There are anti-immigrant riots in my town happening right now

There are anti-immigrant riots in my town happening right now.

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (800x450, 40K)

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Wish that would happen here.

who would immigrate to russia?

Riots or protests?

Is that your thread as well?

>invade Caucasian Muslims
>be surprised Muslims don't like you
>when they're 10-20% of your population

I would have made a more serious response to any other thread with any other flag, but Russia deserves it.


So if i go to Russia will i always be in risk of getting beat up by some racists?
I want to go there to teach spanish.

Protests to be exact
No, he is my citymate
Central Asian Muslims

also this

Caucasians are not 10-20% of our population. Americans are really the lowest IQ posters over here.


Will Moscow finally be white again?

I said Muslims. And right now your Muslim rate is 7%, no doubt it will be 10% soon because ethnic Russian birthrate is -100000

Attached: 1960s retrofuturism car on highway.jpg (966x768, 349K)

That's not what he said

>escape from a poor opressed country ruled by a dictatorship

>go to other poor opressed country ruled by a dictatorship

>Central Asian Muslims
Do Central Asians from CA (and not Afghanistan etc) even take their religion seriously? Especially Kazakhs or Kyrgyz?

Kazakhs no, Kyrgyz are very serious in terms of religion

I don't think they'd care about hispanics

Thought Kyrgyz were pretty secular too desu with Akayev (?) receiving somewhat support for financing pagan movements, maybe got that wrong.

Living in Yakutia is like living in 80s South Africa.
- Yakuts are farmers, rednecks, extremely nationalistic and reign the republic (like boers). You can't make nice career in Yakutia without knowing Yakut language. Yakut culture and religion are very spread
- Russians usually employed in industry and they are less involved in politics (anglos). They accept everything that local government says. Yakuts and Russians are nice to each other
- everybody hates caucasians and central asians (niggers). they live in their ghettos but they are good cheap workers.

lol Anglo-South Africans were never subservient to Afrikaaner filth, and still aren't to this day

Demographics don't work out in that analogy. Russians and Yakuts together comprise a large majority of the population of Yakutia

Weren't/Aren't Central Asian T*rkics at least somewhat related to the Yakuts?

they literally kidnap women for forced marriage

Jannies deleted my thread!

t. op of the first thread about anti migrant rally

Fuck jannies why are they so evil

Not wanna do the usual #nottrueislam-thing, but has that to do with religion in any way? Thought that it was rather a common ethnic practice among T*rkics and Dungans (Chinks) there.

>Russian birthrate is -100000

Not wanna do the usual #nottrueislam-thing but i would also like to point the fact that christian georgians, abkhazians and ossetians do the same thing

why aren't you out there together with them you cuck

Why was the previous thread deleted?

can you provide other sources ?

do people even immigrate to russia?

Janny is on the payroll. That's why.


anti-muslim, I bet.

Euroids get out, Yakutia is for Yakuts