It legitimately makes me sick I live in such a soulless shithole and for some reason Europe makes it impossible to move...

It legitimately makes me sick I live in such a soulless shithole and for some reason Europe makes it impossible to move there unless you're a refugee who just wants to leech off the government

I see yuros bitching about every little thing all the time but try living somewhere that's nothing but copy pasted suburbs with nowhere to walk to, Walmarts and fast food restaurants. Even the shittiest places in the nordies are nicer than anywhere here

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Do you honestly think old buildings would enrich your life more than the retarded earning potential you have as an American?

holy shit americans are dead inside

Aaaaah. I love all of that shit.

Our continent is the best, my North American friends. Europeans live in small homes and have small brains. They are a continent of losers.

britain is litreally just america with pakis instead of mexicans, lower wages and everyone is packed together

i know its a fucking dump

It'd make me sick too if I lived outside of the Pacific Northwest

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Do not forget the telly licenses and the people going to person for making nazi jokes.

TV licence i dont mind becuase you dont actually have to pay it


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What the fuck, I'd love to live in America with its diverse environments, influential and varying cultures, relevant cities like LA and NY, long roads, big houses, area 51, etc.

And you retards are why we're the laughing stock of the world

I'd love to have a first world quality of life

Maybe you're just poor and will be poor wherever you go

>and for some reason Europe makes it impossible to move there unless you're a refugee who just wants to leech off the government
Europe mostly mirrors the US migration policies towards Europeans.

Has nothing to do with wealth, you're still stuck with the shit in the OP when rich

America would honestly be Paradise on Earth, literally, if only every non white living in it just fucked off and died

move to israel, yankee, after all the money invested there, they owe you the NEET life.

>He can't possibly like something that I don't like!!!
Not everybody wants to be stuck in a small cramped old building in some city center. The only place that i'd find myself comfortable in Europe is in a small village and even then I might aswell just stay here in the rural US because it looks nicer. It's all about perspectives.

More deluded retards who fell for American propaganda

Don't take posts here seriously, Jow Forums is full of dumb children and 90IQ retards that don't know that people have differing opinions and lifestyles

My slice of America is pure bliss

Attached: DSC_2230.jpg (736x552, 136K)

I actually like OP's pic

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I'm a dumbfuck plumber and I have enough money to buy the latest phone, brand new boats, 4x4s, trucks, etc. and vacation for months at a time. I highly doubt it's like that in Europe.

But some of the best american music is black

this is true

>I suffer in the Land of the Free

honestly this. im not joking at all.

White British 80% (not including other whites such as poles)
White non-Hispanic American 50%
USA is just northern Brazil

US has higher wages

t. flyover
just move to california or ny

True but that's not factoring in things like healthcare and education which is free elsewhere

The US has been a multiracial place so long that diversity has become sort of essential to the country's character.

It's not hard to not be a loser in this country and be able to pay for those things. You're just low energy.

Sanders 2020

who cares
get scholarships, grants, loans. don't be a retard and go to one of those $70k/yr colleges

post ww2 propaganda nonsense. America used to be so intolerant our cunt's policies inspired herr Hitler himself

It'd also be nice to live in a country with a blue sky

It's not free there either

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I thought only the south had segregation

> willingly becoming an indentured servant

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Racial conflict is part of this country's history and has made this country what it is today.

You're right

It was present in parts of the North but was more informal rather than encoded in law.

ah yes a country that restricted immigration to northwestern europeans for most of its history and a country known for its racism and discriminatory laws against minorities is a multiracial diverse paradise. for sure, schlomo

Have you ever gone outside? minorities have more opportunities here than white people

>ah yes a country that restricted immigration to northwestern europeans

You read too much misinformation on Jow Forums. There were no literally no immigration quotas until the 1920s. America actually has had open immigration for most of its history, retard.

the only majors worth going to college for are stem majors. everything else is a waste of time. and what's the alternative? joining some labor union, barely making $20 an hour, breaking your back all day long (usually in unfavorable weather conditions), working with trashy cigarette smoking coworkers? good luck.

Apparently blacks have consistently comprised 10-20% of the US population and the US really comes into its own in the 20s with Italian immigrants, jazz, cinema, etc.

grass is always greener on the other side, I would like to move and live in the USA

>Aaaaah. I love all of that shit.

>Our continent is the best, my North American friends. Europeans live in small homes and have small brains. They are a continent of losers.

Attached: NPC.jpg (636x773, 32K)

yeah, NOW. but what makes you think the last decade represents the entirety of america's history?

actually kike, the national origins act was in place up until 1965, until a kike introduced a new immigration policy that changed america's immigration from first world to third world

grass is greener

Oh God I miss it. I'm glad my boyfriend wants to move to the US one day. Just easier to live here with him for now.

very immature post

The entirety of America's history is slaves struggling for equality, we even fought a civil war over it. In the end equality won over racism

You mean the one established in 1924
>The Immigration Act of 1924, or Johnson–Reed Act, including the Asian Exclusion Act and National Origins Act (Pub.L. 68–139, 43 Stat. 153, enacted May 26, 1924), was a United States federal law that prevented immigration from Asia, set quotas on the number of immigrants from the Eastern Hemisphere, and provided funding and an enforcement mechanism to carry out the longstanding ban on other immigrants.

>National Origins Act of 1924

As I said, there was no quota system up until the 1920s, retard.

It wasn't a diverse paradise. I never said that. I was just saying that the US has historically had a different attitude towards ethnicity and identity compared to most Old World countries. People of different ethnic backgrounds could become citizens, and though some minorities could participate fully in society and/or faced violence and repression, they've still impacted the country's character and culture a lot.

not an argument. the only people bitching about college are low iq retards

>the civil war was all about slavery

Cuando lo piensas objetivamente, los Estados Confederados estaban en el lado correcto, y su lucha fue una justa. El gobierno federal es la escoria de la tierra, y la humanidad no sera libre hasta que estos desaparezcan de la memoria humana.

even in STEM theres no guaranteed work. Unless its something specialized, generalized degrees don't offer much either.

we did not fight a war over "racism", dumb kike

there was also the naturalization act of 1790 which restricted immigration to "free white persons of good character"

I don't speak Spanish
We fought a war over states rights (to own slaves)

>naturalization act

You're literally retarded. Do you know what naturalization mean? The Naturalization Act didn't affect immigration at all.

Oldest people alive

You start this thread all the time, instead of sitting on your ass, just move.

we're american

Yeah but africans and latinos and most asians were so backwards that none of them could actually make their way to america, so it wasn't a problem until improvements in global transport made it possible for every nigger to go to america without white people's help

Most blacks in the US have been there since before it was formed and latinos can literally just walk there

no shit, that's why you major in comp science or electrical engineering. obviously stem has multiple career paths

the point is to debunk the idea that diversity is somehow part of our nation's character. we've been an ethnocentric racist society since the beginning of this country's founding.

Why do americans on here LARP like they are all wealthy stem majors making 50k+ a year.

My state's minimum wage is $11.00 an hour (a couple years ago it was $8.00) Most skilled jobs requiring a degree here don't pay over $20.00 starting out. A full 1/4 of people in this state receive food stamps or other benefits. A minimum cost of living is around $1500 a month. Tell me why we are considered so lucky to live here again?

If that's your intent, you're doing a bad job because you've been repeating misinformation and moving the goalpost each time you were factchecked.

this is a bit misleading since some countries rely more on other forms of taxation like VAT and Social Sercurity

>all college majors make the same salary
you're retarded as fuck

who gives a fuck
you're obviously not white, therefore a waste of my time talking to you

Just because you're a loser doesn't mean everyone else is. The STEM and Jow Forums demographics overlap significantly.

My point is that those people are the minority dumbass.

Why did Americans listen to ragtime, jazz, blues, rock n roll, rnb

no shit???
not every college student majors in stem. it's the only major worth going into. i know an engineer who had a starting salary of $70k and earns more each year. also depends where in the country you are that will determine your salary

I relate to this so much. I've traveled a lot in Europe and the quality of life is much higher there. But moving to Europe is almost impossible if you aren't an EU citizen/refugee. The only decent part of the US is New England.

t. flyover

>The STEM and Jow Forums demographics overlap significantly.

Is it because they are autists?

I'm a diesel mechanic and I make 66k/yr

autists are some of the smartest people

My dream is to get a remote American software engineering job while living in Asia. Imagine living in South Korea, Taiwan or Japan but earning a 150k USD salary.

STEM fags are the closest thing we have to literal NPCs
> why yes I will enjoy sitting in a cubicle every day for the rest of my life, but I get green paper so it's worth it
Soulless husks

150k salary outside the US?

Isn't it super easy for an american to move to Europe?

150k working a remote job for an American employer.

that's why you work remotely from the comfort of your own home

the easiest way to get citizenship in europe is if you have family from there or if you get married to a european citizen

interesting but i'm skeptical

It'll be worth it when I have a homestead on 20 acres in Alaska living the dream life.

I hope that it works out for you

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Just get a job there and that's it

>dude it's just an old historical city, its beauty doesn't affect your life in any way!

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that would be a downgrade
europe has lower wages