Russia defeated Germany

>Russia defeated Germany
>America defeated Japan
Who defeated Italy?

Attached: Axis.png (601x600, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Japanese_War


>America defeated Japan–Japanese_War




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the UK btfo their dumb navy and kept them fucking landlocked for the entire war

The real question is who defeated Thailand.

And the answer is no one.

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Greece and Ethiopa



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This explains. Pretty much it was the US and the Brits. Although, the Italian industry pretty much fucked themselves


I realize that others showed up, but 95% of the work was done by the United States.

thailand dropped to his knees and started SUCKING when they just got a glimpse of the HUGE AMERICAN COCK!

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pretty much this.
better alternative than french and brits though

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Greeks did a good job.
Italy wasn't laughing stock before the invasion of Greece. Even Hitler gave up on them after that.

Unironically honest

you did the job against nazis but its america that singlehandedly crushed entire IJN

How did the Italians do on the Russian front?

How can France be the most arrogant AND least arrogant at the same time?

french is retard

This is really interesting btw. A former Italian soldier explains what it was like on the Russian front

Contributed heavily to Soviet victory along with Romanians and Hungarians, running from their positions and letting Soviet forces encircle germs

Mostly holding Germans down

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They always get bad rep for this. Lack of good equipment, especially anti-tank weapons. Low morale due to bad leadership, romanian officers especially were known to treat their soldiers like shit. Not to mention the gigantic fuckup of splitting arm group south during fall blau.

I’m watching this right now, it’s really interesting. He says how he was almost killed by a T34

>America defeated Japan
That's debatable.

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I know a lot of his guys are lurking may as well drop that Japan only might have surrendered because Su steamrolled Korea and they feared a Soviet landing on Hokkaido from the kurils. Your shitty nukes were not important burgers

Russia showed up in the last month of the war after the US had already depleted Japan's strength.

> this thread
japan, germany, romania, slovakia, hungaria, croazia, bulgaria
also binland thailand and iraq
I-I'm sorry

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Are we still talking about Japan?
Emperor and high command were on the tipping point before Manjuria offensive. Once they got themselves a second front line they quickly realized all is lost and bailed out.
Main force was defeated by then, but they still had plans to continue resistance and prepare for invasion of the islands.

I've read arguments that if Italy hadn't fucked up against Greece, Operation Barbarossa would have worked.

The reasonable people in Japan (including the Emperor) had wanted to surrender to the United States for a while, but the crazy "never surrender" generals refused. They had plans to defend the islands against an invasion, but they didn't cancel them because of Russia, they canceled them because America nuked two of their cities. They surrendered a day after the second nuke.

Russia was obviously the most important country in Europe, but it kind of just showed up for three or four weeks in Asia.

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>Really trying to take claim
Get the fuck outta here

Italy’s problem was Mussolini wanted to get involved with everything. Did you know the Italians even participated in the Battle of Britain? Instead of Mussolini focusing on his AO, he spread his forces out too much. He should have stayed in the med

He shouldn't have enter the war at all

Brazil :)

True. You all should have stayed with the allies like Churchill wanted.

Btw, when you were in school, what was taught to you all about the 1930s and 1940s and the war? Also, do you have any interesting stories from your grand parents?

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Should have made a better deal then. you could have offered them more of Europe for example

No they were afraid of Russia taking away Hokkaido forever. American history revisionism

history is complicated and unpredictable my friend, we (obviously) can't be 100% shure about it.
all we do know is that our fucking up surely didn't help.
makes me wonder how much the world would have been different but also similar to the one we have lived.
like, I'd say probably japan and germany would have had a cold war just like how it happened in this timeline.

>two bombs that devastated two entire cities off the map
>you: "eh, shrug it off"


Holy fuck. watching it right now. Why the fuck we did all of this. What's the point? Guys i really wish we could all get along

It's enough to read the last part, basically all of Japan's forces were concentrated in the southern home islands to fend of American invasion plans and the Soviets could have invaded Hokkaido in 14 days with little opposition.

Mussolini and Hitler were bros. So they (tried) to help each other.

It’s so interesting to me to hear the Italian perspective. It’s one that we never hear much about.

i guess the way i was taught ww2 was heavily influenced by us propaganda. it was implied that until the us helped the uk the war in europe had become a stalemate and that russia could only defend itself but had no chance to attack.
also there wasn't a lot of self hate, probably thanks to the partigiani but there was obviously quite a bit of white guilt about the year in which the racist laws were implemented by mussolini
my great grandfather was a war reporter
he had a huge colection of photographs, some of them were very graphic (mutilated people, deads, etc) and were used for propaganda.
my great grandmother was absolutely terrified of them so one day she burnt it all. he wasnt happy about it
btw i've never directly talked to him, these are stories my mom told me

I mean, the day the soviets invaded manchuria was the same day the US dropped the second bomb. I think it was the combination of the two that caused hirohito to surrender. But more so for the bombs given Japanland alreay lost pretty much most of their concessions so losing shit to the soviets wouldn't had made that much of a difference at that point.


>still soviets did something against japan
lol the job is already done by nationalist china
soviets did nothing but storming already weaken kwantung army

its china who defeated IJA, and its america who defeated IJN get it right

Nah. They invaded as early as they could (mud stopped everything too early after the winter) and still couldn't win because of the sheer size of Russia. Records show that even early on some germans were pessimistic because Russians showed no sign of surrender despite taking so many casualities. Their whole plan was to do a repeat of France and demoralize the russians early on with majors blows.

Another factor was that germany couldn't afford to fuck up. Almost ever men they had were engaged in battle. Hence they only needed to take a single blow to be stopped. Too bad for them this blow was Stalingrad which completly destroyed their best army.

We weren't ready for the war, Italy wasn't industrialized enough in 1940 and everyone knew it but Mussolini rushed in anyway

If you all would have waited another year, I am curious if North Africa would have been different


More like a couple. But the axis was resource starved anyway

>Who defeated Italy?
No one

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