Can we please just go back to calling this Yugoslavia for the sake of convenience?

Can we please just go back to calling this Yugoslavia for the sake of convenience?

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I am ethnically Slovenian, not ethnically Serbocroatian (which includes Bosnians, Montenegrins and to some degree Macedonians). Though I do agree that Croats, Serbs, Montenegrins and Bosnians are all the exact same ethnicity and should be referred to as Serbocroats, not by their respective national self-designations.


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nah, it's just a fact. Many ex-yu threads are created daily in which Croats and Serbs (and the others) converse in the exact same language without any misunderstandings or real conflict whatsoever, as though they had all grown up in the same neighbourhood, but posting there in Slovenian is considered a disturbance in the thread and completely derails every conversation and is lowkey unwanted. This is roughly how things were in Yugoslavia.



y tho


stop posting and kys

you try remembering this shit for a global map quiz

I got the idea from 19th century ethnic maps of the Balkans, where you only had the Slovenes and the Serbocroats (and sometimes Sloveno-Croats in the case of the Kajkavians)

no surprises there
you probably just learned about them yesterday

You try not being mentally challenged

one of the few unironically good ideas i've seen proposed from an american flag

I know all these countries and their capital, not even yougo myself
African countries and licronesia are more challenging

theyre all just jealous of your economic success and your ability to keep your nose clean during the balkan wars

I think it's mostly just the fact that some thought has to be put into understanding the other sister language. Upon opening Jow Forums this morning I read the ex-yu header and after a couple of moments' thought decided that the word I was looking at meant self-deprecation because it had the same prefix as our equivalent.

>refers to them all by their nationalities basically disproving his own point

lol gtfo back to serbia

Just spitting da truth. Is a Welshman from Cardiff who doesn't speak a word of Welsh not in fact an Englishman who hails from the region of Britain that is called Wales? I actually once asked such a person to their face whether they are 'Welsh Welsh' or just merely Welsh.

Its a test on every single country and their capitals, I can get 85% of it as it stands now, but former yugoslavia is a pain in the ass.

just remember, it's pronounced Lđublđana

No. Bring back the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires instead.

it's only 6 countries

zagreb is also annoying

>I need a failed experiment which ended in genocide multiple times back because I can't remember six words for a geography test
Peak American

every single country and their capitals on earth all of them in one go

Like the Slovenc here said, the Servocroats exclude us from their cool club, it's also cringy when our people make an effort to sound like them. They used to make fun of Tito cause he's slovenian and couldn't speak servocroatian well.

I used to think we're close to yugos but after coming here I identify with bulgars. Partially cause they're more successful now, they have low unemployment, high wages and a superior military that could take on all of yugoslavia by itself.

I wish we reformed it to include two big blocks of Bulgars and Serbs , and force Slovenes to speak Serbian or Croatian so they fit in.


>Serbian or Croatian

also, I would rather cannibalize my own right hand before using a phrase like 'prije dva dana' or 'idem doma'

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Allways call It "ex Jugoslavia countries"


How? So you mean to tell me that you know what the capitals of fucking Antigua or Zimbabwe are, but can't name the capitals of a bunch of European countries?

Yes that's how I pronouce it

>what the capitals of fucking Antigua or Zimbabwe are

err, Antigua city and uhh Monomutapa (thanks, Johan, I guess)?

>Antigua city
How uncreative

that's the standard for little island nations, though I guessed neither correctly (it's St. John's and Harare). But I did used to know all of this stuff at age 13 and was very proud of myself.

Oh, kek, I wouldn't have known. I know where most countries are and I can recognize their flags, courtesy of Jow Forums, but I blank out when it comes to non-European capitals, with a few notable exceptions.

There's no such thing as a Ethnostate you fucking Moron, Normans, Bretons, Alsaciens, Basques, Bourguignons, Parisiens are FRENCH; Scots, Welshs, English are BRITISH; Franconians, Bavarians, Frisians, Upper Germans are GERMAN; Galicians, Catalans and Castillan are SPANISH; Lombards, Sicilian, Venetians, Sardinians are ITALIANS and so on.

So shut the fuck up and go Back to Yougoslavia where YOU belong.

go back to SUISSONS where you belong, parisien c*ckold

I've tried to read up on the Balkans but its confusing as fuck. Why do they all hate each other again?

they're slavs, hating each other comes naturally to them


all those regions were historically a part of the same country or at least countries bonded by the same official language (such as in Italy since the 14th century) since a very early historical stage. Meanwhile, Slovenia was part of Germany for 1000 years and Serbia was in an actual Arabic Caliphate for 500 years, causing cultural and linguistic differences.

What an horrid post
>political lines make a nation
And alsatians are german under french oppression

>Serbia was in an actual Arabic Caliphate for 500 years,
So they must be considered arabs then, right?

they're widely considered to be our Slavic brothers by the normies even tho their food and music are in no way different from their Lebanese counterparts and their behaviour can be rather clannish, conspiratorial and criminal.

>Lombards, Sicilian, Venetians, Sardinians are ITALIANS
That's only a very recent idea you fucking retard, all those peoples have their own distinct languages. What you described are peoples with distinct languages, being forced to come together and speak a muddled up version of their language (i.e Spanish, Italian) because of this meme idea of a nation state

pretty ironic given how much they hate Muslims lol

"I saw a Serbian boy in the local hamam for the first time in my life yesterday, unfortunately, I could not approach him... He was with a Habeshi (Ethiopian/Sudanese) tellak. Such beauties are very rare in Anatolia. "

"But I thought..."

"I thought how exciting it would be to talk to him, uncovering what made him as beautiful as he is. I thought about how nice it would be to learn about his life, and learn about the world I never saw."

"I pictured talking to him, eyes darting like those of a harem lady, looking anywhere else but in his eyes."

"I pictured myself sultan carrying him with ease, to a dö?ek (bed). I pictured myself, unclothing myself, and rubbing his silky-smooth pale skin with my rough, dark hands, and him, squirming sultana-like."

"I pictured him unclothing himself in a slow manner, drawing it out, so I can have a good look at his body. "

"I imagined him slipping his hands under tuman (underwear), and jostling my manhood, rubbing his almost lady-like, pale fingers on the tip of my manhood."

"I imagined..."

"Unfortunately, my day-dream was interrupted by the tellak who poured the hot water on me, may Allah curse him, for ruining the image of the beaut."

-Enderûnlu Fâzıl

existed for 70 years
in current shape:
existed for 800 years
existed for 500 years
>existed for 200 years

Only Macedonia and Slovenia are new creations

>part of Germany for 1000 years
This, Croats are mitteleuropean along with our Slovene brethren.

Based this slovene is just ass blasted because nobody understands his mountain yiddish in ex-yu

yeah, we actually ended up in the same country as early as 1526, though there were tollbooths and army checkpoints on every major bridge and road back then, making borders meaningless so long as you were part of the same political system.

I'm unsure what industry Slovenes participated in, but the idea of an Empire in pre-modern times was that of a bunch of states cooperating to create a self sufficient organism. Some would do farming, others sculpture, metallurgy etc. Croatia in this system was treated as an army branch of the empire where soldiers were raised and in the latter days as traders too.

thats the thing, nobody in /ex-yu/ forces you to speak servocroatian, of course there are 5 kvadroglave who dont understand it, but that instantly sorts out the shit answers. You guys are the problem here, you feel to superior to write there because "you dont really have much to do" with us, youre central evropean after all oh and I forgot, youre "not even real slavs desu, germanic would fit better" and you dont even realize that attitude

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I'm just an angry NEET tho. The cool, posh Slovenians all pride themselves on speaking Croatian like native speakers because it shows how popular they were with everyone on their annual holidays in Croatia.


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Are there any actual differences in Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian languages to the point you couldn't understand one another

>I used to think we're close to yugos but after coming here I identify with bulgars.
Holy cringe


cant escape the eternal cefur mate, also my static IP wifi is banned so I have to use phone data to post

its not just you, there are nice slovenes but most of them I met here have this superiority complex ingrained in their brain

there are of course hard dialects but the standard languages/dialects are completely mutually intelligible

what do you think about that topic

then why the fuck are they all different nations?

One thing that needs to be understood about /ex-yu/ is that most board posters from my cunt don't go there. That general is a circlejerk composed of the same few people, a few Slovenes included, absolute NEETS and lowest of the low that made a /soc/ tier hugbox on this board.
I imagine it's a similar thing with most other cunt generals on the board. So if you'r country has one, it's probably similar, but not as bad since these are literally commie nostalgia boomers.

why are NZ and australia different nations lmfao

from the horse's mouth

Standardized language? Mostly no.
Colloquialism? Sometimes, yes.
Regional dialects? Absolutely unintelligable even in the same country.

different cultural identities, language != ethnicity. Just look at austrians speaking german and Swiss speaking 4 languages. Not theyre known as different languages because the governments want to distance themselves as far as possible

before wwii austrians considered themself german

pretty easy desu

ik, but they still never thought on joining germany, now austrian turned into a completely different identity. than don't look at these examples, look at bavarias meme tries to split away from germany

>Regional dialects

By that you surely mean Torlakian (aka Bulgarian under a historical Serbian influence) and Kajkavian (eastern and southern Slovenian dialects under a historical Croatian and Serb influence) cause I don't think Serbocroatian has any actual dialects otherwise.

tipi so pičke

bazirani kretenko

well croatia has a bunch that no one really understands, the other countries do have dialects as well but theyre not really different in terms of words, it's mostly stressing

Is there a tl;dr on why Yugoslavia collapsed and they all started killing each other?


If you think kajkavian is unintelligable to štokavian, you need to hear čakavian.

The only Slovenian word in that sentence is 'so', as 'tip' is a germanism and 'pička' is a serbism.

No, look at the map man

Ok i will explain everything i see a lot of uneducated retard here giving rather silly information:

1. Yugoslavia broke because of nationalism
2. Slovenia broke because they had to pay for more shit/economical problems and also nationalism
3. Slovenians will usually say we wuz central europe and shit just cuz they did not do anything in balkans/no significant history achievements, but most people here dont actually care and we like ex yu people, we have a lot of immigrants from there and my parents are one of them
4. A lot if people like a idea of new yugoslavia but there is no point as we now have a european union

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>but they still never thought on joining germany
anschluss was supported by general population

American shekels stopped coming in, Tito died and the entire jugoslavija cult revolved around him as a person, the secret police hasn't managed to kill abslutely every opposition so there were still people left to remind about old unresolved tenisons. That's about it

That yeah, opposition/nationalist took the power, the end.

yeah, they had ratted out Slovenian speakers to the gestapo before to be sent to concentration camps but pretended to have been anti-nazi conscientious objectors or even guerillas the moment the British rolled in, just so the rest of the Slovenes wouldn't goad the Yugoslav army into taking revenge. This was the fate of only 50k people out of millions, but the fact remains that they were real ratbastards during WWII but also for the next 70 years, when the US & the UK gave them carte blanche to openly revert back to Nazism.

First we have to visit the Greater Serbia idea
>The idea of territorial expansion of Serbia originally formulated 1844 in Načertanije
You see Turks invaded the Balkans and many Serbs naturally spread out trying to run away from the Ottomans
As the Ottoman Empire crumbles you have all the ethnic groups seeking their own state, it was the time of birth of nationalism.
Serbs say well look our people are all over the place, and where they are Serbia is...
>Lets go forward ww1 happens
One of the triggers is the assasination of
archduke Franz Ferdinand, see the Austrio Hungarian had it flaws mostly Hungarians trying to force their language on us, so naturally we supported the Austrians in various internal struggles.
Franz had the idea of giving greater autonomy to Croatia and other members of the empire, end idea was United States of Austria Hungary
With his death at the hands of a Serb Gavrilo Princip whose ideas were that of uniting south slavs many Croatia s started being furious amd burning and trashing Serbian stores in Zagreb and so on when the news of Archdukes death reached us.
>ww1 sees Serbia at the winning side
Our stupid politicians fall for the idea of Yugoslavia...Nobody was really happy in it, Croats still hold to the notion of independence
>Hitler shows up promises Croatia their state
And he steam rolls over Yugoslavia in some 12 days
>Hitler loses and with it the hope of a Croatian state
Just to show that things can get worse..
>Yugoslavia 2.0 is made with communism....
It lasted while the dictator Tito was alive after he died it was evident everyone wants to go its own way...
Serbia doesnt want to lose influence and the money, Slovenia was the wealthiest after them it was Croatia.
>Break up begins
Slovenia is far from Serbia and it is a non factor as no Serbians live there, meanwhile Croatia borders Serbia and has some Serbs in it from the Ottoman times to the various settlements from Yugoslavia

classic bait but an average person from Istria or north Croatia has nothing in common with a Croat from Bosnia aside religion, much less with people from Serbia for example.

Remember the idea of Greater Serbia I talked about well Serbian nationalists see this as the perfect time to get it and decide to support the rebel Serbs in Croatia which were against Croatia as independent with its borders...
Sounds familiar? Well its similar to Russians invading Ukraine because people living there were Russians

Its like if US brought a lot of Somalis in one of its states and they demanded to separate

>but an average person from Istria

is an Amerimutt who sharts in the olive grove. You have entire Montenegrin villages there.

Because Tito and complacency kept it together.
The previous Yugoslavia because... well, nothing kept it together it got worse with every year until it snapped.

In both cases, because allies built and supported it until they didn't have the resources or power and slipped away thinking it'll keep going without them. Croats and Serbs don't belong together and honestly, because Serbs great at taking power but are terrible rulers.

Average person from Istria is a larper that larps as an Italian
And is so left in political views we might just hand them over to Italy

It wasn't always like that. Croatian nationalism in Istria and separatism from Italy were started and sustained by Catholic priests. Without a deep conservative faith there would be no Croatian Istria today. The problem aren't Croats from Herzegovina either, rather the that the socialist republican clique that rules the country. Of course Istrians hate it plus the fact that they come from the other side of the country.

BIH is the worst of them all, you have Croats, Serbs, and whatever is left of medieval Bosniaks that larp as muslims now... and see Erdogan as their Sultan

Well the whole nation drinks the socialism ie..communism stupidity
Instead of lowering taxes and privatizing health for some time until demography allows otherwise...what do they want!? Bigger paychecks, free healthcare and retirement... and nobody gives a fuck there will be nobody to work for that and that no one will borrow you money

But if you propose those measures... they would hang you

No generation is willing to suffer so that the next one can live

>Kajkavian (eastern and southern Slovenian dialects under a historical Croatian and Serb influence)
Kajkavian is 100% Croatian, even more so than Sthokavian. Until a couple of centuries ago it was the main dialect group of Croatia proper (Chakavian was in Dalmatia, somewhat in Bosnia until the Turks came and in Italian regions). Croatian Kajkavian formed from the Hungarian side and Slovene formed from the Austrian side.
Chakavian is also a language, it's just that when people think of Chakavian, they think about the newest form of Dalmatian ''Chakavian'' that's more closer to classic Sthokavian, simmilar to Zagreb Kajkavian. Northern Chakavian dialects are closer to Kajkavian and more archaic
Example for the word ''child''
Standard Cro: dijete
Dalmatian Chak: dite
Northern Chak: otročić
>Average person from Istria is a larper that larps as an Italian
Wrong. There are Italian communities on the coast but most people are very Croatian

>we now have a european union
Don't stick to it it won't last

Fuck you mohamed, i love it, without it i would never get proper education

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Actually our culture is much more similar to Russian (Because all our intellectuals got refuge in Russia or under the Russian church). Still pretty different from Slovene which is Germanized

Here's an idea.

We restore Habsburgs. They annex the rest of their empire back through the next two centuries. And we've got a new Catholic European Union. No Pruss*ans allowed.

Za male pare si se prodao zlikovče

Here's an idea.
We restore Habsburgs. They annex the rest of their empire back through the next two centuries. And we've got a new Catholic European Union. No Pruss*ans allowed.

Attached: 1543086896669.jpg (900x1200, 111K)

Here's an idea.

We restore Habsburgs. They annex the rest of their empire back through the next two centuries. And we've got a new Catholic European Union. No Pruss*ans allowed.

Attached: 1558648265181.jpg (1080x1331, 135K)

Here's an idea.

We restore Habsburgs. They annex the rest of their empire back through the next two centuries. And we've got a new Catholic European Union. No Pruss*ans allowed.

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