Same language

Same language
Same pronunciation
Same alphabet

Attached: ukraine_belarus.jpg (330x255, 16K)

Same enemy

same hot girls

that's why we should split these countries amongst eachother brother
its our rightful clay

why do they exist

Belarusian is closer to Russian, especially Northern dialects.

Attached: 2014-dialects_of_belarusian_language.png (1280x921, 449K)

I literally can't tell the difference between these languages

If Russian army occupies Belarus, we are pretty much fucked here and even 10 murrican bases won't help. Poland will be forced to become a Russian satellite state.

They are useful as a gray sphere where Russian army is not present. If Russian army enters Belarus, like few divisions, it is game over for us, strategically. We can pretty much liquidate army because it becomes useless. Our whole defence strategy is about using time-gap Russians need to move their forces through Polesia lowland to reach our eastern border - and we use this time to move our forces on the territory of Belarus to fight Russians there. If Belarus is annexed by Russia, and our eastern border is Russian western border, they need less than 2 hours to occupy Warsaw, as it is just a terrain without any natural blockades that is undefendable, no matter how strong your army is, which is sudden death to us. So from military perspective, we can resign from having army when it happens, because it won't be able to defend us at all. Politically: if Belarus becomes a part of Russia, Poland automatically loses independence to Russia, and there is nothing anybody can do about this. When Poland loses independence to Russia, whole CEE region loses independence to Russia as well because you can't defend any CEE country without using Poland's territory to project power in the region.

What enemy

Are you on drugs

Nope, i am just quoting basics of the military planning for Poland.

Not really because:
First, Belarus is already a satellite state of Russia, Russia could occupy it any moment without resistance so the difference between the current situation and the one you talk about is literally one day of troop movement without a single shot fired.
Second, Poland is part of NATO, Russia might have a strong army but Russia can't win against USA and Europe together and it would be an economic suicide, the most optimistic result for a war between Russia and NATO is for Russia to lose fast so they don't destroy their economy too much.

Pretty sure the Polish army isn't as weak ass you think, and could still hold off Russia for a while.

You are talking to our main geostrategist who gained his knowledge on youtube.

Attached: 1539511929009.jpg (500x657, 94K)

NATO doesn't exist, though. And even if it existed, it is unable to help Poland in such situation when few Russian divisions are stationed in Brest. If you had any idea about geostrategy and military planning, you would understand that such situation is game over for Poland, and the fact if NATO exists or not doesn't have any meaning at all.

Well guess what. The reason Poland still exists is because your allies won so no it’s not game over for Poland if Russia can theoretically send some tanks into Warsaw in 2 hours.

You are fucking moron. It is not interest of Poland ot be steamrolled and bombed to the ground in situation when we can't defend ourselves. When Russian forces are stationed in Brest, it geostrategic game over for Poland. Even 100 american bases can't defend the lowland between Brest and Berlin, and the USA is too bankrupt to organize even one aromoured brigade

Not him but you are taking assumption that europe will take any action besides strong letters. They won't move a finger, its just isn't worth to go for any conflict with Russia for some subhumans east of oder, simple as that.

First, NATO exists, it's an established alliance which main point right now is to stop Russia and China from doing things, and the original point of NATO was to stop the URSS, and every country of NATO would defend Poland in case of attack.
Also, why would Russia really invade Poland? Yes, they could attack fast and get their armies in Germany or even France, but they would eventually lose and ruin their economy in the proccess.
I don't think neither Putin nor any person who could possibly get power in Russia is stupid enough to do that.

>the USA is too bankrupt to organize even one aromoured brigade
The USA has the bigger army in the world by number of current active soldiers, the biggest and better navy to project their power, nuclear bombs and so much more money than Russia that nobody is stupid enough to think about fighting them in conventional war.

Fuck man, you are living in parallel reality

And my assumption is correct, not defending Poland would be a real political lost for the USA and EU nations, the USA would be seen as weak, unable to defend their allies who they have signed pact with, the EU would be seen as unreliable, and nobody would want to deal with them since you can't trust them, the EU dream would be broken, do you think Merkel or Macron want that?

The USA can be perceived in any way it wants, the same with the EU. You can't make something out of nothing. The USA is bankrupt and imperially overstretched, it is unable to defend not only Poland, but probably even territories that are placed much closer to the USA's mainland. And the EU doesn't have any army, most armies in Europe (like 90%) are much weaker than Polish one.

That simply isn't true.

I believe the only ''''''''''''belarusian''''''''''''' you ever listened to was our old man's trasianka.

Attached: 1555345731.jpg (604x432, 97K)

Yes, I'm living in a paraller reality were Russia is a piss poor country with nothing but an army and mineral resources who would crumble in a matter of seconds if anybody was retarded enough to initiate a war against the richest country in the world with the bigger armies and its allies whom Russia depends economically on.

I can't see who you claim the USA is bankrupt when Russia is so much poorer.
USA can't be perceived as a trusty ally and as a global superpower when they can't defend their allies from a third world country.
The EU can't be perceived as trustful when they let a country invade a member.

Russia is the rich country.

Attached: vP6-ZesxuRA.jpg (470x360, 20K)

If you knew how reality looks, how weak, disarmed and neglected are westerneuropean armies, how huge problems the USA has to organize even one new armoured brigade, and send it somewhere, and how much Russia improved its military abilities, especially access denial tools that deprive the NATO of supremacy in the most important field such as airforce, you wouldn't be telling me all of this. Looks like you guys have censorship in your media about this stuff.

Yet Russians are poor

>what's total wealth
who don't do anything, yes

We have forces in Belarus actually

At least Belarus was a grand dutchy once, ukraine was everyone's cumrag.

>We have forces in Belarus actually

In tiny amount, though.

Why are polish that paranoid about Russia? Like if Poland had any kind of value.

If poland has no value, why we are constantly harassed, dumb moor

And Georgia, Ukraine or Belarus have any value? This kind of logic doesn't apply to them.

Poland has huge value for Russia. If Russia takes power over Poland, it automatically dominates whole region of Central-Eastern Europe with population of 200 mln and turns Western Europe into potential first-line battleground, which creates huge potential for Russia to dominate Western Europe as well. If Russia takes Poland, we just reverse results of Cold War, and the USA would need to push 200k soldiers and hundreds tactical nukes to Europe again, and the USA is basically too weak to do this again.

Belarussian is the only Slavic language that I can't understand for shit. Ukrainian also presents a problem. But Polish and Russian are more intelligible, so long as the subject matter is kept simple.

All these countries have values but also a cost, the cost for Crimea for example was economic sanctions that hunted Russia and lowered Putin's rating, the cost of Belarus is null, because they have a puppet dictator there already, the cost of Poland is war with NATO.
See how the cost is not worth the value of Poland?

Then again we are at the point when you think nato will take any action and I am not.
>not defending Poland would be a real political lost for the USA and EU nations
I simply disagree with it and think that losing some political points have far less drawbacks than actual conflict with Russia, that's all.

NATO doesn't exist. NATO is just the USA that is bankrupt, overstretched and must focus most its resources in the Pacific to defend itself. The rest of NATO countries except of France and the UK have objectively weaker conventional forces than Poland. And the article 5 doesn't work automatically. If any NATO member is attacked by some third country, you need to have agreement of all NATO members to begin military action against the third country and to launched the article 5. It takes one country in the NATO bloc to say "no", and the article 5 doesn't work. So from our Polish perspective, NATO doesn't work because there is 99,9% probability that at least one country says "no" to war with Russia over Poland.

You are very paranoid, go to a psychiatrist.

A fucking pole of all people is saying that

>You are very paranoid
Easy to say being 2000km away from them.

I am not "paranoid", i am simply telling you how things are. We must base our strategies on reality, not on wishes.

>losing some political points

Turning Germany into frontline country in situation when Russia gains ability to project its power from our territory is a bit more than "losing some political points". It is reversing results of Cold War from geopolitical point of view.

No Poland is not Central Europe