Do parents get over their children death fast ?

do parents get over their children death fast ?

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i think they literally never do

if you need to ask this I am sure your mom will be glad deep down and your dad is nowhere in the equation

no, my uncle has never been the same since my cousin died, and it's been more than 10 years

What a retarded question. Not all parents are the same, and not all children are worth feeling sad for.

this, seen a dad literally ripped a chunk of the skin off his face after his son death is declared in the ICU.
i expect he'll be in a mental hospital

I had a teacher who cried on the middle of class when she started talking about her dead son She said I reminded of him because I was listening trash metal with some friends. It must be hard to forget a dead son/daughter unlike an ex-girlfriens.

in your case i think they'll go to a party the day you're buried

depends on how many they have and how young the kid was

my grandma lost her first born when it was a few months old, she had 4 more kids after that and got over it

What the hell eesti ?

Yeah, pretty quick. Like 2 weeks or so. Maybe faster if the son in question is a little shit like you.

If he is 20 yo, a NEET and they have 2 childrens what happen

just a bit of bants ffs. i legit thought you're only asking because you wanna sudoku or something

He is asking for sudoku. There is literally no other reason to ask.
They'll get over it. Don't let such stupid concerns stop you from doing what you want. It's your life not theirs.


You're father is quietly relieved and your mother has a mental breakdown

They'll most likely won't and they will grieve and blame themselves forever, my granny had to take depression meds when her husband died

What does your other sibling work as? Is he/she more successful than you?

He is a total looser like me

But not depressed

Surely they won't mind missing one of three right? You can always just jump off the ride.

what a drama queen

>have a sister so I don't have to worry about getting 'where are your kids' questions in the future

Least successful of the four, roomed filled with piss bottles, no friends, no prospects.
Surely it'd be a relief, right? They won't have to worry about me becoming a homeless drug addict without them or anything.

Post pics of piss bottles.

I'd rather not, they're just bottles of piss


Aw c'mon, don't be gay

kid was in a highway accident, so considering his father let his underaged child drive i kinda assume that his dad spoiled him and make it kinda deserved

requesting pics of incel reactors immediately

People I know IRL browse this board so I'm a bit apprehensive to share these, but I guess I don't have any face to save so why not.
They're not that impressive.
Left is piss in a beer mug from a few weeks ago, lipton bottle has two pisses in it from a few days ago (when I opened it for the second one the smell of ice tea and piss wafted out, was a bit amusing), right is another piss glass from a month or more. You can see it's started evaporating a bit.
I toss the piss out the window or in the toilet most of the time, but sometimes I just neglect it and they stay there for a few months. I cover them with books or pieces of cardboard or paper around the room to prevent it from stinking up (though i'm not sure how effective it is).
I have another piss bottle from at least 5 years ago saved up as well, but you can barely see into it.

Attached: piss bottles.jpg (2048x2048, 295K)

i don't understand why don't you go to the bathroom

why do you KEEP the piss?

But why? I've been peeing in the bathroom sink for years now, but this is something else

Thirdies will never understand. Time is money, even for neets. Especially for neets. You can save tens of seconds a day pissing in bottles.

i have my door barricaded so no one can get in with ease, but it also means i can't get out easily, so when i wake up at night needing to pee I usually have a glass or bottle for convenience.
sometimes someone else is in the bathroom and i can't wait any longer, so i use a bottle or glass.
i dont particularly WANT to keep them, i just forget to get rid of it
and once you start you just lose any hesitancy to do it again in the future

why do you barricade yourself though? Surely you have to come out to at least eat

At least you aren't a manlet

this is not reality. is it?

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Explain why you barricade yourself are you living in a shared flat ?

My grandmother hasn't gotten over my mom who died 16 years ago still. From personal experience, no