
edisi Lost Song

Also RIP AFA Indonesia

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>rata-rata sepupu-sepupu gw yg cakep masih sd
need proof m'friend

I'd take it than some arabic sundal these days


No need to be so rude.

What's the most cool clan name in Batak? Sinaga?

Ujaaang i need sauce on Sundanese incest tradition

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i always laughing hearing that


Rajagukguk ofc



Although "King woof woof" is a silly name, they are really proud of it.

Wkwk kaga lah. Tapi emg cakep2 sih. Kalo tau2 ada yg mau nyepong gua ga nolak
Bukti apaan bang?
Kalo dulu di desa sodara gua tuh terpencil, jadi nikah sama sepupu itu lumrah. Yah hasilnya banyak penyakit. Sodara2 gua yg penyakitan kebanyakan ya yg sunda.


Emang biasanya apa penyakitnya?

being sundanese is mental illness

Ah yes i actually had Uni friend that has named Rajagukguk, though his first name is John so it's not really sounds silly

You might not use trip MKL but I know that you made this thread you fat faggot.
Fuck you

My laptop is too slow to run a PS2 emulator properly. Fuck.

Biasanya yg udh agak tua. Struk, diabet, gitu2 lah. Ada yg cuma bisa tiduran doang. Tapi itu semua yg agak jauh sih hubungannya sama gua, tapi masih ada hubungan lah sama kakek/nenek gua. Tapi keluarga gua hoki kayanya sehat2 aja hehe.

>According to date from the 2000 Census, the population of Jakarta was: Javanese: 35.16% Native Jakarta / Betawi: 27.65% Sundanese: 15.27%

Javanese colony

We need reband /asean/ into /indonesian/ or /indonesian/+/asean/.

seriously, why so many indon lately ?

we need make new fscchan.


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pls stop bullying betty :(

why is it still called indonesia and not some native name?

i mean vietnam no longer is indochina

Interdasting (had to delete my post for some reason)

Gua sudah maklum dengan keadaan saat ini. Sudah tidak mungkin memulangkan anak2 fsc.

I kinda wonder if it was just a coincidence that AFA Indonesia was killed off after the year where they had that Lost Song panel. As if Lost Song jinxed AFAID.

Where did the Malays go? Even they seem to have disappeared.


No other name would work

Im fine with anything as long as not making another new general on Jow Forums

don't start this argument again. It ruined the whole thread. just don't
even our language is made up.

Tell me /asean/ why do some people think that university is a scam?

French Indochina (Vietnam Laos and Cambodia) were differentiated
But not Indonesia

>fsschanfags want to kill off /asean/
Feceschan truly a mistake.

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>even our language is made up.
By natives

Because it is a scam.

This country is fake bro
Even the language is mostly dutch origin (50% of them)

buset masih lanjut

balkanization is the only answer

>Struk, diabet
Itu sih ga ada ngaruhnya sama incest. Kalau cacat karena incest tu kaya down syndrome dsb.

Should be annexed by dutch desu, we could have been superpooper by 2020

Don't you fuckers even start

Upgrade it lah. Buy the new iMac.

I don't like macOS computers. Not enough games.

Universities in Indonesia are low qualities and infrastructures and some of them overpriced too
Though it's not only applied in Uni level but every level of education in Indonesia

blame the pole

Can't be as bad as the schools here where the government doesn't even have enough budget to fund classrooms or buildings, to the point that some schools have to have shifts just to accommodate students.

Its difficult to diagnose mental retardation in Sundanese people.
Impossible to determine whether a sunda is being retarded or simply being sundanese.

Ya tapi yg banyak di desa itu, entah kenapa

pengen ngentot gan

install windows on it. there's a tutorial on the website

Okay what the fuck?

So Degrading and Traitorous bump

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bukan scam sih, tapi untuk beberapa bidang emang ga worth.
bayangin aja materi kuliah selama satu semester dengan biaya kuliah minimal 5 juta/semester, dengan uang segitu sebenernya lebih baik buat beli Harddisk 6 TB terus diisi full sama materi bidang yang ingin dipelajari.

jaman sekarang dapetin ilmu gampang dari mana aja, kuliah lebih worth kalau emng mau ngejar bidang yang butuh lisensi macem kedokteran ataupun arsitek.

>have shifts just to accommodate students
We also have that

>expensive as fuck
>wasting time, better use that time gain experience in real world
>still not guaranteed get job unless you're top graduates
>too much useless course
>UMR is same whether you're highschool or s1 graduates

Build a pc lah. Or just buy ps2, its literally worthless

No money, already spent my bucks on my Switch.

When im debating them irl and on the internet, Ive always got the feeling like im confronting a little brother who joined school gang, Its looks like almost true that jawaks are the older brother of sundals

She has no idea what she doin' in college
That major that she majored in don't make no money
But she won't drop out, her parents'll look at her funny

>uang segitu sebenernya lebih baik buat beli Harddisk 6 TB
Is materi kuliah as much as accessible as materi sma?

Dont think it will run pcsx2

No. But it's not like you will need it anyway.

>kuliah cuma buat kerja
That's more like inherent problem of developing country, and a result of living in the secularized world. Fuck i hate modern ages even more now

>UMR is same whether you're highschool or s1 graduates
that's because most dumbfucks doesn't realize that you're bound to go for a master degree if you take the s1 program.
Its a preparation degree for an intellectual pursuit, not a certification of your working skills

And Sundal is the most cucked tribes in Indonesia
>cucked by Majapahit
>cucked by Dutch
>cucked by NII Kartosuwiryo
>cucked by radical muzzies right now

Dont wanna started again

Anjing jadi kepikiran disepong sepupu wkwk

Banyak online course yang gratis dan "gratis" kok.

yeah, kenapa enggak ?
coba buka google scholars ataupun library genesis kalau mau cari rujukan tentang sesuatu.

tutorial ? youtube.

dan lain - lain.

tapi hal ini tergantung bidang apa yang mau diambil dulu sih hal seperti, IT, Graphic Design, Drawing gampang banget buat dapetin materinya di internet. tapi kalau mau sesuatu yang lebih spesifik seperti apoteker ataupun kebidanan ya mending pilih kuliah.

Based and Kontolpilled

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I hope you guys still contact your mom wherever you go

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Anyinggg mikirin sepupu ngaceng gimana nih wkwkwk

but im going to toilet


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What's wrong with libgen?

she took the redpill

>mikirin sepupu ngaceng
A-are you a girl?

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>sepupu gw satu masih sd satu badannya bongsor, udh mau nikah, islam garis keras lagi
>sisanya cowo
gk bisa gw mikir jorok. Yang ada malah jijik gw

Mana bisa cewek ngaceng bang

Begini nih yang bikin indon terbelakang. Di negara-negara lain sudah ada suicide hotline. Disini semua-semua masih aja dibebanin kepada relawan. Dasar negara third world.

pentilnya ngaceng

I bet y'all fuckers that think university is a scam still enrolls or have enrolled in a uni before.

Ah banyak ngomel lu mending isep kontol gua dulu

Hehe kalo sepupu gua kembang desa jadinya malah konak gua

yaiyalah bambank, banyak yang nyesel kuliah bertahun2 habis lulus mesti belajar lagi

Now thats a suicide hotcum

Down syndrome itu cacat kromosom, kk. Penyakit karena incest itu mengarah ke cacat genetik karena ressessive genetik yang muncul. Jadi, misal cacat genetik nenek moyang elo yang udah "ilang" ketutup sama gen dominan bakal muncul lagi kalau misal lo punya anak sama adek lo.
Kemungkinan kelainan genetik karena nikah sama sepupu itu 2 kalinya kemungkinan manusia tanpa hubungan darah, tapi kemungkinan manusia tanpa hubungan darah punya anak cacat genetik itu 2 % doang. Jadi ya sebenarnya gak masalah buat nikah sama sepupu lo, asalkan pool genetik kalian itu sehat.
Oh iya, kemungkinan cacat genetik untuk generasi pertama incest (yang levelnya kakak adik) itu 20-30 % seinget gue.

>sepupu gw satu mirip Yuki Kato
>satunya lagi mirip Erena Ono

tapi sayangnya ga pernah bisa dijadiin bahan jorok

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>Aktifis medsos

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sepupu gw cantik2 tapi kaya & terpandang gk kayak gw wkwkwkwwk

That girl deserves it, a hypocrite like her doesn't deserve to live. If you are having a problem, do you think running away from it will solve it? What a weak person, and a weak person deserves only death. Solve your own problem faggot. I bet she did it only to fulfill her own ego of self-attention.

Ya itulah maksudnya dok. Gua kan bukan anak medis. Soalnya setau gua hasil cacat-nya itu bakal kaya jadi royalti di Yurop jaman dahulu kala gitu loh yang jadi jelek-jelek mukanya, bukan malah jadi mengidap penyakit modern seperti struk dan diabetes.

>yuki kato
Sini sepupu lu buat gua hehe

auto jadi penjilat. literally.