Is there a more powerful people than the berbers?

Is there a more powerful people than the berbers?
They conquered and colonized all of portugal, andalusia, sicily, central italy, all of the med islands and med sea, balkans etc..

If I were not an Iberian I would be a berber conquering and pirating defenseless med southrons.

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I hate berbers but I hate white people even more

Aren't a thread enough that you need to make 2 or 3 at the same time?
See how mentally ill you are?

why do you hate yourself?

what does this map represent?

Islamic battles, occupation and conquests.

Made up bullshit by some murifatt redneck trying to make christcucks look like the víctims

Christian wars vs muslim wars
People tend to forget that there was a crusade happening in Spain and the Baltic and they only focus on Jerusalem and shit

How muslims have been attacking europe for centuries. Why do muslims act like the victims again?

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>christcuck victims
No, I'm trying to display the colonization of the MED by the BERBER BVLL

They need whole army, we only needed one Philippe Servaty

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berbers only became powerful after arabs gave them warrior blood by raping them, arabs are the true conquerors of earth, we BTFO'd iberia, south france, south and middle italy, and TVRK BVLLS with help of arabs conquered balkans and austria and caucasus and crimea and ukraine, and we raid ireland too, our rapebabys (spanish) raped south and central america too meaning we are owners of all the world.


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Then why were you ruled by Persianized Turkic dynasties aka Ottomans?

Yeah attacking some towns and villages in the islands is totally colonizing. Meanwhile the Pisans, Norman Sicilians and Genoans made North Africa their playground during the Late Middle Ages and the Genoans and Spanish continued to humiliate them during the modern era


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ottomans used arabic alphabet, not to mention that arabic caliphates laid the foundations of the ottoman caliphate, NEXT.


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> Is there a more powerful people than the berbers?
Yes, spaniard,frenchs,americans,turks,anglos,portugees,etc.

ottomans were based on persian culture and arabic caligraphy they used was nastaliq which was of iranian identity also most of royalties had part persian or kurdish descent because they formed empire coming from iran not arabia. and ottoman language was formed after persian and persian pronounciation of arab words.

Yes the french/Normans

>ottomans used arabic alphabet
>not to mention that arabic caliphates laid the foundations of the ottoman caliphate
The turks didn't even use the term caliphate in their government documents and coins until the 18th century
Why are a*abs so obsessed with claiming everything as their own especially towards Turks


I’m not defending Islam but this map is bullshit propaganda

So Berbers did not conquer and colonize the med?

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they never colonized central Italy, not even parts of it
they just colonized some part of southern italy for a few times and sicily for something like one century

i do not think they colonized parts of balkans either

But what berber empire is this? based on the map date its either Umayad or Abbasid empire and they're both Arab

>Yeah attacking some towns and villages in the islands is totally colonizing.

Piracy by Muslim populations had been known in the Mediterranean since at least the 9th century and the short-lived Emirate of Crete. Provence was plagued by Saracen slave raids in the Carolingian era; in 869, archbishop Rotlandus of Arles was captured, and died before he could be released after the payment of a ransom in weapons, treasure and slaves.

In 1198 the problem of Berber piracy and slave-taking was so great that a religious order, the Trinitarians, were founded to collect ransoms and even to exchange themselves as ransom for those captured and pressed into slavery in North Africa. In the 14th century Tunisian corsairs became enough of a threat to provoke a Franco-Genoese attack on Mahdia in 1390, also known as the "Barbary Crusade". Morisco exiles of the Reconquista and Maghreb pirates added to the numbers, but it was not until the expansion of the Ottoman Empire and the arrival of the privateer and admiral Kemal Reis in 1487 that the Barbary corsairs became a true menace to shipping from European Christian nations.[7]

why do retarded southroon arab rape babies lived in the med?
is it mental retardation or a darwin award?

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the berber armies were the colonizers of al-andalus

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Since no official records were ever kept but the authorities of Ottoman or pre Ottoman sources, observations across the late 1500s and early 1600s observers, estimate that around 35,000 European slaves were held throughout this period on the Barbary Coast, across Tripoli, Tunis, but mostly in Algiers. The majority were sailors (particularly those who were English), taken with their ships, but others were fishermen and coastal villagers. However, most of these captives were people from lands close to Africa, particularly Italy.[7]

They colonized by not exporting their language and culture?
Berbers got shafted by arabs

>They colonized by not exporting their language and culture?
portuguese colonized while speaking latin.
Berbers colonized with arabic and you are berber.

What it counts as jihad and crusade battles is bullshit

Sure bro,whatever makes your beaner ass happy

I am no beaner, Moroccan man.

Oh yes you are my friend

>What it counts as jihad and crusade battles is bullshit
Organized military campaigns across religious lines = Jihad

Christianty had no crusades in any form until the pope called a crusade.

>Oh yes you are my friend

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the berbers wre a minority natives remained the vast absolute majority of the population till the Reconquista. And comparing bebers with europeans (portugal, spain, france england) in terms of achievments and empires is beyond laughable

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berbers aka portuguese colonized unpopulated Brazilians, yes.
average Portuguese

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The american mutt posts a jordanian and write delusions... classic.

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