1. Country

1. Country
2. Do you sometimes feel like an NPC? Like, you have no hobbies or passions or feel that you are just a background character in life, like something that doesn't differ from the rest at all?

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Never once in my life have I ever felt like an NPC
I probably have a purpose for existing but I haven't found it yet

>everyone is an npc but me

He didn't imply that retard

I get bored easily so I do things. I have quite singular interests so I wouldn't site

I feel like an NPC all the time, i think, like, those background fans in the stadium seats from old football videogames

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who cares what others think

Wouldn't say*

I’m a drug addict but work full time. Pretty much a bog standard NPC

It's a strange feel. I'd like to think that I have at least a shred of purpose in life, but looking back at my past it just seems exactly like the past of so many of my peers, with only few exceptions.
I went to school, passed with mediocre grades, and am now currently going to uni with mediocre grades also.
Surely if I was one of the player characters I would have done something noteworthy by now, but I just don't see that.
Of course I still hope that things will change.
[spoiler]This is why I decided that if I ever get a terminal illness I'll refuse treatment and instead try to assassinate one of the big bads of the world.[/spoiler]

Caring about not having hobbies or passions is NPC behavior.

I'm in the last 10 years my life has been waking up, be in front of the pc, go to bed

You know, I could say the exact same thing to you

Quintissential NPC thinking

*I'm a neet and

>everyone is an npc but me

lmao. he wanted to say that before he even clicked the thread

what are you addicted to? im a heroin addict and honestly im so jealous of your laws that i want to cry

pretty interesting in some ways how our lives are exactly the same.

Do you also intend to kys?

You are all NPCs with advanced programming trying to fool me into thinking I'm not alone, but I know the truth. I am the only one truly alive in a world of automatons.

I’m addicted to speed and cocaine. Tried heroin twice but fucking hated coming down from it.

I have hobbies and passions but I do feel like a background character.

I think most intend on killing themselves here desu

I am 100% an NPC, but I really don't care. I have my little pleasures and I honestly couldn't give less of a damn that life doesn't revolve around me.

I been thinking about this a lot, if I really don't plan on creating a family? Why shouldn't I pop a cap into some billionaire dickheads head before killing myself? I'd be doing the world a favour.