Why hasn't there been a holy war between north africa and south of europe?

why hasn't there been a holy war between north africa and south of europe?

why hasn't spain had constant war and ravaged morocco?

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Spain and Portugal did fight Morocco several times. Spain still has Territory in Morocco

For what purpose we never fought with euros and andulasia was a peaceful country where Europeans lived normally there
it is gulfies and turks who ravaged your ancestors asses

Italians are Greeks. Greeks are Turks. Therefore Italians are Turks.


they don't have gold

>why hasn't there been a holy war between north africa and south of europe?
there has been many tho

And I am talking for Egypt as a state here in case if you post wars ottomans forced us into

iirc I think we never fought

they did have gold, land, and farmers which were the economies of kingdoms.

This was probably the last time we fought portugal

But why didn't the pope declare a crusade against morocco, algeria, tunisia, libya and egypt?
why to desolate shithole in jerusalem

why hasn't spain or europe ever declared war on morocco and ravaged its cities and population pre colonial france?

just seems odd how the papacy never declared a crusade against morocco and north africa and such considering such people raided italy and rome.

that was the idea of the catholic monarchs but then an italian guy found something to the west

We were going to but then we discovered america and the focus shifted.
Still, Spain started shit in important north african cities like Tunis and Oran and north african pirates raided our coasts for slaves.

Why did Spain opt for civil war rather than war with morocco and others?

To my knowledge North-Africa had very weak government after the Caliphate fell (and before than when the Romans destroyed Carthage). There wasn't much to unite against and fight, unlike the Ottomans.

Northern morocco was a spanish colony and franco had a lot of moroccans in his army.
Republicans did a lot of propaganda about moros trying to invade.

Moroccans were fighting for Franco during the war, against blue eyed - light haired Republican forces.

I'm not talking of the republican nationalist civil war, all of north africa was conquered by then by france, i'm talking of carlist/liberals/spanish civil war.

should have just abolished the monarchy create a republic and then divert tension and militancy to foreign invasion.

French already kinda had morocco.
Also we were dicking around with the french in asia and bothering sudacas on some islands full of bird shit.

The French conquest of Morocco took place in 1911

was simply a dumb idea of the spanish to not use all that tension, abolish the monarchy during the succession crisis and declare war on morocco and send all the militants to kill the alien.

We got western sahara in 1860.
Also french were interested in Morocco so they wouldn't have allowed us to invade it.
>No republic
I wish we had one but what do you expect when french invasion and british "liberation" destroyed what little industry we had. Also Spain was backwards.
Also no reason to dick around in Morocco.

the US should have declared war on Mexico to remove the north-south tension and stave off a civil war while removing slavery and deporting the blacks while compensating the slave owners to prevent war.

It's not "in Morocco". It borders Morocco.
Because we hate each other much more than we hate foreigners.

really dumb, no wonder spain is a useless state now just a tourist slut.

it did happen, several times in history

t. useless """superpower""" that can't even stand up against chinks because muh debt

One of the reasons for the civil war was literally a war with Morocco

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