*blocks ur path*

*blocks ur path*

Attached: 1549472663829.jpg (1200x900, 339K)



refugees or identitarians


I'm sorry, could you please let me through? Thanks.

lega NORD

lol these must be Italian fascists.

Italians arent White

Whiter than you, Mohammed

Attached: XrisiAvgi011-e1426871211522-700x437.jpg (700x437, 83K)

>Light brown skin
>Adorning the Celtic cross
Are Greeks the true WE WASS;'rs?

The amount of inferiority complex of the mutts on this thread is astonishing.

Attached: Italy_salute_100240m033113505vee6.jpg (679x568, 93K)

100% Neolithic farmers


Attached: elam9.jpg (1100x626, 65K)

>get land taken by Bulgaria under German influence
>LARP as Nazis in the 21st century

Attached: 1942-europe.png (706x620, 332K)


I diagnose you with a severe case of chronic obsession

Attached: gay.jpg (692x526, 23K)

Careful, you haven't a leg to stand on.

Is it me or does every Italian on earth look like this, they make the exact same facial expression too

Attached: Italian.png (87x363, 65K)

Yeah and this dude represents southern Italy.

Attached: NAPLES.png (406x388, 344K)

Attached: 1548755409886.png (645x773, 11K)

he is not even italian

Attached: italians_South_Lecce_0n0b2010x00r610c731943343.jpg (626x417, 126K)

Is the dude on the right really greek? I know a lot of nafris who are much whiter than him



Greeks ARE nafris larping as whites

*sprays an entire bottle of this in your path*
Have fun standing in place now fuckers

Attached: liquid ass.jpg (336x513, 15K)


Attached: greeks3004_greece_phenotype00041502n.jpg (708x726, 468K)

The two guys on the right looks identical to some jewish journalist from my country

Pic related

Attached: diego_leuco_int.jpg (580x327, 32K)

They would look much whiter if they shaved the beards

Looks like "white" brazilians to me.

The difference is that the "white" brazilians are 10% amerindian or 10% subsharan.... while s italians aren´'t.

Yeah, that's pretty standard

Glad to see MED BROTHERS standing up for their countries.

>med brothers

you are not med. in fact med means nothing,, by race italians are europid-white, inside that you have phenotypes that are dominant, that could be med, alpinoid, nordic, faelid, atlanto.med, atlantid, cromagnid...

Attached: inter_ultras0003_milano.jpg (500x298, 186K)

>while s italians aren´'t.
I wouldn't have guessed that just by looking at them. I think the real problem with "white" brazilians is that they are mostly portuguese, which are also "white".

Italians are jews who entered a church chasing a coin down the hill after it fell off outta their booty

indeed, but they would need to score like us (portuguese) and they don´t

Attached: 23_and.29_MINE_4vdna02039dna00_portugal07.png (342x315, 19K)


What's funny is that most brazilians score pretty high on the "white" scale as far as genetic studies go. I've seen a few that point as the average brazilian being more european than argentineans. Even our blacks are nearly 50% "european". Yet we look like we do. Ethnicities like yours put the entire theory of a paneuropean race into question if you were to ask me. White traits are simply too recessive.

Attached: Supervised_ADMIXTURE_run_in_Latin_America.png (800x324, 86K)