
me in 5 years edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>"hungarian" loves ukraine
>resonates with the ideology that kills millions of them in the holodomor
can't make this shit up

I weigh 83kg

I love Horo!

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is she in front of a donut display?

Cмepть Aмepикe и вceм ee цeннocтям. C Бoжьeй пoмoщью мы пoбeдим, и кaждый вocтoчнo-eвpoпeeц пoлyчит пo вoceмьcoт aмepикaнcких paбoв и дoм в Кaлифopнии.

>I weigh 83kg
Isn't that considered clinically underweight in America?

As they say, the first step is the hardest.
The second one is coping with the fact she has a partner.

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y вac ayтизм

the pathetic part here is that you ever thought that you could score with a lesbo
just find someone else, girls love motorcycles

wait she has bf???

>with a lesbo
I wish. I could laugh it off.

do you like her as a friend at least?

Yes, we're getting along just fine. She's hella interesting and fun to talk with.

y тeбя ayтизм*
Your sentence is in plural, so it's used only when you talk to a group of people or one person, but that person is someone older or a sort of authority.

>girl is interested in me
>can't stop sending me messages
>tell her that i'm busy and to cool it down for a few days
>now she's mad and thinks I don't like her
just want to play my videogames in peace ffs

god lads, i just love aoi shirosaki
just came buckets again


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Whose name starts off with emoticon?

mfw 32°C

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Has anyone read Man in The High Castle?
Is the book good?

>Is the book good

She doesn't have a partner.

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2 of you huh
i see now

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have you read it?

Yes, and it's exactly what you'd expect from a writer whose last name is Dick. His writing ranges from functional to terrible, he recycles the same ideas throughout his books ad nauseum, and almost all of his works could be vastly improved by an editor.

That being said, PKD's later works, though they still maintain a connection to his earlier, cheesier work, veer pretty heavily into the surreal, paranoid, and metaphysical. In that way, Dick has an almost Kafkaesque sensibility to his work at times.

Ubik and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? are both much better options, MitHC is just cringy.

oh, I read Do Androis Dream of Electric Sheep and really liked it. Ubik sounds interesting so I may buy that instead

I wanna read something post-apocalyptic, found a book called Earth Abides which seems pretty cool
Also i'm on the verge of buying World War Z, always wanted to read it

Stop reading fiction, it's a waste of time. Especially genre fiction.

posting on this website is a waste of time yet you still do it

reads like true feminists femcel

Everything I do is a waste of time because I'm a short fat ugly and most importantly LOW IQ subhuman who will never accomplish anything in his life.

I read more non-fiction than fiction, right now i'm reading The Conquest of New Spain by Diáz, it's a diary of a conquistador and it's interesting as fuck

and that's a good thing!

Your life would be better if you were a slave of a Greek family.

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Long time no see, Iki.
It's a bad thing.

might buy a cz 75

typical commie, commands people to act a certain way but won't act the same way himself

kill the rich

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Would that I were as swift as the angels

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I am giving you friendly advice.


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You have awoken something far better :3

Based :3

I wish to be a nigger

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a naked dude next to a naked kid? that's problematic

Jarawa aren't negros, they just look it. They're more closely related to Asians.
Not an argument.

maybe in your twisted mind
oh, shut up

it's a picture, not an argument you fucking retard

yeah his facial shape is way too un-negroid for him to be a genuine nog

And what is that? Pic related ? :3

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> those teeth

Ok what the fuck is it in our food that causes the yellowing/degeneration? Is it the processed foods/sugars?

No it's the Canadian born GOAT

sugar and acid obviously
the guy has nice teeth actually

the only event in human history worse than female suffrage was the industrialisation
we could all have bodies like this guy without any effort at all if we simply lived like mother nature intended

>sugar and acid obviously

No longer friends with sugar or acid. Bases are my best friend now

you would also live in poverty, work all the day and die with 40

poverty doesn't matter if there's nothing you can buy anyway
>work all day
hunting is a pleasant pastime not work
>die with 40
i don't expect to live longer than that anyway because of my progressing alcoholism

>die with 40

It's alright
It's not really about how Nazies take over America, that's just facade to make it work. It is there, but it's perfectly aware how absurd the premise is.
It's really just about cultural takeover phenomenon and Americanization of countries like South Korea or Japan and making it more understandable for Americans in particular by changing the roles.
read Canticle for Leibowitz, although that's more post-post-apocalyptic

>you would also live in poverty, work all the day and die with 40

Preindustrial people unironically worked less hours per week than the average working Westerner. Their quality of life in terms of entertainment and healthcare was shit tier compared to ours, but it had its benefits.

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What did she mean by this

a storm is coming

Peugeot 207?

I did consider visiting your shithole in summer.

let's write shitty short horror stories
i'll start

his sister came to wake him up like every morning but she had died 10 years ago

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Buy sonic toothbrush too

or this classic

the last man on earth was sitting alone in his room but every night someone would knock at his door

she heard a noise from the closet
but she had no closet

Someone: Brings up an issue affecting women, racial minorities, lgbtq people, etc.


how would the last man on earth know hes alone?

tq people should burn tbqhfam

One day I was sitting at my room, alone when suddenly, I smelled a fart that wasn't mine

this is a good one
he just knows

Yeah, they regulary lived to their 70’s and 80’s in good health.

>Someone: Brings up an issue affecting women, racial minorities, lgbtq people, etc.
What issues? Poor life choices,increased crime rate and poor life choices again?

So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

I identify as black. Suck it, roastoid. You have to take my problems seriously now.

Wow haha user got 'em xDDD


Makes sense, wasting energy on groups that don't contribute to society is a waste of time and resources.

If all white people up and left and took all their wealth with them tomorrow in the US the country would devolve into a tribal mad max scenario with nogs and mexicans.

I love it when you sperg out like this

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Why don't you euthanize yourself?

my japanese dentist was a very nice and timid lady
I imagine most japanese are shy and timid

He got foreskin inflamation, but he was practicing jew


Sup anony

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I feel like femcels are depressed because Chad or timid equivalent of Chad isnt interested in them.

Someone asked otti on her last pic how much she weights and she answered :3


Let me guess, she said 85 kg? :3
Btw, is pic related you?
How you doing qtek :3

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> hates himself
> depressed sack of shit
> anti racist
> communist

He's like a walking stereotype lmao

Aaaw you saved my bait :3

That's what I ask myself every day.

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And you're evading the question, again :3

miserable, it's freaking 32°C

but I'll survive, i'm a strong sarmatian man :3

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Argie if you hate weebs so much why do you keep using the :3 emoticon? You do realise that it originated in anime, right? :3