The west is scared

The west is scared

Attached: sino-russian alliance.png (615x638, 325K)

Are the holes for kissing?

no idiot, for sucking dick.

based, fuck the west
gay ass BDSM holes though

is that image real? why would you cover your cheeks but not your lips?
what the actual fuck

china should pick a less retarded ally

Kissing drills are serious business.

to smoke a fag while killing american faggots

Big Chinese cock is already seen as a problem.

White women everywhere are getting fucked by rich Chinese businessmen from the real estate market.

Can my motherland just stay aside of another retarder global political shit?

Attached: 5wSLleWdfuk.jpg (828x466, 148K)

Iowa is getting raped by chinks buying up farmland and turning it into apartment complexes.

yeah, it's amazing how the Chinese pretty much control the real estate market in so many white-majority areas.

On top of that, they're fucking hot white chicks in the local areas.

to drink water

>grand chess board
i just don't care

I guess so because Russia is military and shit economy and China is economy but mediocre military
But China and Russia hate each other

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>Americans have missile bases around the world with nukes aimed at major Chinese and Russian cities
>Russia and China taking steps to defend themselves against this aggressive foreign invader
Is yank propaganda ever anything but blatant projection?

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t. Bruce Xhao

China will fuck over the Russians. They've done it before and I'm not even talking about Mao and Stalin.

False it's to suck dick in the foxhole while getting bombed.

>>Americans have missile bases around the world with nukes aimed at major Chinese and Russian cities
Where do you think their nukes are pointed you brainlet?

This is why we need become closer with China.
USA is increasingly unreliable ally.
Only with China can Australia be safe.
China and Australia are natural allies.

Attached: Xi Jinping7.jpg (780x520, 160K)

The real question is would that be better or worse?

Is this how you hide from reality, with ebin maymays? It would be merely pathetic if it wasn't for the fact that your country having many military installations surrounding China and Russia, with nuclear warheads capable of triggering conflict that could see hundreds of millions of people perish in mere moments.
Handwaving this aside is morally repulsive. You should feel nothing but fucking disgust for how you have to justify your blind nationalism. You country will go down in history as the bad guys, this is something you have to be aware of.

Americas nukes? Major cities, like I just fucking you stupid cunt. The Americans have set up a ring of fire designed to cause mass civilian causality and demoralisation.
Why are you fucking defending this?
Yanks like you make me so fucking angry.

>Why yes, I do realize that most China defenders are "Australian" and "Canadian".

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