It's finals week. How is it allowed for girls to dress like this?

It's finals week. How is it allowed for girls to dress like this?
Don't they know how distracting they're being?

Attached: 1512780308223.jpg (1620x2160, 625K)

What the hell. I would unironically rape her

Only distracting to people who haven't had sex

have (forceful) sex with her then

hnnnn gggggg

go take that pussy retard. she might play hard to get, but you just be persistent and fuck the ever-loving shit out of this young slut

this is just infuriating.
I love to see this but it's ''you can do nothing about it'' that angers me.
Ether we ban

If we were in cavemen times, she would be getting fucked like a rabid animal by every guy nearby

Go talk to her. Slap her ass. Do anything. Now.
Wish I were you...
Or at least having more guts..


>slap her ass
>go to jail

You've got bpogers on the k B eeee

boogers on the knee i mean! sorry for the indrunkment

Don't care.
Those legs...
That ass...


wtf is that supposed to mean

She is claiming that MINNIE is her hahaha brother

I remember being 18 and having random erections all the time during the day.

everyone in here is a creept rapist pedophile

jerk me off my slavic brother! hHaha have a nice day or whatever time of day you are having there, just kidding anyways

I'm not a rapist.

You have nice shoes

Or just horny teens...


8 лeт

wtf I'm a conservative now. women are wh*res