Rate your language's difficulty in comparison to English! Let's say that English is 10, Greek is about 17

Rate your language's difficulty in comparison to English! Let's say that English is 10, Greek is about 17.

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Hindi is probably around 10 too.

No idea how diffcult Greece is, bu I just say 17 as well

Why the fuck are you using 20 as the highest grade (or at least that seems like it?) In an international board?
For English speakers according to the foreign office of America, Greek, hindi and Serbo-Croatian are both ranked in the same difficulty which is the highest second highest

If on a scale of 100, its 90 i guess
If on a scale of 20, its 19

>is the highest second highest
Malaka, what?


Do you have genders for objects too?

Every pleb thinks his language is wow super hard, because they think that makes them somehow smarter or better.

100, it's the hardest language in the world.

I assume Bulgarian is easy, then?

Nihongo ga ichiban muzukashī desu.

No, it's the hardest language in the hardest language known to humans.

I'm pretty sure that's Mandarin.

The burger foreign office has 5 tiers of difficult for languages to learn by English speakers, Hindustani, Serbo-Croatian and Greek are all tier 4

if english is 10 dutch is perhaps 11 or 12
it's a pretty easy language

Turkish grammar is completely different so it's probably hard as fuck.

I feel like a dumbass.. I didn't know there was Dutch. I thought you guys spoke German.

could go for about 21, Greek has simpler morphology and pronounciation than Russian

Think so but I don't really remember too much from studying Arabic I just know Hebrew has it and they're similar so.. Hebrew has Niqqud which is hard

don't worry buddy it took me a while too
Like a fool I was speaking german all throughout primary school because I didn't realize dutch existed

If English is 10 Armenian is around 19

Like a 2. Mad easy, I spoke it when I was a one-year-old.

Unlearnable tier if you don't know a latin language to heart

Barely manageable if you do

Fuck you! Don't make fun of me..... You are tiny and Germanic, I assumed you spoke German, sue me!

>German humour

10 because of noun gender and inflexions.

it's easy because you are a native speaker of a germanic language.

it's like I would say that Polish (actually can speak it) is a pretty easy to learn

I actually laughed................

it's hard, I fucked up grammar in school so now I'm not even planing to learn Russian properly because it takes to much time that better to be spend on English. It's few times more difficult than English, so let it be 30.

if you would learn a different slavic language you would understand how Russian "works" better

Russian has some things which no one different slavic language has. For example nobody else write -шь.

Also really don't like how some people are obsessed with "correct stress".

I used to speak Russian when I was in Armenia. By the time I left I was thinking in Russian. Now I've forgotten most of it