Why the heck don't Americans ever do anything about the abysmal state of their police?

Why the heck don't Americans ever do anything about the abysmal state of their police?

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>tfw just saw a video where a police dog rips apart a mans face and the police do nothing
what's wrong with america?

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Because Americans are relatively comfortable and therefore don't do anything about the myriad of incredibly large issues and atrocities that plague our society.

as long as it's not gubburment

isn't your police holding australian boys in camps on some small island where they get tortured?

>relatively comfortable
only if you are white and lower middle class and above

The police force is composed of ex-military people who are hopped up on steroids. The way to solve the police issue is to not accept every 0311 MUHREEN faggot who can't get any other job

If I'm comfortable, then those things aren't problems that I need to care about.

You can't fight City Hall. We'd have to start from the top.

was the man running? they usually give warning before letting the dog loose and at that point it is the criminals choice. or was it some accident kek

Think he ran at first, thing is they didnt stop the dog from biting him for 20-30 seconds.

his face was ripped apart, he is now suing for 2 million dollars

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, they all scream "stop resisting" while he is being mauled

Because if they say even something like "You know the police could use more oversight" they get called commies and ostracized for being anti-American


just dont be a dindu

>Dislike police brutality
>Politicians are above the law and do not need to heed the demands of their constituents
>Only way to make a point as a citizen is mass protest
>When you protest the police are called out
>Police then brutalize the protesters
>Politicians do nothing

Vicious cycle

>american police wreaking havoc on nigs, spics and retards
>this is bad

no they're not, where the fuck did you get that info?

People Don't care about niggers

Just don't be poor an/or a minority

it's not just black people, if you vaguely look like the person that bullied them in high school they will kill you

What the fuck are we supposed to do? Its hopeless.

>only niggers get sho-

>be American
>get arrested for smoking pot in an empty parking lot
>get fined, imprisoned - plus tip
I've watched a fuckload of COPS and its ridiculous that American police arrest people for simple drug possession.

Why are police allowed to be obese?

>live in primarily white area
>police are laid back
I have only had problems with dickhead cops in areas with lots of Mexicans and blacks

Never had a problem with the police bit of they do start acting up just put them in an arm bar or something

What can we do? We're open to suggestions

Not be a chimp and act like you're going to assault a cop. Europeans never had to deal with niggers until recently (except France, but they like it)

Unironically end the DEA and have the federal government legislate against imprisoning people for non-violent drug offences

I'm not a nigger. I just hate how the situation is here.
I am going to law school specifically because I want to prosecute crooked cops. No more shit cops killing for fun and getting away with it. I want to make it my life's mission to get these cops locked up

based, good luck on your journey

I was pulled over going 95 in a 55 one time. It was a long stretch of rural road that was right off a highway. It was about midnight on new years eve back in 2012 or 2013. I was coming home from from my job at a restaurant and was just really tired and wanted to get home. I legit thought I was going to have my license taken and probably even have jail time. The cop looked at my uniform and let me off with a warning because he liked my restaurant and "he really didnt feel like ruining some kids life tonight". Ever since then cops have been pretty cool in my book.

TLDR: lmao just be white

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that's what they usually do if you have no record and stay calm

I am white and I have been pulled over for loads of shit: speeding, rolling through a stop sign, my fucking license plate coming off (I didn't realize a screw came loose and my plate was dangling), etc. I'm white as fuck and can act polite so nothing has ever happened.

I think him letting me off after catching me going 40 over is still one of the luckiest moments of my life and has caused me to forgo all bitching rights about speeding tickets for the rest of my life.

Mexicans are the dickhead cops; authoritarian manlet cunts. Black cops are generally chill.

Because we'd get shot and then have to pay for outrageous medical bills (plus tip to the shooter)

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Why did they raid the house?

Trump supporters are slavishly tied to Blue Lives Matter because the orange man told them their own lives are worthless

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As shown by this thread you dumbfucks have been tricked into thinking it's a race issue.Your police do not behave appropriately at all and racism is only one factor in that

NOthing will ever change because white people

Americans are dumb as shit that's why their country is out of control

It's their culture