The last time we did anything was the fucking 13th century, during the """"golden age""""...

The last time we did anything was the fucking 13th century, during the """"golden age"""", in which we still didn't manage to push hard enough to conquer our immediate neighbours.
Name me one worse fate than being a historylet.
Literally one.
I'll wait.

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Norway.svg (1).png (2000x1455, 4K)

Create some history then and stop sitting on your ass.

>stop sitting on your ass
You first.

Answer the question in the OP.

Attached: breivik - jailed2.jpg (1024x578, 50K)

being a historylet and a shithole?


imagine norway without finding oil, and staying as poor as it has been through almost all of history

but now your country is pretty fucking sweet, you guys handled that oil money better than any other country in the world. I'd love to move there.

Being a Belgian.

på tide å henge seg

Haha alright calm down there Breivik

You could be south american

First world problems lmao, you should be thankful you're not a third world shithole; (flag is not where I'm from)

Breivik shoots only White people, what a loser

Stay where you are you proto-American.

>but dude Norway had such a big fishing fleet
>we would be rich anyway selling fucking cod

Attached: 1517931015484.jpg (387x437, 41K)

>The last time we did anything was the fucking 13th century

Attached: 1546871552890.jpg (485x338, 31K)

I'm a software dev, I'll invade your country if I really feel like it your companies love to sponsor us

please stop
i'm not talking about the vikings, i'm talking about the high middle ages, but thanks

This, the oil made us rich. Feels good

at least you didn't lose half of your historical lands

I mean you guys deserve credit for it. the uk found the same amount of oil and went crazy pumping it as fast as they could. then all the money went into private hands and poof now they're fucked again. but you guys actually made your country a great place and took it easy. if it wasn't for the really short days during in winter I'd move there in a second.

no they lost more, greenland, iceland, fareo isles

we did though
t. jämtland+bohuslän+härjedalen
those three were Norwegian from rikssamlingen 872 AD until 1645. i'd consider that historic norwegian lands the same way skåne is historically danish

that too, but those aren't really "historical lands" in the way he's referring to.
the island kingdom was annexed/conquered/established by Norway after the viking age, it wasn't organic and already in place in 872 AD.

norwegians are explorers not conquerors

pell deg hjem til litauen eller hva slags dritthol du kravla ut av

norwegian girl broke my heart ruined my life

if a breakup ruined your life you probably put too much of yourself into your relationship and not enough into making your life good

which ironically probably contributed to why she left you since somebody with a cool life is attractive and somebody who makes their relationship their life is needy and unattractive

maybe she broke his dick then left him, you stupid chink

It worked in the 1930s

Attached: GNP-GDP.png (1360x769, 347K)

>fishing fleet
We also had a huge merchant fleet and at one point in history it was literally the biggest merchant fleet in the world

>Name me one worse fate than being a historylet.
Being a turd world country.
Being a naturelet (living in very densely populated cities with no real forests, national parks etc.)
Being brown

>Name me one worse fate than being a historylet.
>Literally one.
Being a poor historylet would be one worse fate.

Maybe not 1930, but I have a friend who lives in Norway since 1980, one time when I talked with him, he said that literally, everyone there knows English fluently. Back in 1980, this fact was strange for me. Here in Poland in 1980 barely who knew English.

do they really? A-asking for a friend