Germany and France are neighbours

Germany and France are neighbours.

Why French sounds very feminine (I can listen French girls speaking French for hours, it's music to my ears) and German sounds very masculine?

Mysteries of mankind...

Attached: images - 2019-04-14T162411.518.jpg (400x565, 19K)

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French is ugly.
German is aesthetic.

French and german sound really similar though

I love listen French girls in asmr

>French and german sound really similar though

Attached: hamster.png (645x773, 87K)

I don't, it sounds like they're talking with their mouths full.
A disgusting language all around.

>German sounds very masculine

>German doesn't sound masculine

Frenchcucks wish they had anything as beautiful as this with their language.

asmr is disgusting

What's your problem user, did a poncy feminine Frenchie steal your girl?

They do though


Attached: 1463592558619.png (159x163, 39K)

his grangranpa probably was a spanish refugee who flee to france but got deported

no language sounds masculine or feminine though?
its all about the person speaking it.
except spanish, spanish lisp sounds so fucking gay i cannot stand it!

Always wondered why too since our pronounciation is germanic.


spaniards and their italian cousins are kinda obsessed with/jealous of us for some reason i don't want to find out

German sounds like constant swearing so it doesn't matter how "manly" it sounds
French can sounds manly depending on the speaker but still sounds better spoken by women
But Occitan sounds more manly and noble

French sounds best when spoken by a girl and german sounds best when spoken by a guy, hmm
almost sounds like there's a pairing to be made

What are you implyong with that? Shall I go outside and ravage a french vag or what?

French developed in a region of france pretty far away from german settling territory. It just spread into the rest of what is now france over time.

na he's probably one of the homoposters and wants german cock

yeah mine preferably

just like you and your entire nation

This coming from the Spaniard?