Are "commieblocks" the solution to the US and Canada housing crisis?

Are "commieblocks" the solution to the US and Canada housing crisis?

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No because they might hurt my house's value.

Damn, Shanghai don't look half bad

You have commieblocks already. Aren't big cities like NY, Chicago, Fila full of them?

It's extremely difficult to build apartment buildings with more than 4 stories in most cities in this country.

What are talking about? Do you want say nobody live in NY etc?


Attached: Vancouver .jpg (1200x630, 154K)

No, the solution is whatever the market comes up with. Cities like San Fran want to retain their culture and so don't allow the market to build houses it finds ugly. Plus, there is lots of rent control.

Why? It gets blocked by bureaucracy?

Not seen in this picture is the 300k single family homes directly behind the camera. Vancouver is a fucking joke and a perfect example of needing more housing. Houses cost so fucking much because there's nowhere to build houses anymore

Besides Le Combursier (or how the hell you write his name), I'm 90% the inspiration for commie blocks came from the US too, from New York, Jersey and Philadelphia.

Where the fuck do these people work, wtf...

>Cities like San Fran want to retain their culture and so don't allow the market to build houses it finds ugly.

”Culture” - is that the necrophagic excuse for forcing people to life miserable (through a cornucopia of reasons & angles that I won't stay here to write each n' every one of them)? That and the esteemed phantasmagoric invisible bullshit arbitrary points known as ”property value”.

Now I understand why the US left UNESCO and UK wants to follow suit. Necrophags are neo-Luddites of our times because of ”muh culture”, ”muh building style”, ”muh historical site”, etc.

no, hanging the rich is

Seattle added like only a couple thousand new units last year while welcoming several times that number of new immigrants. Commie blocks are desperately needed here at least.

>Where the fuck do these people work, wtf...

75% of those buildings you see are mixed use buildings and generally have ground floor retail (sometimes 2-5 floors) and the rest is residential with about 1 in 6 towers being an office tower. There's like 50 buildings under construction just in that picture with lots of them being office buildings. There's also lots of buildings there that are 1 story retail, 3-4 stories of office, 1 story of amenity space and like 20-30 stories of residential.

Space isn't the problem, retard.
Who said commie blocks?

Inspiration for commiebllocks came from early modernist architecture movement like Bauhaus, and Constructivism.

Also there was a necessity to enable housing for millions fast and cheap after WW2.

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jesus christ fuck commieblocks

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We only need luxurious towers.

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In Chicago the closest thing we had were "the projects" and there were very few of them. They were torn down over the decades and the last went over a decade ago.

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I miss the USSR.

what does that say?

NO FUCK NO PLEASE!!!! It would be better to finish modern Russia. I want my independence from this disgusting Slavs.

I still love you

But there's no economic reason to build cheap housing on expensive land. They only build luxury condos.

I love you too, my friend

Luxurious Commie Block for you.

Attached: mTIX826lNeE.jpg (650x562, 93K)

More Commie Blocks for you.

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Now THAT is what I call luxury.

there are apartments 2 minutes from where i live that were built by trump's father.

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no, not at all

this was unironically the worst thing they could do, especially in regards to cabrini-green

the projects were containing crime into small spaces, moving people out and scattering them across the south side destroyed traditional gang territories and plotted rivals next to each other, creating the hell that is chiraq.

That’s exactly what I wanted to post too.

Those trees can be cut down.
But seriously though, why is city planning so shit when it's about extensions?

I don't understand the reasons for concentrating upwards toward the center of a city instead of planning outward extensions.
Every major city has a concentrated ”power center” (for lack of a better word/term), then surrounded by 'hundreds' and 'thousands' of minuscule residential areas, strangling it.
Look at the suburbs surrounding Vancouver, they're strangling it. It's like a dead-end or dead corner.

Usually, it bears a negative (communist) connotation but thank heavens for whomever coined the words ”eminent domain” and ”expropriation”.

UNESCO & national heritages fuck over Europe, when it's about building infrastructure (of any kind).

Add external balconies and those become „commieblocks”.

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legit looks like an asian city

No, hanging NIMBYs is

Why does housing have to be expensive? It's so important for survival I feel like the government should make it as cheap as possible.

You're probably right about that, but at least it kicked them out of the north side so that the violence is just in the south and west sides now.

t. northsider

Attached: chicago skyline trees.jpg (1600x489, 781K)

Yes, but it must be coupled with *much* more robust public transportation solutions,

I have many relatives in Poland so I visit the every 2-3 years. How do people cope to live in the commie blocks? I would get Unironicaly a major depression.

Ironic because public transport is the other thing that most American cities struggle with.

>Look at the suburbs surrounding Vancouver, they're strangling it. It's like a dead-end or dead corner.

You don't know anything about Vancouver. The Suburbs like Burnaby, New West and Coquitlam are building huge town centers with offices, residential and commercial.

Vancouver has a problem because it has a city center and then no building outside of the core. All the other municipalities are building everywhere but there's homes that are 10 minutes walking distance from downtown Vancouver and they have a yard, garage etc. I wouldn't really consider those suburbs but they kind of are.

Also this image is literally one of the smaller but new suburb town centers.

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it isnt that bad here compared to our salaries, it is only really shit if you want to live deep in the city or live in some cali city maybe

>i suffer in the ussr
looks better than 95% of the world

lol no, the entire city is a sprawl

So much of it is indiscriminate from a Western Euro city

Attached: chicago.jpg (640x360, 116K)


>this was unironically the worst thing they could do, especially in regards to cabrini-green

Our mayor lived in Cabrini-Green as a publicity stunt for like, weeks. She eventually felt so unsafe that she moved out.

That should tell you how shit C-Green was

>tfw will live in big comfy house in a foresty suburb with 1.5+ acres of land in 3-5 years

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>creating the hell that is chiraq
chicago isn't even top 10 in violent crimes/murder in our country you nonce

wean off the Fox News and Jow Forumstardation

North America is pretty suburban so some mid-rise apartment blocks can't hurt. British cities need more mid-density too

probably, but it's just because 95% of the world are undeveloped shitholes, still, i guess those blocks were constructed to be practical. how big are the apartaments in average?

More like CCP-card carrying chinks drive up the price. You forget that price is governed by the law of supply and demand. Even if construction workers work at their normal rate, if there's a massive inflow of corrupt capital (i.e. chinks) you cannot outpace that, no matter how hard you try

You're probably a Zhang anyway considering how blind you appear.

>UNESCO & national heritages fuck over Europe

Chirac mentionned

Attached: chirac3.png (602x400, 194K)

Truly there are some aesthetics in that kind of architecture. This brutal grey standard flats. Sometimes with stock furniture inside. It is comfortable especially when you are in good relations with neighbours.

Where is that? Looks cool (architecture-wise)

>yfw you will have shit internet until Elon Musk ejaculates his satellites into the sky
at least you'll shitpost less

From 15 m^2 studio up to 100 m^2 flat with 4 rooms.


Worst president France ever had, after DeGaulle.

Kazan, view to Astronomicheskaya street from the window of Institute of Physics.

That doesn't look too bad, at least they bothered adding some trees.

Government standard says that it should be 18 m^2 per family member.

>Muh foreign buyers
Cope. Also not accurate.

No it won't. We already have huge apartment buildings, changing the layout to something more depressing wont fix anything.

You have no idea how prevalent money laundering is in real estate. And there's the fact that the USA bans card-carrying CCP members but Canada doesn't. Why else do you think they cluster in Vancouver? It's because it's the 2nd best option.

You don't know shit. Sit down and shut the fuck up.

Are you retarded? This isn't 1850. Even my birth city of 120,000 had them.

i really don't know what you're being so hostile about m8. and it's actually 10th for homicide rate, but that's irrelevant anyway, american cities have abnormally high murder rates for 1st world developed countries, of course chicago is going to look better than crumbling wrecks like detroit and baton rouge, or cities with weird boundaries that pretty much only count ghettos like st louis.

but more to the point chicago is abnormal considering it's even being compared to these types of places being one of america's biggest cities. the homicide rate for example has stayed afloat since the mid-2000s while all of america's other major cities like LA, NY and Houston it's dropped dramatically.

Attached: chi.png (791x404, 26K)

Flyover country is a shithole.

Vancouver has had too little housing for 30 years. Most of our rental buildings were built before 1980 and most of our houses even earlier than that.

Here is a NYC project, there are similarities. The grouping of tall buildings with open places and playgrounds in between is one such similarity.

Attached: NYCHAweb1-articleLarge.jpg (600x400, 106K)

>i really don't know what you're being so hostile about m8
Because it is a false meme

>american cities have abnormally high murder rates for 1st world developed countries
They do

>of course chicago is going to look better than crumbling wrecks like detroit and baton rouge, or cities with weird boundaries that pretty much only count ghettos like st louis.
Jow Forumsniggers don't come up with cute names for Detroit, Baton Rouge, and St Louis. Meanwhile "Chiraq." Come on.

>but more to the point chicago is abnormal considering it's even being compared to these types of places being one of america's biggest cities.

It is. It's the Second City for a reason, even though LA is a downturning shithole, Chicago pivoted in NYC's direction by financializing its markets and avoiding rust belt disease. It's probably the #3 or #4 finance city on the planet, after London and NYC of course, and possibly tied with Shanghai.

What Chicago hasn't been successful at is curbing crime the same way NYC has, but we've done a lot better than most of the rest of the country.

I bet you live in some town no one has heard of, but since you sniff seawater you think your irrelevant ass smells like Axe bodyspray.

t.buttmad flyoverer

>Georgia and Illinois have the busiest airports in the entire country
Sorry but you're the flyover here buddy.

>commie block
>$2000+ month rent

gigabit isnt too bad

chiraq isn't or at least didn't start as a Jow Forums meme or right wing trope though, it's a nickname that black communities adopted themselves in reference to the 2010s spikes in gun violence in the southside area of the city, which is what i was referring to.

I looked at it from Google maps (I know, don't laugh). Structurally, Vancouver is the city center, yet everything outwards are swarms of minuscule residential areas and neighbourhoods (which may be buildings with over 7 or so floors but the point stands).

How is Vancouver not a dead-corner or dead-end, since extending from the city center outwards is blocked by the suburbs?

You posted that construction site of another office-mixed-retail building (that's how it looks). Especially since I'm an ”Eastern Euro-poor-ean”, building office towers isn't an extension of a city that is supposed to take a life of its own.

I'm biased because I've formed my conviction but Vancouver looks like a dead-corner mainly because of those suburbs surrounding it. And extending outward, means to apply eminent domain/expropriations. But that's another hassle, is it, if it were to happen how I'd see the rebuilding of Vancouver.

I'm dead serious. Just recently, some archaeologists said that we'd have the waggle a future highway because they found the remnants of a Roman army settlement that is proposed to be put on UNESCO's list for world heritage.

Not only is corruption and neo-colonialism fucking over this country, but anything that is about historical necrophagy (as mentioned earlier) blocks infrastructural projects.

Heck, look at Italy or France alone... Sure, the romanticism still breathes into the old cities (mainly for touristic purpose), but they can't remodel or rebuild their cities and towns because of necrophagic sacrosanctity. Only France's Paris has had the luck with Hausmann but that it. Nothing else modern was build for the health (physical & mental) of their citizens. Think of their small homes in cities, cramped like ants.

Fuck property/land value, people are living miserable. They talk about demographics but they sure as hell don't care about infrastructural sanitisation.

Nah it was manufactured, trust me on this. American media is a racket. We invented clickbait, or at least we took it from you and ran with it. Our newspapers manufactured an entire war against Spain, not that Admiral Nelson would be unproud.

Chiraq is an offhanded joke that was megaphoned and amplified by right wing communities who need to invent reasons to hate Chicago and its retarded democrat machine. Because, believe me, the democrat machine is retarded. It somehow manages to be less retarded than Jow Forums though, which is a godforsaken miracle.

>which may be buildings with over 7 or so floors but the point stands

Again you don't know anything about the Fraser Valley and Lower Mainland. In this picture both of these clusters are not in Vancouver, they're both in Burnaby which is adjacent to Vancouver.

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>Again you don't know anything

How am I supposed to know better since I've been ”blessed” in a country that was kept under communism for 45 years?


>Fraser Valley

It looks like shit for city extensions. For three reasons:

One, as I mentioned, suburbs block any genuine city extensions from turning it into a megapolis and other huge cities to take life of their own outside the vicinity of Vancouver, while still connected to it.

Two, compare it to the landscapes from Norway's fjords or Spain's hilltop towns or Switzerland mountain crevasses where towns are built in-between. It's the same situation, any planned extensions towards there will end with small populated areas, not a grand design for a bigger city to thrive on itself.

Three, that place looks like the next 'bon ton' area where rich corrupt immigrants would dump pocket money to build mansions (ergo future suburbs).

>Lower Mainland

It looks like a county city surrounded by horrendous suburbs. It looked like Barnaby had a chance to build, but then it got strangled immediately too.

Besides, the way the suburbs surrounding Burnaby look like the typical scheme where you need a car to afford a job, to afford money, to afford the car, to afford the job.

No, the solution is to stop giving so much power to private real estate developers. Currently, most municipal governments in North America depend almost entirely on property taxes, hence why they fellate real estate developers and allow them to do whatever the fuck they want. Municipal governments either need to go extinct or undergo a complete overhaul to allow them to gain revenue from other sources.

>Municipal governments either need to go extinct or undergo a complete overhaul to allow them to gain revenue from other sources.

Can you answer me this offtopic question...

I've understood that for some services, Canada has rid itself of public (administrative) bureaus/agencies, and instead gave those tasks to private entities that work on behalf of the government.

Is this true or is it a lie? And if it's true, are they as efficient than civil servants?

lol you must not see lots of other North American cities. Some of your critiques are completely on point but trust me this gets worse. Vancouver is like a urbanists paradise compared to other cities of its size. Metrotown in that previous picture is literally a completely filled out downtown core area with tons of offices and shopping and residential and transit. Vancouver has like a dozen cores around transit (Brentwood, Metrotown, Oakridge, Lansdowne, Lonsdale, Lougheed, Coquitlam Center, Surrey Central, New West etc.). You should see pictures of places like LA, Houston, Atlanta and even smaller midwest cities. It's a small downtown and then literally one story buildings for 20 miles in every direction

kek, and you're probably poor and a houselet if you're complaining about property values rising.

Apartments are being built everywhere where I live. They are intentionally being built right next to grocery stores and bars. They are really expensive though, $1,900/m

Unironically the Hong Kong of the North.

We have some nice commieblocks here in Buenos Aires.

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>”Culture” - is that the necrophagic excuse for forcing people to life miserable (through a cornucopia of reasons & angles that I won't stay here to write each n' every one of them)? That and the esteemed phantasmagoric invisible bullshit arbitrary points known as ”property value”.
>Now I understand why the US left UNESCO and UK wants to follow suit. Necrophags are neo-Luddites of our times because of ”muh culture”, ”muh building style”, ”muh historical site”, etc.
Very chad post

Attached: Foto_en_barrio_buenos_aires.jpg (1024x768, 141K)

Depression from what exactly? Not enough space? Commieblock apartments vary in size, from really tiny to 100m2+

No, tiny houses are.

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Commieblocks are just slighty-larger-than-tiny-houses stacked on top of one another with the added benefit of common utility systems and better heat insulation

Why would I complain? land is cheap in my state, even though we have a top 5 major city in the country

Canada in contrast is retarded and can't correct abuse from chinks.

I live in a relative low-income area where a lot of immigrants and students are in Toronto and we got these disgusting commieblocks everywhere. They look miserable, under maintained, and smelly.
The funny thing is that a commieblock apartment in Toronto is like a million dollar lol