Do Russian cops really do this?

Do Russian cops really do this?

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me at the desk

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Я нe знaю!

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Imagine how powerful their thighs must be

Imagine how their braps smell like

Imagine the smelle

they look like they fuck Azeris


i hate russia and i always will

fuck you !!!!!

Je veux que leurs puissantes cuisses me servent de coussin de cou jusqu'à la fin de mes jours.

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please post more hot russian cops thank

Turks actually. Most Russian girls take trips to Turkey to have sex with Turkish men, it's a rite of passage for every Russian girl.

Tu viens de me donner une superbe idée de business qui ne nécessite que du chloroforme et une scie

The incel fetish.

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really? how old are they when they visit?

Women are so fucking useless

donkey raises are good for your calf muscles

True. Usually women in their 30s.

20-30. Some Russian women actually take their teenager daughter to lose their virginity there.

My favourite kind of female outfit is the sort that's technically masculine and professional, because it has no excessive skin showing and involves a shirt, boots, pants, belts and so on, yet is still clearly and overwhelmingly tailored to show off their magnificent taut physique

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oh yeah, they reaaaaally look like that
it isn't propaganda!!! it's real!
Israel's famle soldiers are sexy too and everyone of them want to fuck you

It's like whenever I see a female security guard, their femininity really shines. Really wish an overly aggressive one would inisist on restraining me.

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