Andrew Yang...

>Andrew Yang, the American son of Taiwanese immigrants who has announced his intention to run the race in 2020 as a Democrat candidate, has called the current US immigration system “ridiculous” and said he would like to see more immigrants into the country.“I would staple a green card to the diploma of any international student who graduates from an American university,” Yang said as he spoke to the South China Morning Post on Monday.

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He honestly seems like the only good candidate but it will be Joe Biden who wins if the democrat party wins just by virtue of being recognised despite being a sociopath.

>Andrew Yang


Attached: yang.gif (480x360, 999K)

>“I would staple a green card to the diploma of any international student who graduates from an American university
That sounds rather reasonable desu.

Does this mean goddess-empress AOC will have to wait?

As somebody who lives in a country filled with chinks overstaying their study visa I can tell you that it isn’t.

fuck no. Do you know how many Chinese and Arab students come here?

About the topic. I can compare with the r*ssian educational system witch has nothing in common with education. It will be a pure bribery system. Parents have money = child have graduation = he's in. Literally china

Allowing people automatic to stay after getting their degree is half the reason we have so many shitskins here, it's not good

What's wrong with that?

But with a green card they won't need to overstay their visas, right?

What's wrong with Chinese and Arab students, especially if they worked through way our schools and graduated?

I mean yeah, you get immigrants, but why would well educated immigrants a bad thing?

You live in a country where you don’t have to deal with the chinese. So you wouldn’t understand.

Handing out green cards like that is a terrible idea

remember they don't have public universities, they aren't wasting money when someone gets a degree but doesn't stay in the country to work

>immigrants a bad thing?
t. 99.8% homogeneous country

they are not white so they gotta go back

whites are lazy and stupid, chinese are respectful and hard working, chinese all the way

Well for one, I believe a lot of chinks who study in the US are spies

Can you stop shilling this stupid chink?

>well educated
intl students cheat in any way they can and the moment uni's realise they can be a cashcow they start looking the other way

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Finally he showed chinese face

Have you seen our grad students? A ton of them are Chinese and Indian. Do you want to ship people with PhDs out of this country?

Lazy and stupid yet you’re dying to get Into our countries you worthless fucking chink

Then you're crazy.

yeah sure why not

Plus they are spies. Most of the chinks who come to the US to study are getting degrees in Homeland Security, Cyber Security, and other defense related degrees. Fucking bullshit. Chinks should be banned from those type of degrees.

Basically this, the Chinese on my course could barely speak English let alone write coherent essays

Biden it is. He's running so fast for democrat party's candidacy that no one else stands a chance.

Attached: Biden Gif.gif (460x258, 508K)

>Do you want to ship people with PhDs
Let them make a product. PhD is just a paper.
*they won't'*

The Indians are so bad. I mean, they will take advantage of you, but at least they work. Fuck the chinks tho. They can’t be trusted

over 2 million Ukrainians came here in the last few years dude. but they are assimilating much better than your typical arabic gentleman, so it's not that noticable, but there are cities where they are close to 10% of population.

What's the difference between you and them? Even your languages are similar.

Oh yeah, good point. But still, it's additional working age people with good education, I don't see how that would be bad.

Sure I have no real first hand experience, but just looking at it logically, I think it would only be beneficial to your economy (as I wrote above)

That would be a problem, true. But that would still be a problem with the universities themselves, rather than with this specific policy. Maybe the universities could be somehow watched and held up to a standard so as to avoid such situations?

>.“I would staple a green card to the diploma of any international student who graduates from an American university,” Yang said as he spoke to the South China Morning Post on Monday.
Does he know foreign governments fund their education, a lot already game the system and a significant amount cheat?

Yang gang fail t.b.h.

You’re lucky you don’t have chinks

I could ask you the very same thing.

well yeah, thats why I personally have no problem with that. they learn the language very quickly and don't for ghettos.

The Chinese scam as much as possible here. They literally study degrees so they can rip off our methods and report it back to the chinese government

a country that's literally right next to you and is almost entirely the same biologically is not at all comparable to the whole world using your country as an international jobs program

we have Vietnamese, lots of them migrated here during the Vietnam war when both our countries were a socialist states in close ties with USSR

>That sounds rather reasonable desu.
They already overstay their visas, a bunch cheat on their exams and many that we need already get work visas (he should honestly know about the last one). We dont need some foreign, third worlders with a useless psychology degree from a cheap community college staying here.

You don't know any Chinese people.

>Lazy and stupid yet you’re
>dying to get Into our countries
students come for an education
to learn
for a bountiful future
>you worthless fucking chink
i am australian

Imagine thinking that democrats have even a remote chance in 2020, and therefore believing that it matters in the slightest who will the democratic nomination

Vietnamese are far better than Chinese
Yes I do. I know a chink girl who’s working on her second degree here. She honestly shouldn’t even be allowed to continue since her degree. She’s doing multiple degrees to get that residency requirement for a green card. She even told me once that when she was in her teens in China, she went to some education camp about as a girl how she can get and report information to the government. She’s a fucking spy.

Also, there are shit loads of chinks here on student visas all student Homeland Security. Why the fuck should chinks be here learning how our country conducts investigations and security procedures

This. Fags don’t realise that it’s no longer about policy but just curb stomping the other team

>chinese are respectful
Lol big fucking no, maybe to their parents.
>and hard working
Lol no but great at cheating or getting a degree that sounds impressive while retaining nothing. Studying for a GPA while not actually learning is a waste to society.

If Trump lost the popular vote against one of the worst Democratic candidates ever, then Democrats are gonna sweep him in 2020.

I don't remember where I heard it. Something about IT. And the narrator said that rich Indians move to the US, get degree, open the companies and make offers only for Indians.

No thank you, I like our current immigration system. It keeps all of the trash out. We'll be overrun by Chinks if we allow everyone that gas graduated from an American college to get a greencard.

>making shit up

Spies don't tell people willy nilly that they're spies.

Actually there is a very real chance a democrat will win. But it really depends on who it is. Trump is not going to have a high voter turn out like last time

This is easy to say on Jow Forums but America has the largest number of skilled immigrants per year then the rest of the world combined. That won't change.

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Not making shit up, retard. That is what she said. She said she didn’t like that program and quit. She refused to talk details about it

Is that the American exams' score, isn't?

Grade Point Average. It’s the sum of all of your class grades combined

Why I thought it was a shithole?

>Spies don't tell people willy nilly that they're spies.
That's exactly how the American authorities handle with r*sisans

Because skilled workers here can make $100k more than they would in Europe. I know many Europeans who moved here to become pilots. I’ve asked why they won’t fly in Europe and they said that the pay is much lower and also it’s much much harder to find work

We've started going after it but I imagine we only catch a small percentage.

Even in that whole rich parents bribery scandal the largest amounts paid were for a foreign student.

Also, while anecdotal the Arab students in my engineering classes cheated non stop.

Sounds pretty nice, although it doesn't matter for us here too much since our government cut like 3 billion from our science and research programs and told our scientists to fuck off. Now our best people are working for other countries.

Trump got a 51% approval rating in recent polls. Plus he licks the kikes’ balls, while democrats are against Israel. He’ll for sure be re-elected.

White people must all be cheaters because dozens of white parents were caught cheating on university admissions.

Yes. A lot of people think high GPA is everything. It looks impressive and makes it easier to get into good schools but now that people just study or cheat for a number it's becoming a poor indicator.

same with doctors, but the workload in America and favourization of American universities is a big detterent. what is considered a chill work hours per week for American residents is fucking-insane-neurosurgeon-level in the EU

And you're naive.

Andrew Yang discusses how he plans to defeat Trump in 2020

>the moment uni's realise they can be a cashcow they start looking the other way
they started looking the other way because Australia is such a shithole that the government cut off a lot of funding to the educational departments forcing them to rely on international students

>college admissions scandal where some were white parents
>massive cultures of cheating where in some cases it's encouraged

You also missed that while the white celebrities recieved the most attention the Chinese were the ones paying the most.

>If Trump lost the popular vote against one of the worst Democratic candidates ever
That's just a coping mechanism. It would have made more sense if the case was
>If Trump barely got 270 electoral votes and hardly managed to win Florida/Ohio/Pennsylvania in 2016, then he doesn't stand a chance in 2020"
But that wasn't the case. Also Biden is not going to be much better than Hillary. His bad reputation makes him an easy target.

Honestly I don’t understand how these polls even work or who they are actually polling. I’ve never been invited to take part in a poll
But you get paid for your time

Honestly yes, even having a chronic shortage in a sector is unironically better than having it flooded with Pajeets, see the current state of IT.

Surgeons doing complex surgeries often work well over 12 hours on one surgery. Unless Euros are phoning it in, I'd imagine some of them also work very long blocks.

That’s bs. Biden will do a million times better than Hillary. You can’t even compare the two. Trump has turned off a lot of his own supporters since he’s been elected. He’s going to have a lower voter turn out this time which will be his enemy. Not only that. But a large portion of people who voted for him were democrats who refused to vote for Clinton. Those same voters will not be casting votes for trump this time


Indians in IT usually come from some shit college in India with a cheap, small degree. Most of them don't have phd's.

yes, but I'm talking about total week time. for example, from what I've read online American residents in radiology, which is universally considered a lifestyle specialization, work 60-70 hours/week and it's considered chill compared to surgical specialties which clock over 100 hours per week. here that 60-70 hours is what surgical residents do, while non-surgical are closer to 40 hours. big part of that is on-calls, and situation with on-calls is much worse in America.

I have no idea about the hours they work. But all I know being a doctor is a highly sought after career here. So if it was that shitty I imagine not many people would want to do it

Why don’t you report her to the FBI nigga

because I can’t prove it.

same here, thats why I;m saying that workload is a detterent for many people educated in the EU, even is American specialists make few times more. you can afford a sport car and a rolex anyways, so why bother. maybe thae same goes for pilots. in America workers laws are much smaller, but in exchange for a better salary.

Well pilots have a union. So they actually get pretty sweet deals like only working 75 hours a MONTH. and they can still top out at $350k/yr

>Brain draining the world by abusing US super high salaries

Good for the US, not for other countries.

I know a French guy who moved here last year and doubled his salary that he was making in France

Kek those stupid fuckers started to appear here as well in massive droves cycling around on kids bikes flooding our universities.

Is it over for us?

I know heaps of people who moved to the US. Only people without skills or aspirations in life stay in Europe.

She's too young (thank God).
And this is coming from a leftard

thats insane, no wonder pilots are migrating then. on the other hand we have a big dispute about pilots in our national lines working too much

He doesn't tell you only the big American carriers have such unions and they first expect you to have 10 years of experience flying awful local lines.

>Can you stop shilling this stupid chink?

No, he hired a media group

Well, living in the US isn’t for everyone I suppose. some people just prefer the simple life of living and dying in the same town you grew up in, and taking public transit everywhere. Yeah, that exists here too, and is in most major cities here. But it’s more common in Europe. Europeans are more connected to each other compared to North Americans. Moving is almost nothing for us

No I don’t want you smug europoor shits in the US, just as I don’t want any chink or pajeet or mexican

Stay the fuck out

Yeah or if hired and having any power in corporate IT they staff it with incompetent Indians (especially from their region) also in some places they get preferred bidding for government jobs as minorities despite being nepotistic foreigners.

>He doesn't tell you only the big American carriers have such union
That’s bs. All but 1 carrier in the US are represented by the pilot Union. This includes regional, low cost, and major.
>they first expect you to have 10 years of experience flying awful local lines.
That is old information. In the past 3 years the pay for regional pilots has gone up quite a bit. A first year co-pilot for a regional carrier can expect to make $75k

seemed to good to be true, thanks for clarification

we already have that

any graduade from czech uni get automatic temporary stay

but we only have like 40k foreign students mostly from slovakia, russia and ukraine studying for free

I'm extremely liberal, but this sounds like a bad idea that would lead to unrest.
Honestly things are pretty bad right now with automation and globalization killing jobs left and right. Add mass legalized immigration and we might as well throw in the towel and implement UBI.

It's technically possible but politically unfeasible.
As it stands politically, the only way that this is politically palatable is if the immigrants paid exorbitant fees for X years after recieving their green cards, which would be used to pay for worker training/gibs to shut the politicians up.

It's the same over here. Before you can be some cool hotshot at KLM flying people between continents and fucking 10/10 flight attendants on exoctic beaches you first have to transport boomers between Britain and the Algarve for 5 years.

he’s misinformed
t. Pilot