Should the USA pay reparations for what they did to latin america??

Should the USA pay reparations for what they did to latin america??

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They are already paying. Their heritage is fucked now that Blacks are taking over for all the shit slavery they had to endure.
America is crumbling on its own, lmao.

>not counting anything pre-CIA
I hate this shit, nobody ever talks about Henry Lane Wilson, William Walker, James Long or Augustus Magee because the CIA didn't exist then.

t. asian


>should the US pay reparations to Latin America for saving it from Communism

If anything you owe us a thank you. You're welcome.

>wahh wahhhh there's little proof that the USA messed with Mexico wahhhh
>Nowi have to make up shit, to prove we aren't shit because we're stoopid spic niggers wahhhh
Yikes, take some responsibility, you fucking lazy bums


it should come out of the angloid's "queen's crown" treasury.

kek go back to africa faggot

>communism bad

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>Elect Socialist and crime sky rockets and money gets devalued beyond belief
Fucking USA MUTTS ruining our country!
>Elects another socialist again and money begins to plummet again and murder picks up.

we suffered the same with capitalists for more than 50 years

>Elect Socialist and crime sky rockets
Cuba is safer than USA

And Mexico is still worst. Who gives a fuck about an island dictatorship?

Mexico is not socialist, AMLO is just a fucking moron, and Calderón, the one who started the Drug War, certainly fucking wasn't.

Yikes, you fucking commie-tards think everything left of Mao is a liberal-fascist, huh? lamooooooo

MExico is 100% neoliberal, the are no commies here


>national action party
>founded in 1939
>heavily influenced by nazis, thus, the name
>anti-abortion, gays, etc.
>all for the free market
>tough on crime


there is no left or right in Mexico, only a ruling class that does what it has to be done in order to survive

No, groups of people/nations have been exploited by other groups of people/nations for thousands and thousands of years. Those groups of people/nations that claim to have been exploited will never overcome their own challenges as long as the demand things from others - it forces them to keep their minds in the past and not the present in shaping/preparing for the future. No one in this world is entitled to anything. It's not what people want to hear, but it's the truth.

>PRI controls Mexico from 1946-1988, and sets the conditions necessary for large crime conglomerates to gain power
>Doood WTF it's the Liberals fault OMGGG WTFFF
Mmmkay lol

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I don't remember Mexico exploting other peoples/nations

PRI was essentially ruling as a one-party state and was supported by the American government.

Like 1/3 of the USA is latin american now. We've already paid more then enough.

>exploits the natives and effectively erases 95% of Mexico's native culture

In what way?

PRI presidents were literally CIA informants and had CIA trained militias (los halcones) who killed commies in the 60s/70s/80s, and they stole elections to win. Supported by America by the way. They also signed NAFTA and were responsible for an actual commie uprising in the South, the EZLN.

>Mexican presidents creates a anti-protestor organization
>The USA nods and accepts they exist
Yikes, you guys are really reaching

that were the spanish

The only people who deserve reparations are the descendants of the original colonists since they've had to deal with the trash that has come here over the years.

Don't forget the UFCO

A single party ruling the country for that long, killing political rivals, and having EXTREMELY and OBVIOUSLY fraudulent elections, PRI also killed communist activists etc. and would often do what ever they were told by the American government at the time, in return they were allowed to maintain their oligarchy

I said in what way, not go on a unsubstantiated tangent.

cope and cringe

Couldn't think of an actual response, right faggot?

>Argument basically surmounts to "Cuz Amerikkka bad!"
>Has the gall to claim i have no argument
Mkay sweetie, the adults are speaking now.

saying I have the gall to claim you have no argument is not an argument keep up the cope faggot

You haven't actually given him any hard evidence which is a running problem with the pic on the op, a lot of what it says is bullshit and very wild interpretation of what certain words mean

stop pretending you are inocent you dumb faggot, you are responsible for all this shit

>Absolutely zero punctuation.
I see, so this is the power of the Chi.

I never claimed we were, i'm just asserting that we are not the sole cause of your problems.
You need to take some initiative, and take responsibility that it was your inept government, and lazy culture that caused you guys to lay down and just watch your nation remain a shithole for all this time.

>Doesn't even link the various CIA files that were declassified years ago.
>Links the first hits on a Goggle search page.
Are you even trying here?

>Absolutely zero punctuation. I see, so this is the power of the Chi.

kek, I absolutely btfo'd this low IQ faggot

we can't, as long as you exist, we are forever doomed to be shithole, our only hope is china


>Begins to finally use it, after called out.
Finally remembered what you were taught in your ESL classes?

China rather sooner industrialize and support Indonesia and various African nations, than some country that changes it's international policy on a whim.

>Begins to finally use it, after called out. Finally remembered what you were taught in your ESL classes?

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We just need to send more people there to take over the Pentagono, institution that really command that shithole

There's no Africans coming to the U.S anymore, user

Nothing wrong with fighting Muscovites.

>blacks are taking over
Black used to makeup like 20% of the US population at one point.
They are now at like 13%, and they are projected to stay at 13% or even go down, as more hispanics and asians move in.

The white population is projected to go down in percentage points, but go up in outright numbers.

So, I don't see that as a loss.

>I think i get it now, so while we were partitioned and had various civil wars funded by foreign powers that took the lives of over 100 million Chinese, we were able to pull ourselves up.
>While you sat idle, playing the victim game, we focused on improving ourselves, and not having past grudges hold us back on our future.
>You Mexicans preferred to remain to your capitalist vices and instead bowed to your local ruling class and accepted to live in perpetual squalor.
>No i get it now, your people shall be sent to camps to work and finally learn how to productive proletariat, no we shall not waste money on you worthless vermin.

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Chw Guevara getting killed was good.

shut uo kike

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feel like pure shit lads just want the US gone

Focusing ONLY on what the CIA did is going easy on them. You also forgot to mention Polk, UFCO, the Guatemalan Syphilis Experiments, Panamá's independence, etc.