Epic battle

epic battle

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fucking hell Denmark

Danish didn't fight too hard on purpose because they didn't want German reprisals afterwards.

Wikishit is all made up.

makes perfect sense. denmark is perfect for blitzkrieging. norway is cold and mountainous and could resist, the low countries thought they could hold with britain and france. denmark is perfectly flat and all alone. can't really resist much.

For me, it's the third cod war.

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epic general

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why fight a lost war? germans would have bombed copenhagen to dust if we didn't surrender, they already had bombers ready by the time they invaded

epic cia niggas overthrowing africa dictator

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t fatso sitting an entire ocean away from any real danger

By not resisting you were complicit in the slaughter of innocents committed by the Germans

what did you expect, they stood no chance

What the fuck.

Oh shut the fuck up.

sounds pretty based to me

>these are the people calling you a surrender monkey

Danes were smart in surrendering early, Italians were smart in switching sides in 1943, the Japanese and us were retarded in fighting to the end when it was hopeless anyway.

>Surrender and help the Germans kill jews
>We dindu nuthin I swear

>Danes were smart in surrendering early, Italians were being Italians by switching sides in 1943, The Germans were retarded for teaming up with the Japs

I've never called you surrender monkeys since france has the most impressive military record of any country on the planet

>replying to a leaf

what about that?

They evacuated all their Jews to Sweden in 1943, you dumb faggot.

Smart answer
Moralizing brainlet answer. Tens of thousands would have died for no reason if Denmark didn't surrender.

>Be Japan
>Commit atrocities and slaughter Americans overseas
>Get upset when you get embargoed
What was their fucking problem?

This, how the hell do you even defend a tiny flat country with like a 40th of the population anyway?

denmark smuggled its entire tiny Jewish population to Sweden.

>We kicked you out instead of defending you be thankful
Yeah I'm sure you left Jewish property alone. What altruists you danes are

best thing is now the swedes are the ones getting their arseholes wide open instead of them, makes me think

keep whining kike

>denmark smuggled its entire tiny Jewish population to Sweden.
>then the swedes shipped them away to germany
Of all the sweds anime betrayal arcs this ones my favorites

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left looks like a paki, goering looks like fucking dracula and on the right we got nosferatu himself
fine specimens of the master race indeed

Based Denmark. Keeps their people alive, and rids their country of Jews in the process.

day of the rake soon you fucking faggot

Can't believe you have the audacity to post

Now this is what I call an epic battle

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