigger than its own economy reducing the German GDP by 0.2%. Now calculate the cost for the Polish economy if you substract 0.2% of the German GDP if it annexed Berlin.

you have mastered the art of sarcasm, well done, you could make it in the Anglosphere!

So are the people


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I mean it would be way cheaper for us since every nigger/arab would just flee back to Germany

Let's make a deal then - we take the city but you keep paying for it

>And its use of funds is bigger than its own economy reducing the German GDP by 0.2%.
You need to learn to read you imbecile.
Without it the BIP per capita woiuld be 0,2% higher. it doesn't "reduce the GDP" thats not how GDP works.

Berlin is a shithole but goddamn are you stupid.

You realize that Berlin is ruled by unironic Communists right? Not even liberalsm social democrats or even former members of the commie party back then but pure and unapologetic present-day communists, right?

Fuck off, it's ours. We bought it.

I've met a pole in my state before, and he was comparable to andre the giant in the breadth of face, waistline, and height

Iron Age rapefugees. Originally this land belonged to Balto-Slavic Cordeds.

Attached: west balt.jpg (187x270, 5K)

Those werent Poles they were just Slavs. And not all of the the tribes in Poland were originally slavs:

>Among the peoples that inhabited various parts of Poland up to the Iron Age stage of development were Scythian, Celtic, Germanic, and Baltic tribes. In the Early Middle Ages, the area came to be dominated by Slavic tribes and finally became home to a number of West Slavic Polish tribes that formed small states in the region beginning in the 8th century.

Also, the city is like 15% Turks now, looks like shit and is filled with Hippies.

H*mans are rapefugees from Africa, Poland should be returned to the animals.

>trying to argue facts against a pole
The pole only reacts to feels. Reality is a hostile anti-polish construct to them.

>Could we have Berlin?
Sure but dont think we will take it back again

in that vein I demand reparations for something that probably happened to those early hominids

I have a better idea.

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Kinda surprised at Austria, I thought Vienna had more impact.


North/northwest has almost no Celtic ancestry/cultural input.

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khokhols aren't a thing

No irignally they belokged to celts, then germanics, then slavo-balts. If anything, berlin is Irish


Coping mechanism of a turd.

GAC farmers -> CWC -> Bell Beakers -> Iron Age Germanics -> Iranics -> Slavs.

this planet belongs to the dinosaurs really

Balto-Slavic languages are more closely related to Iranian than Germanic languages

Whatever industry they have is elsewhere and even for tourism it's behind Salzburg and Tyrol.

The Celtic core is Southern Germany, CZR and Austria. Ireland was one of the last places they ended up.

I wonder why we haven't yet split ukraine in half with russians

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a certain deluge perhaps?


Celts are the most powerful mazafakas in Europe though.

Yes you are

So are the British

calm it putinbot

>more than a thousand years old
>Yes you are

annexing any part of germany will instantly make people living there the ruling class of your country due to our superior IQ

>France is ruled by the Alsatians
>Belgium is ruled by the Malmedians
>Italy is ruled by the Tiroli
The Germans, insectoid and obedient by design, will assimilate once ordered to.

Older than you Russia. If we are talking about when a nation called Russia or Poland existed, then Poland is older. If we are talking about an independent Russian or Polish state, then Poland is older. Thank you Soviets for trying to make the Warsaw pact not look like a bunch of vassal states.

You score lower than us though.

Keep seething, swamp german

In your wildest dreams

Attached: iq-europe.jpg (1300x1300, 386K)

We have enough German cities. Poland is mostly indistinguishable from Germany nowadays.

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>jakub marian

this was before niggers and muslims invaded you yes?


Not even close.

Even our niggers are smarter than you.

Attached: chartoftheday_7104_pisa_top_rated_countries_regions_2016_n.jpg (960x1204, 468K)

>only way eastern Euros can feel superior to western Euros is by talking about immigrants
every time

>only 23 points apart literally almost no difference
Cope harder

lol what a fake shit everybody knows they dont have schools in china you dumb fuck

Attached: IQ.png (1154x848, 193K)

>we score higher than you
>literally scores lower in every possible educational and intelligence metric

see Massive difference. But with an actual study.

>Germany 109.3
>Poland 108.3

Send Krakow or Kattowitz into the running next time, maybe you have a chance then.

>Send Krakow or Kattowitz into the running next time
What's that suppose to mean? Germans have nothing to do with any of those places.

Holy shit this thread turned into autistic incel debate really fast im out

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Actually germans literally created Kattowitz, but I give it to you that Krakow is a little marvel you build all for yourself. Probably the only genuine example of polish civilization.

its always polish poosters being beyond autistic

expect you dumb turk was the one who started it

>Hamburg vs. Warsaw
Even I have to admit thats bullshit.
Let them run against Berlin for a fair comparison. Subhumans against Subhumans.

You literally created nothing.

You are the one posting under German flag though.

SHIT, BLOOD FROM ANUS AND PISS. That's the German flag right there.

>Po 1865 r. zzybko rosła liczba ludności (szczególnie pozarolniczej) i coraz więcej mieszkańców pragnęło przekształcenia wsi w miasto.
>Dążenia ich zostały zrealizowane w połowie lat 60. XIX w.: 11 września 1865 podpisano dokument nadający Katowicom prawa miejskie.,s,historia.html

Sorry but it was literally just a irrelevant village when we got there.

> Kattowitz proper voted 22,774 to remain in Germany and 3,900 for Poland

Gib back Germany to bell breakers plox

you have quite a bright imagination