See a post made by a fellow countryman

>see a post made by a fellow countryman
>instantly cringe
does this happen to you?

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trannies give me boners


this is exactly what i mean

There is a sadistic poster who posts videos of cruelty against cats occasionally.

i clicked on one of a paki eating a cat alive. before i could figure out what was going to happen in that grainy low-res video it was too late.

>frogposter calling anyone else cringe

this tbqhwyf


which one of you is egyptian feminist bby

m*na is gone for good
I killed her

Only when they start to use Russian


Okay this is pretty based tbqh

Yes, but only if the post is from me specifically.


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fuck you meanie

>Tfw a "fellow" countryman cuck keeps posting about Colombian women and his desire for foreigners to come and have sex with them.
Literally the state of a fucking Cuck. And If you're reading this cuck, I hope you kys.

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she was retarded and probably gay and I still recognize her by how shitty and defensive her posts are in /mena/ but are very rare now
nothing to like about her

Don't care


Only when they act cringy

respect women

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Yes. I almost always hide your threads upon seeing them.


only woman I owe my life to and respect is mom and none else
actually only person if I think deeply about it

which one of you is the soyposter?


No I just came online

lying tranny loving soy poster

Why are you so ashamed of yourself?

Cэйм, бpo)

it is you faggot

кaк тyт лaйк cooбщeнию пocтaвить? =)

All the time

The absolute state of these 2 faggots

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You can't hate who you are, accept yourself user.

Only when they try and type like a retarded bogan, its just cringe.

Soyposter spotted


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Never, i'm usually proud of everything my fellow countrymen say

I miss you Mona. I hope all went well with your studies.

No. We are all natural shitposters.


All the time. Too many leftist first and second gen immigrants post here.


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I fucking hate that asshole too. Absolute madman cuck