Should I go to college in China?...

Should I go to college in China?, they have a higher standard of living than Ireland and I would be able to afford an apartment.

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come to singapore potato nigger and fuck me in the ass

stay out of asia white loser

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>higher standard of living than Ireland
Wtf am I reading

>they have a higher standard of living than Ireland


Yeah go for it. Do they give money to their diaspora to return and study?

only if you want to say something wrong and become an unperson

I remember when I was in highschool in Venezuela in an international school. The Chinese government was literally recruiting highschoolers that knew how to speak english to teach it to their children. A representative told me he would pay for all of the living expenses, such as food and housing. Like wtf...

No, the Irish government isn’t that generous, we are cheaper than the polish government

do you have to take the entrance exam?

How hard is to teach English there?, I’ve heard it’s decent pay and the cost living is low

Ireland is a pretty shit country by European standards, we pay as much as Denmark in taxation and have public services on the same level as Poland or Russia, we also have an extreme housing crisis that’s as bad as Hong Kong, China has cheap apartments and free hospitals

Dude, just cause rent is expensive doesnt mean you should sacrifice the irish food quality air quality and craic quality...
Fair play if you wanna do it cause culture but if thats the case id say even iceland would do ya.
There is dub-Reykjavik all time and wages are insane up there...

One of my friends took an Erasmus there. He said it was interesting and he liked visiting, but he wouldn't like to live there, and that Ireland was overall a far more clean and less crowded country.

>I’ve heard it’s decent pay and the cost living is low

Spot on. A lot of people with english degrees are going out to China to teach ESL. It's a career in high demand. I wouldn't say a degree would be required for that sort of job. The government desperately wants their children to know a few words and sentences so they can send them abroad. lol.

In comparison to china?, Dublin is as filthy as New York and la from my experience

Irish foods is too expensive and I don’t like seeing most of my income going in taxes to a government that doesn’t provide cheap college

Could I do it without a degree?

Chinese cities are worse than Dublin or NYC from what I've heard. Also, you can choose not to live in Dublin or New York, but if you study in China you'll almost definitely end up in one of their shitty cities.

>Wanting to live in a third world country
Your an idiot if you think you will have a good time unless you are rich or moderately packing cash at least.


At least I can afford to rent a home in a chinese city, you should see the crowding and homelessness in Dublin, in china my friend says it’s easy to find an apartment as a graduate, I would love to live in New York if I had a successful software career, but if I wasn’t earning at least 6 figures I would avoid it

It’s probably more developed than Ireland, I remember a polish guy telling me that Ireland was undeveloped in comparison to Poland

>It’s probably more developed than Ireland, I remember a polish guy telling me that Ireland was undeveloped in comparison to Poland

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Lol irish taxes are absolutely fine

This is very true

>Could I do it without a degree?

Yeah. For sure.

where are you planning to go? i can give you general info on most chinese cities as long as it doesn't have to do with esl wages vs. cost of living

also why the FUCK is rent in dublin so high that it's comparable to london when the latter is better in every way

This may be true, but you would be shocked how many londoners are moving to cork limerick etc....

I’m not sure either, one huge issue is foreigners from America and China buying up property like in Canada, it’s getting extreme and I know it will one of the main reasons many of my friends will emigrate as soon as they graduate

How were they offering the positions and how do I apply?

At least Warsaw has apartments and subway

ESL is marked to be struck off the high school curriculum in the near future which will reduce the demand from the regular people

businessmen will still take lessons but they usually source from higher quality institutions with valid credentials

tl;dr the days of the freelancer ESL teacher is nearly over

yea I recommend Zhejiang university in Hangzhou. I am going over there this summer for summer research/internship for 10 weeks. Looks real cozy and prestige

>imagine going anywhere other than BJ or GZ

You would go as an illegal and would face up to a month in jail and wouldn't be able to defend yourself from a shitty employer, also they would pay you less, Z visas for english teachers require degrees.