¿What do foreigners know about Spanish history?

¿What do foreigners know about Spanish history?

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American colonies, independence war, your civil war, and that's pretty much everything.

>random ass Celts, a couple Greeks, and few Phoenicians
>Romans come and blanda upp
>Berbers/Arabs come and blanda upp
>Christian forces from the north kick Ayyrabs and Jooz out or force them to convert
>Colonization of the New World
>Neutral in WW2
>Spanish Civil War
>Catalonia's attempted secession
that's it

Nafris invaded you
You kicked them out
you go to the new world and kill everybody by sneezing
You make a ton of colonies that you all loose over time but the philippines still named themself after your king
You lost a war to the USA where they made up some bullshit as an excuse to go to war
You had a civil war that was also a bit like a proxy war between us and the soviet union
You became facist until the 70s

You guys had an Empire, lost your armada, fought some wars in Europe, did the whole conquistador thing... then post-Napoleon literally nothing happened in Spain until the Civil War. You've essentially been an irrelevant backwater since 1800.

you were conquered by muslims
then you conquered mesoamerica and the incas
then you were under fascist regime
then were not

that's it

>in europe
>dont participate
Fucking hell, I'd actually kill myself if I was Spanish.

Arab rapebabies

They were having or just had a civil war during WWII. Not sure sure what happened during WWI, but in any case that war was a meme.

You had the world in your hand
Then you didn't

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eran basado, y ahora estan super de la izquierda

me encanta corboda.

intedesting, we dont learn much about independence of latino countries, we study more the loss of the last new world colonies in the disaster of 1898
i assume you researched on the internet or watched documentaries right?
i dont know why, but none of the eduational systems seem to teach about the british counter-armada who also failed, basically showing both britain and spain that it was impossible to destroy the other
>post-Napoleon literally nothing happened in Spain until the Civil War
there was a 3-year liberal period and the provinces changed to pretty much what we have today. the king came back from his vacations in france and was cheered by the retard monarchists. then he broke the liberal constitution and went back to absolutism and enjoying nice vacations with his royal money.

t. another useless cunt that didn't particpate

Unrelated but can you give me a quick rundown on el pueblo godo? a friend of mine keeps calling himself godo

>eran basado, y ahora estan super de la izquierda
*eran basados, y ahora son muy de izquierdas
es por que la television y la educacion son controladas por la izquierda desde hace decadas.
nunca fui a cordoba, que tal es?

They were even nicknamed "the Empire Where the Sun Never Sets" or something along those lines

We participated during WWII, ignoramus.

>I assume you researched on the internet or watched documentaries right?
Yes, nothing much is taught about Spain in American schools except a little colonization and the Spanish-American war (very briefly)

I didn't learn about the annexation of Florida until a college history class that I took as an elective.

A lot
t. Realist peruvian

You were there as well

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You know what the saddest thing about Spain is? After Franco died they re-established the Spanish monarchy and made some idiot king. They did this in 1975. 1975! Absolutely pathetic.

State formed after reconquist by the fusion of the kingdoms of castilla and navarro
Castilla Tried to take portugal but lost the aljubarrota battle
Iberian union makes it easier for brazilians to explore beyond the tordesilhas treaty
Neutral in ww2 eventho fascist
Thats basically what we learn from you in schools

visigoths were a migrant people, mostly poor people that used to fight for the romans, but later sacked rome and then decided to settle spain. they didnt really conquer spain, they just walked in and took it. then they had shitloads of internal struggles, and the year the arabs invaded spain, the visigothic king was extremelly unpopular. the arabs actually came allied with a visigothic noble that wanted to wage war, similarly to when napoleon walked in to help spain but then betrayed spain
we have a few goth-origin words in spanish
wasnt florida sold to the USA? USA also offered to buy Cuba, but the spanish people would feel betrayed if something as wealthy as cuba was sold, so Spain went into a war that was lost from the start

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The bad guys won in 1876 and it's been downhill from there

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Bueno, yo fui a madrid, granada, cordoba y seville.

Madrid es muy guay, pero es un ciudad grande. Creo que para visitar es increible, no se a vivir alla. El metro es ocupado, el estilo de vida es un poco diferente. Y granada y seville son muy turistico, muy caro
Pero cordoba, para mi, fue increible. Bien barata, no tantas turistas, muy chill, muy tranquilo, pero todavio con todos los casas me gusta (architectura, restaurantes, cafes, personas amables). Tambien la mezquita fue mi sitio favorito. No se, me gusta espana, pero en serio, creo que yo podria vivir en corboba, y no puedo decir lo mismo sobre muchos lugares mas.
(y disculpame para mi espanol)

>they re-established the Spanish monarchy and made some idiot king
weren't they just resuming the succession where it left?

Sending 300 people doesn't count as participating.

Spain hadn't had a monarchy since 1931.

stfu muhammad your duoling spanish is shit

>Greek and Phoenician colonies in the coast
>Al-Andalus, Asturias and the Catalonian March
>Kingdoms of Galicia, Leon, Castille, Navarra and Aragon
>Fernando de Aragon and Isabel de Castilla
>Donde estan las morenas
>Lots of gold used to war through Europe.
>Spanish Two Sicilies, Spanish Netherlands, Spanish Piedmont
>Economy goes to shit with gold induced inflation
>End up mixed with Habsburg business
>Bourbons and the Succesion War against the Franco-Spanish Union
>Iberian Union
>Napoleonic Wars end with Spain getting backstabbed by the eternal frog
>Lose most of the colonies in America due to the Criollo-Peninsular Civil War
>Problems with Carlists
>War against Chile and dead weight(1860s)
>War against the USA losing the Caribbean and Pacific colonies.
>Civil War
>Francisco Franco
>EU gibs me dats prop up Spain into a Tourist destination for Europeans

entonces necesito tomar todas las oportunidades para practicar, no? :-)

I know absolutely everything from the arrival of the WHG to the peninsula 40k years ago to the election of Pedro Sanchez

quizas es mejor a decir "aprovechar" en lugar de "tomar"

y tambien, estas correcto, hice duolingo jajaja

I only know that my grandmother came from Valencia when she was 8 or 9 when the Civil war started

Se comprende tú Español pero es verdad que se nota que aún no has practicado de forma fluida o frecuente

>Sending 300 people doesn't count as participating.
It counts enough. We didn't even have a big dog in the fight anyway. I guess the Battle of Thermopylae doesn't count because 300 Spartans is not participating.

la verdad, tengo dias buenos y malas con el espanol.

depende de la tema estamos hablando, pero si, definitvemente no hablo con fluidez aun.
llevo solo un ano (kek) con espanol, pero sin clases, solo aprendiendo con duolingo y periodicos, diarios, series etc. Creo que el mejor cosas se puede hacer para aprender un idioma, esta quitarse del miedo para cometir errores.

Out countribution was oil and food
We only declared war on the axis because one idiot in charge of a submarine attacked our oil tankers. Latin america was more antagonistic to the US than Germany. The US had a really hard time convincing latam to side with the allies.

Why is cuckdeau such a dork

>Madrid es muy guay, pero es un ciudad grande
pensaba que para los americanos era pequeña, comparada con ciudades como mexico o los angeles
>yo podria vivir en corboba
es muy barato, pero la gente es demasiado extrovertida... no?
>they re-established the Spanish monarchy and made some idiot king
thats not how it happened
Franco appointed the king Juan Carlos as his heir.
If Carrero Blanco wasnt killed by ETA, he would've been the president of Spain after Franco.
The king Juan Carlos willingly decided to make the move towards democracy instead of being the supreme leader of the country.
Hes no more than a diplomatic figure nowadays
>Catalonian March
Spanish March, created by France afaik
>>Lots of gold used to war through Europe.
it was mostly silver i think
>Economy goes to shit with gold induced inflation
*silver induced inflation
>EU gibs
b-but we're nearly a net contributor
also spain doesnt need gibs to be a tourist destination, it started being one before franco even died.

we wuz empires....then something about fascism...that's all

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>pensaba que para los americanos era pequeña, comparada con ciudades como mexico o los angeles
pues yo vivo en un ciudad con como 1/6 de la poblacion de madrid, sin metro, sin barrios antiguo o historico

>es muy barato, pero la gente es demasiado extrovertida... no?
ehhh, quizas un poco. No he notado este especificamente, pero si, son mucho mas amables que la gente de madrid (pero creo que no es una cosa sobre la gente de espanol, pero mas de personas de ciudades grandes)

Podrías vivir algunos meces en cordoba para mejorarlo, haciendo dos cosas que te gustarían hacer a la vez

meses* dios, mierda

Too much from the renconquista on it's covered in workd and U.S. history for obvious reasons. Even your Franco Era civil war gets covered because it's like introduction before WW2. After WW2 though it stops. So basically a little before 1492 to WW2 you're history is seen as relevant.

Mis ancestros :)

i like it, i love maria valverde

me gustaria, pero no puedo quitarme de la vida aqui (tengo un buen trabajo ....y....ya)
al menos hay bastante latinos aqui que pueden practicar conmigo, por ejemplo hay como 4 latinos en mi oficina y tengo muchos amigos latinos

yo estuve en Granada y Sevilla, y no podría vivir en andalucia desu
en verano te mueres de calor, y la gente es demasiado gitana para mi
pero me gusta la cultura de ahi

Deja de hacer hilos sobre España

¿Son nacidos de allá o inmigraron hace poco? Los que son nacidos de allá tienden a cambiar muchos modismos lo cual al menos a mi me parece ridículo

We Wuz Muzlims
We Wuz Conquistadors
We Wuz Spanish
We Wuz Europeans
N Shieet

literalmente el primero que hago en meses
ten sexo

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fui en noviembre, pero tienes razon, la gente me dijo que en verano es normal a hacer 40 grados

pero si puedo sobrevir -40 grados cada invierno..., pues dejame decir que yo intercambiaria por 40 grados en el verano cualquier dia.

la mayoria de mis amigos latinos solo tiene raices latinos (o viene aca cuanda eran muy pequeno) pero mis companeros de trabajo todos tienen accentos y solo inmigraron hace 10-2 anos
tambien la impresa en que yo trabajo tiene muchos vinculos a latin america, entonces si puedo mejorar mi espanol a nivel proficiente, creo que quizas estaran oportunidades para viajar un poco

cuando hace frio puedes ponerte mas ropa
cuando hace calor no puedes quitarte la piel

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>tartesios, celtas, celtiberos, fenisios, cartaginenses, colonias griegas e iberos.
>control cartaginense de la peninsula, guerras púnicas y el uso de mercenarios iberos.
>llegan los romanos, blablabla, Adriano, Trajano y Teodosio I, se divide el imperio.
>crisis e invasion de los germanos, vándalos, suevos y alanos.
>reinos suevos, vascones y entrada y conquista de los visigodos + ataques vándalos + tierras del reino bizantino.
>Califato omeya y los distintos reinos dentro de la península.
> Don Pelayo inicia la reconquista. (Sin asturias no hay España, godo hijo de puta*resuena la gaita asturiana a la distancia*), se unen castilla y león blablabla, juera moros hdp.
>el imperio español, descubrimiento de america y llegada de los conquistadores
>se fundan las colonias, nace el "tercio de Arauco" en la capitanía general de Chile.
>napoleón hace de las suyas y mete a pepe botella.
>las colonias se auto gobiernan hasta la liberación del rey y cuando se libera entra en estado de autismo puro y los colonos se enojan y demandan (y el pérfido español no cumple)
>guerras de independencia.
>guerra hispano-estadounidense
>primera y segunda república.
>guerra civil.
>dimite franco y a los españoles se los sigue cogiendo un rey.

I will not write all that shit in english.

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amigo, no se, como se dice "the grass is always greener" pero con -40 grados es insoportable.
hay no cosa peor que limpiando el hielo de tu coche a las 7:30 en la manana (cuando todavia no hay luz) y esta haciendo -40 con vientos fuertes

Bueno bueno, te dejo no quiero cambiar el tema del hilo, suerte a dónde vayas

Do I look like I have a drop of Arab or north Africa blood?

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Callete Moro negro

vale, gracias por hacerme humor en respeto al espanol
tambien conozco que hago muchos errores pero yo significe hayan en lugar te estaran... creo

that was france and the uk

Yes, in the order of 5-10%

mejor un punto medio, como 14ºC
la temperatura perfecta
por eso nunca viviria en sur de españa, es demasiado caluroso, no puedes hacer ejercicio
prefiero el norte

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In order of 0% you tard.

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It was used for the Spanish Empire and the British Empire. France only had colonies in fucking Africa lmao

i look more like a conquistador that you and i'm a mestizo...

Not particularly, no.

I'm sure you do palestiANO


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okay, ahmed

No, you do not.

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me parece comoda. Donde es? quiero volver al sur de espana, pero tambien quiero conocer mas de tu pais. Catalunya, Salamance, no se que mas. Tambien portugal.

do you faggots know each other? whats going on here?

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It's just that the guy who spams his pic telling people he's Spanish is relative known for it

>Lose most of the colonies in America due to the Criollo-Peninsular Civil War
>Problems with Carlists
>War against Chile and dead weight(1860s)
never heard of these, i just vaguely remember the carlist stuff
>>War against the USA losing the Caribbean and Pacific colonies.
wouldnt it be easier to say the Captaincy of Cuba and the Philippines
>se unen castilla y leon
leon solo fue un cambio de nombre de asturias, era el mismo reino
y castilla era una region dentro de asturias/leon, que se volvio un reino propio
es complicado...
>>se fundan las colonias, nace el "tercio de Arauco" en la capitanía general de Chile.
vaya no sabia nada de esto
>>las colonias se auto gobiernan hasta la liberación del rey y cuando se libera entra en estado de autismo puro y los colonos se enojan y demandan (y el pérfido español no cumple)
esto esta interesante, el rey era un imbecil, que por inacción perdio muchas colonias.
also hasta 1700 las colonias tenian un estatus de autogobierno muy alto, practicamente paises
>dimite franco
*muere franco
antes de morir nombra a Carrero Blanco presidente por que el estaba muy viejo para gobernar, pero ETA lo mata, asi que nombra al Rey como sucesor.
es en Asturias, todo el norte de España es asi
yo fui por esta autovia ayer

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He is not asspanish. He is IBERIAN.

>roman rule
>muslims invade and are the technological center of the muslim world after baghdad fucks up
>hernan cortez conquers aztec empire
>fransisco pizarro conquers inca empire
>fucking up the ming economy by trading with silver
>marriage successes (duchy of naples, milan, lowlands)
>charles V becomes holy roman emperor and is king of spain at the same time
>philippine conquest (the philippines is named after phillip II)
>armada fucks up in a storm and spain is no longer #1
>charles II worst ruler in existance
>war of spanish succession, spain gets bourbon king
>blas de lezo protects cartagena from the brits and fucks up the royal navy
>spain (and france) lose their entire navy at trafalgar
>napoleon invades killing 10% of the spanish population in famine
>napoleon executes the royal family
>latin america sees that spain can't protect them anymore, declares independence
>small colonization of africa (northern morocco, equatorial guinea)
>spanish american war and spain loses all non african colonies
>spanish civil war
>franco is dictator for like 40 years, usa doesn't give a fuck
>franco dies and a republic is established
>opression of minorities

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>opression of minorities

was referring to catalonia but i probably used the wrong term

They sunk as hard as they rose. I can almost, almost, feel bad for them.

you are fucking drunk just like me.

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the school of translators of toledo was the most important culture center in Europe since they had translators that knew latin, spanish, hebrew and arab translating thousands of works from the far east
"One Thousand and One Nights" for instance was a huge success in Europe, and was translated in Toledo, Spain AFAIK
chess also came through spain, where the pieces were adapted to european themes. arab scholars made books about chess and chess minigames that were very popular (among those that could read)
>>blas de lezo protects cartagena from the brits and fucks up the royal navy
damn, few foreigners know that
>>napoleon invades killing 10% of the spanish population in famine
was it really that bad? i knew about picrel but didnt know it got that bad
>>>franco dies and a republic is established
*a democracy is established
the definition of republic means there can't be a king
>>opression of minorities
>wave catalonya flag in Madrid in a massive protest
>nothing happens
>try to hold a right wing party with spanish flags in catalonya
>get beaten by antifa causing major bleeding and injuries

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> Iberos, Celtas, Celtiberos, Griegos, Fenicios, Vascones
>Romanos atacan etc, Viriato
>Hispania, parte del Imperio Romano
>400 dC~ Vandalos, Alanos, Visigodos, etc invaden
>Reino de Visigidos
>Berberos y Arabes atacan en siglo viii, Roderico el cornudo
>Umayyads, vienen mas berberes, los judios estan protegidos por los arabes y cordoba es el centro de la peninsula para los moros
>asturias sobrevive, charlememe en cataluña, reconquista empieza con Pelayo
>nuevo mundo
>franceses, napoleon, quien ayuda a los criollos afrancescados/masones, b*rb*n*s
>guerras carlistas
> guerra de Cuba
>primera republica
>Miguel Primo de Rivera
>Falange + JONs
>Guerra Civil (una gran cagada)
>era franquista

ya me canse

Why? 1st WW was gay, and 2nd one was gayer. Spain not joining was a good thing and instead aided Axis, sent troops to Stalingrad. If they would have joined formally, UK would have pressured Portugal to aid in invasion and America would have another point to land, rape women, etc. Spain was still in shambles from Civil War during 2nd World War.

>the school of translators of toledo was the most important culture center in Europe since they had translators that knew latin, spanish, hebrew and arab translating thousands of works from the far east

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Ando bien pedo carnal. Te quelo. ¿Eres Jose Luis?

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no i'm just a coffee addict

>eres Jose Luis

no soy Patricio

Some time ago the iberian bvll called me "non-white" and i posted my pic (blue eyes, brown hair, pink skin and all that shit), he remember me from that day i guess.

just called it opression because.. i don't know, looking back at it i should've just said "catalonia stays part of spain (for now)"

welp, don't drink too much. That shit will make you neurotic. Better drink alcohol
¿de que vergas hablas? bueno yo pense que eras mi flaco.... saludos carnalbro

I just learned that Africa starts at the Pyrenees

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sorry i absolutely dispise alcohol, sticking to my mexican produced coffee

hmmm... I don't know what to say... don't drink too much. We need you.

>africa begins at the pyrenees
considering it was coined by a french mulatto, then yes france is africa and africa is france

i only drink ~5 cups a day i'll be fine