Can I pass as Latin American?

Can I pass as Latin American?

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you can be a president of Mexico

I can't even roast Indians, its like kicking a puppy

Only in Perú, Bolivia or Chile.


Pardo, mestizo or black

In fact, fuck this.
We don´t have clear racial classification like ameritards

No but you'd fit in, in Guyana.

That's one of the meanest things i've ever read

they probably eat puppies


No. The lighter nose gives you away. Latin American skin tans evenly.

You are regarded as a white American

fuck mane
t. currycel

we don't even eat cows you stupid nigger

In Argentina yes

Attached: maxresdefault (3).jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Pic related was our previous Secretary of Government. His last name was unironically Chong.

Attached: E40B764A-364F-470D-825E-6DDC09C823DB.jpg (786x527, 30K)

No. I knew you were Indian the moment I saw the pic.

Why would you even want to pass as Latin American?

how come a mexican guy named chong?

but muslims dont eat pigs. explain why??
also what is more merciful, muslims refusing to eat a more intelligent animal because of disgust or hindus protecting a noble herd animal because of reverance??

You've done more than just kick those puppies, Nigel.

I might have to move to Venezuela in the near future.

Hindus, of course. Muslim loving white subhuman.

Why would you move there?

but they shit in streets

Put on a Dragon Ball z shirt and they wont tell the difference.

Web app dev job.

You can't do that in India?

And kids in Islamistan cut their hands after being accused of insulting their beloved prophet.
Now go eat shit, white cuck


t. CHI


why do you look like a mulatto

lmao muslims are equally fucked. just in different ways .
i'm literally just comparing pigs to cows

His mother was of chinese descent. Foreign surnames are somewhat common in certain places in Mexico.

I’ve friends with Irish, Lebanese, English and even Korean surnames. Despite this they identify more with their mexican identity. I even have a friend who’s father has a Japanese surname.

In all seriousness, yes.

Yes, but a very ugly Latino, like dude, fucking ugly. never gonna get laid here, at least you have money

someone's name can't be 'unironic' you dumb mexican

What part of
>Now go eat shit, white cuck
Did you not understand?

Yeah, as a mixture of black and native
A horrendous vision, but could

No, not here at least. Your nose and your moustache looks pretty strange

>web app job
Will you earn .5 dollars per hour?

I mean you don't exactly look like our nibbas, but if you had the accent and were dressed like the crowd you probably could

what he actually is is a mixture of negrito/abbo and pre-Arabic Middle Easterner, so he is neither yellow nor black

only in south brazil, argentina or uruguay

A good chunk of the Venezuelans who move her are from the lower class, some of them come from the far East near Trinidad and Tobago and you could actually blend in with them since actual countrymen of yours immigrated to that area in the past. You remind me a bit of that minority demographic among the whoñe of Venezuelans here, the only difference is that they don't wear glasses.

Why does that claim seem so bullshitty

Indians from India moved hundreds of years ago to Guyana,Trinidad, Suriname, easternmost Venezuela. Read on it.

Op reminds me of some of the migrants I've seen here, so I'm assuming they specifically come from that area bordering Trinidad or Guyana