Imagine not eating rice and beans during lunch and dinner everyday

>imagine not eating rice and beans during lunch and dinner everyday

I can't think of anything healthier to eat on a daily basis than rice and beans. No wonder even the poorest and ugliest people around here have decent bodies.

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I'm not a fag, so I eat bread instead

purines in the legumes gonna give you gout, niggers. legumes are awesome but they need to be limited to 3-4 times a week

Breakfast should be sweet. Anything else is an abomination

I eat pork chops egg and rice for breakfast

This. Eating the same thing everyday won't ever be healthy

t. Woman

I am going to do this from now on because it looks good and cheap

Breakfast should be rich in fiber and slow burning energy to keep you at good energy levels throughout the day. Sugar etc. in the morning is the most retarded thing you could do to yourself.

But you need to eat it with some meat on it because without meat it tastes like shit

>Baked beans and rice
That's an abomination and an insult to Ipok the rice God. Fish and vegetables side dish should be eaten with rice for breakfast.

>imagine not eating high protein cheese during your breakfast, lunch and dinner for at least 6 years

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>imagine not eating dog food during lunch and dinner everyday

I can't think of anything healthier to eat on a daily basis than dog food. No wonder even the poorest and ugliest dogs around here have decent bodies.

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dae get serious farts from eating beans?

It seems to go well with chicken or turkey

that's what lunch is for, light breakfast+nutritious lunch is the way to go

What do Argies usually eat for dinner and lunch?

>rice and beans everyday
This is why mexcriment are all disgustingly fat. I've had many tell me to my face that they eat it with lard and tortillas from the moment they are born.

You don't need slow burning energy in the morning but sugar to feed the brain. If you consume sugar in the morning you'd burn it through the day so its literally the best time to do it

How is rice healthy?

Slow is better to keep you at good energy levels thoughout the day. You never want to consume a lot of sugar because of how inconsistent it is, only providing for a short burst of energy. Idk that's just me, I want to feel good and energized throughout the day rather than having to suffer from highs and lows.

not rice and beans

Lard is the GOAT grease to cook with.
t. Keto Chad

>imagine being a monkey beaner


What do Argies usually eat for dinner and lunch?

>Imagine not eating fast food and snacks every day because you don't know how to cook

>carbs bad

Based and puuropilled

I wouldn't say it either bad or good, it's just something to fill you up. Literal peasant food. A pure carb diet would be horrible though

Usually meat and some veggies

you need fast energy in the morning because your body is still sleeping

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