
ارجعوا لحفر الخرا تبعتكم يا تحت بشريين

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thread الموت

Why are you ""people"" like this?

Attached: notredmefire.jpg (1000x1200, 326K)

Hey, it wasn't necessary to burn the our lady church down. While they do have a point, they poorly execute it. But they're facebook comments, what did you expect? History will perish, as it always has. I like to think there were more worth things to see in ancient egypt aside from triangles, but they're all gone too, right? I'm sad I have no memories of it aside from that annoying bell sound they kept ringing. But on the bright side, there's lots of other beautiful medieval buildings to see in europe.

>I like to think there were more worth things to see in ancient egypt aside from triangles

Not for lack of trying, multiple Islamic rulers attempted to demolish them as idols.

Fucking subhuman Muslims

Yeah, because facebook comments are peak of civil people right?
Caesar is a muzzie?

Yeah it's not like I spoke to people here and their reactions weren't so different than the Facebook ones

It's not like the average person is intelligent you know?

Attached: okay.jpg (747x555, 60K)

The descendants of Saladin who expelled the ebil Crusaders. So tolerant!


Attached: 3434.jpg (960x960, 188K)


If the average person is border line retarded then Muslims are indeed subhumans therefore you're not disagreeing with me.
What do you want Nafri?

Not sure what you're trying to say other than proving my point, guy-who-is-tolerant-yourself.

>Literally just said that the ones I talked with were HERE
>Sees this reply
Can you at least pretend that you're not a subhuman?

'ate Muzzies
'ate Jews
'ate Nestorians
'ate Druze
'ate Bahais
'ate Semites

But that was the result of Eg*ptians rioting and not government policy.

Attached: 1473313933522.jpg (640x480, 64K)

مالي حيل اقرا كل تعليقاتك يا ابن البدوية الضراطة

>مالي حيل اقرا كل تعليقاتك يا ابن البدوية الضراطة

Sunhuman cope

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Does any of you autistes have one of these for MENA?

Attached: perfect europe.png (2988x2187, 550K)

no because mena borders are perfect and israelis take whatever they want in lands

Ahlan wa sahlan Jow Forums

Post MeNa girls please
bonus points if you include their feet

>What do you want Nafri?
I want every Jordanian dead. I'm not nafri by the way, honorary Moroccan. :)
B-b-b-but my shit doesn't smell and I'm too retarded to understand the point.

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have sex

Attached: Noura_Al_Kaabi-300x225.png (300x225, 97K)

Those are men, baby!

Also I pity every non-gcc country. Imagine living in the slums with 6 mosques doing adhans at the same time with shitty microphones/speakers and an ugly voice saying allahu akbar 5 times a day. This happens in some places of netherlands too actually. But with better speaker quality.

>Imagine living in the slums with 6 mosques doing adhans at the same time with shitty microphones/speakers and an ugly voice saying allahu akbar 5 times a day.
you're saying that as if it doesn't happen here.
what a fucking headache

لقيت احمد نايم علي السرير وامي موطية علي زبرو وعماله تمص وطلعت امي ركببت فوق زبر احمد وقعدت تتنطط عليه وتاخد زبر احمد لآخره في كسها ,الموقف كان صادم ليا وخصوصا اني كنت راسمه لأمي صورة ملاك نازل من السما اتسحبت في اليوم دا علي رجلي وخرجت من البيت عشان ميعرفوش اني عرفت العلاقة اللي بينهم ,ومقدرتش اقول لأختي سعاد علي اللي شفته عشان مفضحش امي ,واتكرر الموقف اكتر من بعد كدا وقفشت احمد زانق امي في المطبخ وبيبوسها في فمها وبيمصمص شفايفها ,وقفشتهم مره تاني في الحمام(لأن الحيطة اللي فاصلة الحمام عن المطبخ فيها خرم عند ماسورة خلاط الماء بتاع المطبخ نسي السباك يسده) بيستحمو مع بعض واحمد كان بيغسل لأمي كسها بالصابون وبيدعك طيازها بالليفة وهو عماله يدخل الليفة والصابونة بين فرادي طياز امي ويمشي الصابونة علي كس امي وخرم طيزها ويدخل صباعه في كس امي ويبعبصها جامد
وامي عماله تقوله “موش كدا يا احمد انت هريت كسي وطيزي نيك اعتقني بقي شوية انا كسي موش قدك ,ابقي كمل في الليل مع سعاد

Attached: 1554913767282.jpg (740x740, 616K)

ما كسمك بفي

Attached: y8QhpI0ergRUqu_KDWOn0pynBTUyytjs3usY4nyU86g.jpg?width=399&height=208.90052356&auto=webp& (399x209, 13K)

صداع من كتر المكياج

>they actually made passports

cringe as fuck. I wish Saddam was still President, he would have detroyed ISIS before it even started.

Really subhuman behavior
Ruining my UAE image here


>wishing Saddam was still president

Forgetting he was America's own rabid dog until 1991

fk off christcuck

Attached: explain.jpg (1440x769, 509K)

America and Britain were trying to destroy him ever since he nationalised oil in 1975. America and Israel secretly helped Iran throughout the entire war, and Britain even brought Khomeini to power.

Just because Iraq's and America's interests occasionally aligned doesn't mean he was doing their bidding.

Youuuu have a point but you're still full of daddy issues like all iraqis.
I don't know why I assumed uae has better speakers, my bad.

Do egyptians really do this?

please stop. saddam was america's bitch till it served their interests otherwise

Daddy issues waa waaaa papa saddam didn't save the shithole of my monobrowed mommy waaa waaa

>You should not locate a field on a road
>You should not make a well in your field: people will cause damage on it for you
>You should not play around with a married young woman: the slander could be serious

Still relevant

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I wanna smell these stones they look like cookies


Svenska eller LARPing arabiska?

fuck off to there


في مره الموبايل بتاعه في في البيت ونزل الشغل وانا مسكت الموبايل بتاعه ااقلب فيه وبالصدفة دخلت علي فيديو لقيت ابويا مصورني وانا نايمة ورافع قميص النوم بتاعي لفوق وكاشف وراكي واجزاء من فرادي طيازي ومطلع زبرو وعماله يحك زبرو في وركي لحد ما قذف اللبن بتاعه علي منديل كان حاطه علي السرير جنبي ,انا في البداية قرفت اوي من المنظر وكنت عاوزه اسيب البيت واهرب بس بعد ما شوفت الفيديو اكتر من مره لقيت نفسي عاوزة احط زبر ابويا في فمي وامصه وابلع المني بتاعه زي نجمات السكس -انا كنت بتفرج علي افلام سكس باستمرار- وبدأ شعوري ناحية ابويا يتغير وبقيت عاوزة اجذب ابويا واخليه ينيكني ,وفي اليوم دا دخلت الحمام في الليل عشان استحمي بعد ما ابويا رجع من الشغل وسيبت باب الحمام مفتوح وناديت ابويا عشان اخليه يدعكلي ضهري بالصابون والليفة ,ابويا مسك الليفه وقعد علي طرف البانيو ومكنش لابس حاجه عشان ميتغرقش ماء وبدأ يدعك ضهري بالليفة وطبعا بزازي البيضا كانت عايمة فوق الماء وابويا كانت عينه هتقع علي بزازي الكبيرة وهي غرقانه بالماء والصابون وحلمات بزازي كانت واقفه زي حلمات بزاز الحريم الشراميط المعتقين في الشرمطة وابويا بيدعك في ضهري عملت نفسي بمد ايدي علي ايده عشان اوجه ايده ومديت ايدي علي زبرو ومسكته جامد وعصرته بقبضة ايدي بأقوي قوة عندي ولقيت زبر ابويا انتصب زي الحديد


t. Assblasted nigger

Attached: tumblr_o08mq5Ueam1tw226co1_640.jpg (640x640, 41K)

Go back

Tell your mom you posted it again

Attached: (you).jpg (1300x1306, 204K)

>Go back

Attached: 1555154771508.png (657x450, 43K)

That thing probably is unaware it looks very retarded and inbred. Proper Jow Forums poster actually.

ومديت ايدي علي زبرو ومسكته جامد وعصرته بقبضة ايدي بأقوي قوة عندي ولقيت زبر ابويا انتصب زي الحديد بين ايديا ,ابويا مد ايده علي بزازي وقفشهم جامد وسحبني من بزازي ووقفني علي ركبي في البانيو ودفن وشه في الفلق بين بزازي وفي نفس الوقت عماله يعصر بزازي بقوة لحد ما صرخت من الالم فمديت ايدي علي زبرو وبدأت اعصره جامد وسحبت ابويا من زبرو وخليته يقف علي رجليه وبقي زبرو في وشي مباشرة ولقيت نفسي عاوزة امص زبرو بشكل موش معقول فدخلت زبرو في فمي وبدأت امصه والعقه من تحت لفوق وانزل علي بيضانه الحسهم وادخلهم في فمي كأني عاوزة ابلعهم لحد ما زبرو بقي غرقان بلعابي “ريقي” ونزل اللعاب بتاعي علي بيضانه وغرقهم فبدأت امسكه بأيدي وادعكه من تحت لفوق ولعابي بيسهل حركة ايدي علي زبرو ومع حركة ايدي علي زبر ابويا لقيت راس زبرو بدأت تنتفخ بشكل كبير وزبرو بقي واقف اكتر من الاول ,بدأ ابويا يـاوه مع حركة ايدي فدخلت زبرو مره تاني في فمي وقعدت الحسه تاني عشان ارطبه وسحبت ابويا من زبرو وبيضانه ونيمته في البانيو وركبت فوق ابي ومسكت زبرو بأيديا وبدأت احرك راس زبر ابويا بين شفرات كسي واداعب براس زبرو شفرات كسي

Not gonna muster the few brain cells I have to read his garbage

He's born in 2001. What did you expect?

he looks cool
why so much butthurt about some qt girls
chill out nigger

>Literally became a namefag so that "people" stop thinking I'm l urd*ni
>Ar*ps still think I'm him
Jesus what is this madness

100% svensk. I need to check out petra before someone blows it up.

Attached: Zigs.jpg (1524x1064, 404K)

The 4€ arduino sd card reader I backordered arrived in the shop today lads

Subhumans need to go back

Attached: IMG_20190416_134501.jpg (3120x4160, 2.49M)

This turduni is defect, I want to return it back to the store to get another one

أش مدخّل زكّ امّك القحبة انتي زادة. تي روح نيك ا زبّي تقرقش الهمّ

انجب ولي يا قشمر شروقي

That's based though, fucking monkey.


Attached: big sip.jpg (663x731, 107K)

نيكمكم الكلّ و نيكمّ هالخيط و نيكم فورشان و نيكم المخلوقات الموجودة الكل اتفوووووووووووووووه

>mfw I understood most of those

متنتحرش يا أنون.

Attached: d8ca558568f85b28fafab9f3991104e438e90d81a55ed477eb9d73c88ed331f5.jpg (1200x798, 113K)

>and Britain even brought Khomeini to power.


ASSamalaik mer8ebe binteh ye arabiyeh binteh hehehe bitch taref anna wa9ed saoodi bint entuh bitch seer tas2alneh KALBSHEE kabsa3 w baloot lol

>That pic

W-what is happening? Is he levitating?

Do you have a retarded accent like most diasporas or do you just not know how to use the numbers in arabic speech?

Have you seen these IRL, do they exist outside Syria?

Attached: 1545715280268.webm (480x600, 1.79M)

what the heck is that?

Damascus goat.


why so many variations?

Hmm probably the first, bit better than genrikh I guess. I'm good at figuring things out so these numbers came to me naturally when I first saw them at young age.


I hope Drumpf bombs Iran soon

على خاتر الغرب مصطّكين اوكي؟

>Why yes I'm Middle Eastern, how could you tell?

Attached: 0f7e89cc85a6084ff867194a63932636.jpg (1356x2048, 399K)

Because english pronunciations are dumb.

That's freaky. The only time I saw a Damascus goat in my life was in a petting zoo, and it looked lik this.

Attached: file.png (600x532, 977K)

Thirsty ass hoe

Attached: >what the heck is that?.jpg (706x655, 172K)

shut up
>from tikrit
>calling anyone shrooki

go shatuuf you stinky ass messihi. your saddam cocksucking has gotten cringe

Not sure, I just got it from Jow Forums.
I think he just jumped for joy after dropping the weight (weights can bounce up pretty high in Olympic lifts) and this picture was taken at an opportune moment.

إنتا شيعي ؟

lmao i ate a one yesterday

well, that was a nice 40 minutes of baiting. I think I'll have pancakes for breakfast before I study some more.
thx for reading my blogpost!

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شلون كان طعمه؟

gib kik sir

Attached: 1555255965129.jpg (700x810, 22K)

خليط بين لحمة البقر والارانب, غريبة شوي

no im technically a sunni because my dad was.

أنا مرة اكلت لحم ماعز بمطعم فيتنامي و بعدين خريت إسهال مثل النهر الدجلة



and you didn't even shatuuf too so now you have ishaal ass. don't disrespect the Tigris with that sentence.