Why yes we do watch game of thrones and cuddle on sunday nights, how could you tell?

>why yes we do watch game of thrones and cuddle on sunday nights, how could you tell?

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lmao north america truly is a freak show

>Soystein and Soymough




Fucking disgusting

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It is over.

Well it doesn't even download.

alkaa vituttaa tää maailma taas pikkuhiljaa.. getting pretty sick of this world again

>small frame
>scars under tits
it's an 'ftm', innit?

Are murrilards even human?


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VERY good post

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Those are the people that YOU've created Moshe

i dont get it

They’re German

This. I just didn't want to be the first to admit it.

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kill kill kill kill kill kill kill

kek, good one

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