You can only post in this thread if you speak a meme language

you can only post in this thread if you speak a meme language

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Oyeee fooo, Spanglish coming aqui

I speak fluent meme

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Tislijiet ħabib tiegħu fuq in-naħa l-oħra tal-Ewropa.

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How much the weight of Icelandic language classes in the school? When compared to Math, English, History etc

not invited
certified meme language
it has a lot of weight, it's very important

yes, helo

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:DDDDD tarvii seistä auringossa vaan kymmenen minuuttia päivässä niin ei tarvii saada d-vitamiinia koko vuonna :DDDDD

I speak some German, does that count?

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nauti riisitaudistasi

Hei hei Island

Apparently my language of Aramaic is the biggest meme ever.

I guess...

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yep it qualifies as a meme language

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kuya' jun q'axetal uwach kemwach chech k'i taq ukojkemcak

English is a meme language at this point.

I've seen people saying my language (italian) is a dead one?
Does it count?

Hej :3

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Is japanese a meme language ?

Det er ikke et memespråk
Basado y mayapildorado

probably the biggest meme of them all, at least on 4channel


Attached: lain_bearsuit.jpg (800x1200, 938K)