I hate living in Israel, I wish I lived in the USA

It's full of arabs, religous jews, ni**ers, russians and lgbt.

I am myself was born jewish but I am an atheist and I hate judaism.

Attached: images.png (282x179, 7K)

>arabs, religous jews, ni**ers, russians and lgbt.
The U.S. is full of them too.

>It's full of arabs, religous jews, ni**ers, russians and lgbt.
so just like the US

Send nose pics

based Shahar, you're back

Just move to Europe

Welcome home Shahar

you're still a jew


>It's full of arabs, religous jews, ni**ers, russians and lgbt.
So is the rest of the world. Mostly because of your people's handy work.

>but I am an atheist and I hate judaism.
you chose the wrong country

Why the USA?

you´re back? oh no

>Doesn't like Jews, Arabs and noggers
>Wants to move to the US.
Go to China if you want to escape them. The rest of us are full of them.

The moment my ISP isn't rangebanned Shahar goes back to posting and he disappears when it is rangebanned
Really interesting maybe it's getting rangebanned because of his spam

They have great landscapes and are chill people.

is he back?

Attached: boomer1.jpg (480x360, 30K)

why Israel accepts Russians?

Not sure about the chill part tho.

just avoid the major cities

Yes the moment the rangeban he caused by spamming is off he goes back on if it's not obvious

Let's not get our hopes up right away. Pics, or didn't happen.

He's probably back because rangeban is off.
He's always back when it's off.