Noooo! You can't just shoot up and a mosque and kill 50 innocent people!

>noooo! You can't just shoot up and a mosque and kill 50 innocent people!

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Every thread deserves at least one reply

>weekly terror attack in europe by muslims
yea rip i guess :/ *yawn*
>muslims killed in terror attack
NOOOOOOOOO! This is the next 9/11! How could this happen... Im literally shaking right now... fucking white males!

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Checked and correct

That are the liberals all over newspaper comment sections atm.

You see this is the thing about wh*toids. They are subhumans. They are the most ape like of all races. They cannot stand the spoken word as they were designed to communicate through hoots and kicks. When they encounter an intellectual BLACK man they cannot take it. They are overcome by urge to fight but the BLACK man is too powerful for them. So they turn to the machines they stole from the Asians and BLACKS. Their monkey brains have no other way to react. That or they are forced to abandon nature and become sissies who no self respecting BLACK man will love. Such is the fate of the wh*toid.


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soyjak threads are a fucking disease
shut up you colossal fucking retards

You know it looks almost identical to some of the Wojak threads I've seen in the last few weeks

too many soi wojak

>dude you can't just shoot women in the head just for being muslim!

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Slett alle soyjak-bildene dere har lagret, lukk 4channel, skru av PCene deres og gå ut og gjör noe fornuftig med livene deres.

Good English.

funniest things today
1) the attack stream
2) the manifesto
3) the people clutching their pearls and tearing their hair out on Jow Forums over it

You cant prove him wrong

>Good English.

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i can : mass shooting any kind of group brings shame on your entire family for generations, pretty ironic when it's usually made in hope for a better future in which your family isn't invited.

It's the newfag way of trying to fit in. Give it 30 days and it will pass too

>travels to another country to murder civilians
>I-I’m not the invader I s-swear!

He identifies as an Australian attack helicopter, don't be a bigot