Pakistan is much better than all of India

>Pakistan is much better than all of India
pls dont tell you think this

Attached: india hdi.png (1080x1114, 104K)

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>pls dont tell you think this
I don't need to. Pakis shilling on Jow Forums tell me everyday

Pakis are a highly delusional people.

Based PIDF

>Pakistan is much better than all of India
it unironically is. HDI measures are useless since it measures things like women's education.
Level of poverty in India is way worse, despite enjoying a better demogrpahic dividend than pakistan


>pls dont tell you think this
Pakis and Indians are both shit, you Indian. P.S. Learn English

This lmao

oh yea Pakistan having worse hdi than the shittiest states in India means fuck all im sure

both are hellholes.

>Learn English
i refuse

Shut the fuck up Muslim loving, white cuck

>having worse hdi than the shittiest states in India means fuck all
you got that right. HDI is useless in comparing living standards of a conservative country. Levels of poverty is a better indicator of overall living conditions between the 2

i was actually impressed when i saw that pakistan had sub saharan levels of gdp per capita and hdi.

Only arabs/muslims defend other arabs/muslims
he is obviously a muslim immigrant

That's my outdated map, here is the better, more detailed one.

Attached: sketch-1557134860734.png (1080x1114, 141K)

Pakistan is poorer than India, sure, but it's also much cleaner and Pakis smell way better.

Saved. Thanks m8

>that samefagging american paki


Monkeys aren't allowed itt. Please fuck off.

Pakistan has better tourism desu. As for countries there's no need to differentiate between different shades of shit

Monkey are too clean for this filthy India thread

Let me correct that: Monkeys and Brazilians not allowed. Monkeys are dirty creatures but not as much as brazilians.

>there's no need to differentiate between different shades of shit
I could say the same about Canada and USA

literal monkeys are cleaner than indians.
you niggers literally have poo wars

it's true

you literally just drew that now you stupid fucking street shitter

Seethe more monkey

Attached: 1542972408941.gif (500x200, 500K)

uh okay

>that SEETHING aussie indian

They all look the same.


Attached: Screenshot_20190619-012901.png (1080x2160, 381K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190619-013027.png (1080x2160, 296K)

>Pakistan has better tourism desu
Why can't whites literally stop sucking off Muslims at every fucking post? Fuck off you freak

he is a paki look at his flag