If Saudi user had never been exposed to Western degeneracy by this website, he'd still be alive today

If Saudi user had never been exposed to Western degeneracy by this website, he'd still be alive today.

Please press F to pay respects.

Attached: saudilad.png (1706x858, 842K)

Run down please ?


Muslims are notorious degenerates simply because their belief system is so repressive and attempts to control absolutely every aspect of their lives. When they eventually snap they end up like this.


Isn't Arab Saw a dick becoming more Progressive under their prince?

it's what he gets for drinking

people who turn to drink to relieve problems are mentally weak

Saudi user chugged vodka to find out what W*stoids see in it and now he's fucking dead.


he's not fucking dead holy shit

I was 15 and I drank triple that amount in very little time, didn't even puke

Why drink alcohol when you got weed

yes my guy knows wagwarn

Why didn't you save him?

he was a degenerate that needed to die


He stopped posting after saying he couldn't stand

That was fifteen hours ago

He just wanted to experience international culture. He did nothing wrong.

he probably got beheaded for violating some non alcoholic hadith

F. Peace be upon him, Allah and his prophet that is Muhammad.

I hope this is the fate of all infidel drinkers, they shall pay for this crime with their blood. Allahu Akavir Muhammed Jihad.

>He stopped posting after saying he couldn't stand
On your first time drinking, it takes like 4 beers to get you to the point where you can't walk straight and the room is spinning. I doubt he drank very much, especially since it was vodka which is unpleasant to drink straight even in small quantities.

Most likely he just fell asleep and can't/doesn't want to post here again right now. Maybe hungover and doesn't want to look at a bright screen because of the headache. Maybe he got so drunk that he forgot he even made a thread here. Maybe he's just out doing stuff and doesn't have access to his computer.

S. He deserved it.


>Saudibro is being beaten by his parents RIGHT NOW and there's nothing we can do to help him

Why are you so obsessed with him?

Attached: pepee.jpg (400x368, 25K)

Because he could have grown up to be a great diplomat or imam, but instead he was corrupted by our decadent culture and poisoned himself with imported Western hooch.

It's our fault he died. We killed him. This site was a mistake.

>Because he could have grown up to be a great diplomat or imam
No he couldn't.

I think you may have a case of gay sand fever. Many such cases.

ow the edge

Saudi Arabia is not like you think. I've been there and it's by far more degenerate and filthy than most western countries i've been to.

I'm pretty sure he glows in the dark.

الموت ليتدهور

Jesus Christ, how many Saudis have died due to this board's bad influence?
We should start running a tally.

Imagine being a fucking sandboo

As far as I know, only this one and the atheist who the shitposter reported to the police.

It's just a meme someone came up with so Western governments won't have to feel ashamed and to be exposed to being called hypocrites anymore for having any kind of relationship and making deals with a totalitarian and terrorist shithole stuck in the seventh century.

>Most likely he just fell asleep

This. He'll be fine as long Saudi authorities don't get his IP

The best way to go


He was probably taken away by the religious police and executed. It's not that he died from alcohol ingestion itself.

Fucking this lol and the rest of you are retarded.

But Saudi-user, if you're reading this at some later point, you want water, vitamins, and ibuprofen. Don't be scared off by your first hangover. If drinking was all fun and no pain, every asshole out there would be doing it.

all degenerates will die soon insha'allah

this site is a ?pill?

it either makes you go mad and you kill yourself

or you go sane and shoot up a mosque or church or synogouge

This site is just shitposting. There's no reason why Jow Forums would wield any actual power over anyone.

sure thing, glow nigger

t. easily manipulated underage child

the numbers...

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Unless it was black market Gulfie moonshine made from nail polish.

Lmao get fucked

Reminder that muslims don't fear their god but their peers.