*does nothing, day 716*

*does nothing, day 716*

Attached: house of commons.jpg (768x432, 92K)

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>refuses deals
>refuses no deal

wtf are they trying to do?

this is why you need executive powers other than calling for more delays, they can literally do this for eternity unless eu is forced to kick them out

They are deluded

It's like a little kid throwing a tantrum

we are taking notes of facts

Exactly at what point UK stopped being a competent country and started to act like a failed state?
I really hope the EU will take punitive actions against them.

when they pushed to enter in the eu

So what's their problem?
The EU was quite clear that this is the deal they were going to get. Renegotiations won't do much unless the UK makes concessions to the EU. And I bet any of these concessions won't be approved by the parliament or the common people.

Suez 1956
They're trying to delay the matter as long as they can.

Every man and women are doing different things and voting everyone elses thing down.

>they can literally do this for eternity unless eu is forced to kick them out
It's the other way around. They can only do this as long as EU grants extension(s).

They started something that they don't know how to handle. So they try to postpone the problem as much as they can, meanwhile doing nothing to face the consequences of this shit they have started.

Wasn't it the point of having a referandum, so it would be decided instead of having a never ending shitfest?

Seriously, even I could have told them months ago that they weren't in any position to renegotiate shit. At this point its leave with nothing, leave with the cucked deal or come back begging and get made an example of.

British populace doesnt get educated on EU law and Organisation in school, only speak english and also unwilling to read foreign Media and suffer from empire withdrawal.
They thought they were more important and powerfull than they are. I respect their dedication to actually doing what their people voted on though.

Attached: tusk.png (507x178, 15K)

is this really wise to make a referendum to decide the faith of a country based on technical economic levers asking this to people who just want to get rid of migrants ?

>A third tries to just get brexit done, even if it's a no deal (strong brexiteers).
>Another third tries to extend the exit date to construct a deal (May, her supporters, Corbyn and leave-friendly labour MPs).
>Another third tries to extend the exit date to get a second referendum going (pretty much all strong remainers).
>A third in favour means two thirds against it, which means nothing has a majority.
>Nobody is willing to tuck their dicks or pussies in and make a compromise.
British politics are literally gridlocked.

That's on May's part. She clearly gave away any control she might have had to the European Union, and also refused to communicate with the House until like last December and even then she tried to keep control away from parliament because she knew she fucked up bad. Now, Corbyn doing nothing but shit on her without providing a possible solution himself, as well as both brexiteers and remainers gridlocking the parliament isn't too helpful either.

Please just kick us out on the 29th Hans.

It is for Brits to decide if it is wise or unwise. The thing that bothers is the fact they held a referandum on something that they don't have enough balls to implement. If there would be a discussion on the details, those details should also be included in the referandum. This is probably one of the most amateurish things that ever done in the history of politics.

I honestly think this would be the healthiest option, but I'm a retarded burger so what do I know.

of course, but i still believe referendum should be made on lesser important decisions that would not affect anything, it's like asking to paint your house in whatever colour and you're up to decide what is your preference, but asking about brexit is just suicidal and a proof english politicians didn't want to take their responsabilities

> referendums on foreign policy are not illegal in their countries

I heard all 27 post-Brexit member states would have to agree on any extension. Now Merkel has no balls (figuratively speaking) so she would vote for it, but there are political leaders that would vote against such thing. In short: We will try, John.

The healthiest option would be for UK to revoke A50 and for everyone to forget about this circus, but that's not realistic.

who cares about bong politics seriously stop wasting your time you stupid morons

I think that would ignite an absolute implosion of government, if not a civil war at this point

Seems to me as Corbyn and his friends want the Country to suffer badly under Torries now so they can Grab Power. Ruthless, even if He just doesnt want to lose face by backing away. Even that would be about winning next election.

They risk losing NI or even Scottland with this, all of them

>brexit deal
>*votes against*
>brexit not deal
>*votes against*

Attached: what26.jpg (372x260, 21K)

That's true as well. The optimist inside me thinks this is simply because Corbyn just wants the voice of the people to be heard but the fact that he refuses to side with remain like the vast majority of Labour leaves little room for the hope.

Brexit is the most entertaining political shitshow right now. Better than Trump.

Greece did the same thing about the debt plan. Except in the Greek case, it made sense. The government knew that both options were bad and told the people to decide for one of both. in the UK, Cameron wanted to test the public's confidence and created a massive shitstorm that Brits don't know how to handle. The funniest part indeed is that it's mostly inland rednecks who understood the referendum as "vote to endorse London and Brussels yuppies or tell them to bugger off".

one side is a gamble and the other is cuckoldry

whats wrong with euros?

>literally the funniest political happening of the century
>who cares
so estrogenous yikes

>calling it funny
>not estrogenous

your argument makes sense, but i still believe on important decisions politicians are here for that, otherwise what's the purpose to elect anyone to represent you if it's not when they have to decide what is the better path, they are supposed to be smarter.

Forcing the british people into voting in endless referendums until they get the "right" results and when that happens the matter is dropped and never discussed again

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People want to leave, MPs dont. MPs are trying to come off as pro-democracy while rejecting the referendum.

the fuck is an inland redneck?

This is why parliamentary systems are shit. The same thing happened with France right after WW2: decolonization was a mess because there were constant deadlocks between the conservatives (really wanted to keep the colonies) and socialists (really didn't). This is why they moved on to the 5th Republic with its strong presidential powers, to avoid these deadlocks that result in everyone sitting around and doing FUCKING NOTHING while precious time is wasted.

They appear to be under the delusion that they're in a position to enforce their demands on others. The only way to not violate the unconditional rejection of a no-deal Brexit is to not leave the EU at all. If the EU's leaders have any sense, they'll reject all extensions to force the UK to stay by virtue of the amendments they themselves voted for.

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i say no choice about not having no deal considering the eu whants to punish the uk for daring question them

is it time for a second republic?

>The eu wants to punish the uk
Keep reading those yellow papers, Nigel. Meanwhile on planet reality the eu has been nothing but lenient.

Maybe, maybe not. What I'm saying is that parliamentary systems suck. In part because of being unable to overcome parliamentary deadlocks, in part of having no real separation of powers. They can still keep "muh queen" if they just agree to directly elect the PM or something.

lenient for what ahmed?


Of course, modern democracies are representative democracies, the only direct democracy is Switzerland.
The problem with democracy in practice is that the average voter doesn't act logically but emotionally. Brexiters voted first and foremost out of spite - like many Bush/Trump voters in the USA or Lega Nordtards in Italy. They were angry at the London elite that tell them to work harder, retire later and welcome Hassan and Mwekombe into their neighbourhood. All while publicly mocking their lifestyle, as the average redneck's ambitions don't go further than having a pint after work and watching their team on weekends - and that makes them the butt of every joke on London-controlled TV. To them, the Brussels elite is the same shit but worse because they speak with weird accents. Summing up, they voted with their emotions, to get back at the yuppies.

your doing fucking doublethink

Lmao if the EU wanted to punish you it would've kicked you out with no deal day one

Up until now, every agreement May has proposed has found some agreement in the EU. Now consider how difficult that is when EVERY SINGLE MEMBER STATE has to agree to such a deal. Even Spain managed to get over their Gibraltar issues. Negotiations only broke down because your own parliament rejected TWO deals.

But let me guess, the fact that the eu isn't willing to violate WTO rules means they're out to "punish" the eu, right? Or did you come up with some other hare-brained way the eu is "punishing" anyone?

ok retard

then why offer those fucked deals?

it's 12D chess, but extremely close to the deadline
>remainers interpret the choice as may's deal or no deal
>no-dealers interpret the choice as may's deal or nothing happens (staying in EU)
thus they're gonna end up voting for May's deal, probably with like 2 days left before the deadline

two fucked deals dummy they were negotiating in bad faith

you have a really ugly undeserved attitude of superiority to people you've never met

youeir coping fag

Because it's not punishing you, and those deals are the best you're gonna get

you can forgive him some light grammar mistakes, hotly arguing gets the human mind muddled and flustered!

>they were negotiating in bad faith
Of course they were. That's because they were totally controlling both sides of the negotiations, right?

ok retard

That only makes things worse. Imagine getting so angry over a trade agreement.

At every step of the negotiations the EU has acted in good faith in trying to find a working comprise among its own member states and the UK. The current gridlock is caused by internal party politics of the UK but well your government has made a sport out of blaming the EU for things that aren't even part of its competences or control so this is not surprising.

>best you're gonna get
>not punishing

Parliament just voted against a 2nd referendum.

euro fanatics get

>>don't want the current deal
>>don't want no deal
>>don't want to vote again

if there was ever an argument against democracy.

Why would the EU offer you an incredibly advantageous, one-sided deal? Unless you think everyone at the EU Commission is just stupid

Those 'fucked' deals provide solutions to the red lines of your own government with some of those solutions, like the backstop, actually made up of your own government.

bullshit hans

>Why won't you hand us everything on a silber plate
You wanted to be your own country and make your own deals. This is what it looks like, countries do not, in fact, want to hand you everything you want just because you want it. Thats what "negotiating" means.

Yeah, this was clear two years ago and anyone with sense saw it being resolved at the 11th hour by brinkmanship

forget this post

Reminder that Brexit can only go as smoothly as possible if the obstructionist parliament was dissolved. The time is now or never lads.

Whenever people say "the UK must apologize for the Birtish Empire" I disagree with them.

Watching the Brexit is far more satisfying.

Attached: Laughing Cao Cao.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

if you wanted us not to leave but were not trying to punish us then why offer deals that fuck us over

You are free, at any moment, to criticize what part of the withdrawal agreement you don't like what sort of compromise you'd prefer to prevent a violation of your own government's red lines.

>a second referendum is undemocratic
>continuosly asking MPs to change their minds isn't
This I don't get

but if they choose mays' deal they will have lost the confidence of their constituency meaning their careers are fucking dead. politicians think of the needs of themselves before the needs of the state so fuck all is going to happen

absolute emotional

>dissolving parliament because they're bullying you too much

Can you point out what part of the deal 'fucks you over'?

Because "not giving you everything you want with nothing in return" is not "punishing you".

Your problem is mostly you got nothing to offer us. Anything we'd want from you, you decided you're definitely against giving.

>>why won't you give us everything we want?

dude it's a negotiation. your interests of getting a 'good deal' are directly against the opposing sides idea of a 'good deal'

>You are free, at any moment, to criticize what part of the withdrawal agreement you don't like
>what sort of compromise you'd prefer to prevent a violation of your own government's red lines
what did he mean by this

They're intentionally being dishonest, they know it's hypocritical but it benefits them so they pretend it isn't

not googling that shit for you mate

>they will have lost the confidence of their constituency meaning their careers are fucking dead
most of them are far beyond this point

What does the bottom of an MP's boots taste like?

Cameron was the smartest and just fucked off, he now has a comfy job as a consultant iirc

i meant what stops you from letting the UK back in the way it was if you wanted us to not leave so bad and were negotiating in good faith

no, they aren't. the hard brexiteers will continue to shill for no deal, the remainers will continue to shill for a 2nd referendum and the moderates will continue to try to appease both whilst actually appeasing neither

That's called cancelling Brexit and I imagine the EU would be ok with that

i fucked up i meant deals to let us back in the eu

>Being this much of a retard with no arguments at all.
Knowing an extra language is really an indicator of a greater intelligence. Anglos in this site are absolute retard normies.

are you serious? the problem is that if you aren't part of the union you don't get the same benefits as the members. the members have benefits and drawbacks. you can't demand all the good parts of the union and expect none of the drawbacks. that's a ridiculous demand.

So you can't even express a single aspect of the withdrawal agreement that supposedly 'fucks you over' but you are so sure that it does? If this certainty doesn't come from the content of the withdrawal agreement then can you explain to me the origin of this sentiment? It seems to me that you are just repeating talking points or just expressing some unfounded emotional sentiment.

>i meant what stops you from letting the UK back in the way it was
After the ECJ cucked out, quite literally nothing is stopping you besides your own parliament. You can always revoke article 50.

I voted leave lol

The EU shouldn't grant them an extension. Let hell burn for the UK for making the wrong choice.
Or alternatively, make it the extension short term, for maximum economic uncertainty so more companies leave the UK, eventually convincing themselves how wrong they were.

Like the doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty you anti-British brainlet

Good man. Doing your part to rid us of the anglo menace.