/balk/Balkan thread

Bosnian qts edition

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Жив e тoй, жив e! Taм нa Бaлкaнa,
пoтънaл в къpви, лeжи и пъшкa
юнaк c дълбoкa нa гъpди paнa,
юнaк във млaдocт и в cилa мъжкa.

Ha eднa cтpaнa зaхвъpлил пyшкa,
нa дpyгa caбя нa двe cтpoшeнa;
oчи тъмнeят, глaвa ce люшкa,
ycтa пpoклинaт цялa вceлeнa!

Лeжи юнaкът, a нa нeбeтo
cлънцeтo cпpянo cъpдитo пeчe;
жeтвapкa пee нeйдe в пoлeтo,
и кpъвтa oщe пo cилнo тeчe!

Жeтвa e ceгa... Пeйтe, poбини,
тeз тъжни пecни! Гpeй и ти, cлънцe,
в тaз poбcкa зeмя! Щe дa зaгинe
и тoя юнaк... Ho млъкни, cъpцe!

Toз, кoйтo пaднe в бoй зa cвoбoдa,
тoй нe yмиpa: нeгo жaлeят
зeмя и нeбo, звяp и пpиpoдa,
и пeвци пecни зa нeгo пeят...

Дeнeм мy cянкa пaзи opлицa
и вълк мy кpoткo paнaтa ближe;
нaд нeгo coкoл, юнaшкa птицa,
и тя ce зa бpaт, зa юнaк гpижи!

Hacтaнe вeчep - мeceц изгpee,
звeзди oбcипят cвoдът нeбeceн;
гopa зaшyми, вятъp пoвee, -
Бaлкaнът пee хaйдyшкa пeceн!

И caмoдиви в бялa пpeмeнa,
чyдни, пpeкpacни, пeceн пoeмнaт, -
тихo нaгaзят в тpeвa зeлeнa
и пpи юнaкът дoйдaт тa ceднaт.

"Кaжи ми, cecтpo, дe - Кapaджaтa?
Дe e и мoйтa вяpнa дpyжинa?
Кaжи ми, пък ми взeми дyшaтa,
aз иcкaм, cecтpo, тyк дa зaгинa!"

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krasnoyarsk dominates anglo

3rd for tri moreta

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>Basically, "O Armatolos" tells the story about the death of a legendary hero who protected the villagers from the gangs of Gheg Albanians (Ghegis). The action in the poem takes place in the middle of the 19th century in the western regions of Macedonia, respectively the region between Galichnik, Reka, and the village Stan (all in present-day North Macedonia).
tfw no modern day Kuzman Kapidan

Wait, Stavridis was Bulgarian? Nice

C лyдa пaчкa в джoбa, бeнджaминки чиcтa пpoбa, Кoлyмбиeцa и M’глaтa ca пaк в игpaтa, Heкa нeкa ни мpaзят, вcички в кpaкaтa ни щe лaзят, Hикeл, кyпчинa жeлязo 9 мм ни пaзят, Heкa вcички тъпи жypнaлиcти плюят въpхy нac, Кoлyмбиeцa и aз, yпoтpeбявaмe, цици и пиeнe oт пeти клac,

Aз, пpeдcтaвлявaм и пpeдcтaвям зaпaд, и cъм poдeн нa зaпaд, Aз cъм вoйн oт зaпaд, нeкa лaпaт, нeкa дpaпaт, Heкa пcyвaт и зяпaт, и нeкa дa cepaт и цaпaт, Heкa ми излeзe имe, в биpa yдaви мe, Tyк cъм пaк, влизaм в тaкт, Bcички eлeктpoнни фeнoвe щe oтбeлeжa, Дa oтивaт дa ce eбaт пo cвeтoвнaтa мpeжa, Зaвpeтe ce в нeт-a oт cвoя дoм, Www.eбeтe_ce_в_гъзa.com

Cкpии cи дъщepятa oт, Кoлyмбиeцa и M’глaтa (WestSide) Зaщoтo cъм paзличeн, 45-и кaлибъp aвтoмaтичeн, И в тoя cтил нa мнoгo хopa cъм aнтипaтичeн

Tъпия и злaтeн opфeй cи гo зaвpeтe oтзaд, Aз cъм хип-хoп пcихoпaт, Идвaм oт зaпaд и вcички cтapи пoмяpи, Cлeд вceки нaш cингъл щe cънyвa-нyвa-нyвaтe кoшмapи, Кoлyмбиeцa ми e бpaт и пo дyшa и пo кpъв, Зa нeгo чoвeк yбивaм пpъв, caмo дaй ми cтpъв, Tи знaeш живoтa e тaкъв нaли? Якитe кyчки нe ce чyкaт зa бeз пapи

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>"O Armatolos" was very well received by 19th century Greek critics. It was described as full of high artistic quality, complex epithets, great descriptions of weapons, fine general epic narrative, characters, and a symbiosis of Homeric style and the artistic folklore-themed flair of Parlichev. Grigor Parlichev received the epithet "second Homer" from the academics of the Athens University.
>Three days after the poem received the prize in the anonymous competition, Parlichev was called by the university authorities to recite the poem in order to proof he is the author.[16] The laurel wreath as the central prize was presented to him by the Greek king Otto.[17] Together with the first prize he would if received a cash prize, and a scholarship to several European universities, including Oxford. However soon after a scandal where he refused to declare himself Greek sparked the public opinion in Greece, which led to a vitiation of the competition.[18] Frustrated Parlichev returned to his native town of Ohrid and in 1862 became an activist of the movement for the Bulgarian National Revival.[19]

this image is cursed
here's one that's had more success

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>Monkeydonian and Vatican flags
What's the context?


That's sad

Croat told me in /ex-yu/ LIDL workers and cashiers can make 3000-5000 kuna (5000kn - 700 euros).

In the capital SOFIQ they can make that much too. Conclusion: Bulgarians have a strong economy and nothing to complain about.

i hate bulgarians


mpased west mpulgarian


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I heard that a German told a Frenchman that an Englishman said that Bulgarians have houses, and so do Americans.

Conclusion: Bulgaria is a 1st world superpower and has nothing to complain about.

I hope you die by my side
The two of us at the exact same time
I hope we die not long from now
The two of us at the exact same time

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>100 prizovki bqha prateni na vashiq adres



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i love bulgarians

Krasnoqrsk why don't you move to BIG, RICH, 1ST WORLD, WEALTHY, SKYSCRAPER, Moskva and make 200K rubles a month?

850 eur is the lidl cashier salary, I have a friend working it in a lidl next to a hobo area. Has to clean up often hobo puke and broken bottles though

euro, really?

Yeah, gross

This should be ur mood


lidl here I come

Lidl hires nobody for full time here

that would only change
geographical location of my suffering
gon make webm of that to trigger poltards


so lidl pays 25% more
how generous

Entry is 600 eur, you need to work your way up the lidl cashier hierarchy

Lol, even shitty Billa giving 650 eur nowadays

a romanian guy yesterday on csgo told me that greece is a shit poor country and that we discovered technology 5 years ago

I'm no commie but the lowered Nazi banner part on the beginning is awesome.

>kamflant shitfia
>300 to 450 for engineers of the hygienic processes

Oh.... oh no.....

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for a brain dead position as that, that's plenty
>300-600 eur
>not even speciffied
imagine my surprise

i always use the csgo playerbase as a credible representative sample for legitimate research

Today I dreamed there was a market on the underground parking lot of the shopping center. I bought bundle of arrows from Syrians, turns out there were not arrows but huge pencils with very sharp lead. I come back to question them about the pencils but they were disappeared.

Fast forwarding, I went to the mall today and saw syrian or gypsy vendors on my way to mall. hmmmmm

Reminder that former "macedonia" is a serboalbanian mutt shithole and that we shouldnt bother helping them at all

Sounds like a person born in 2008

He also told me to "come to bistrita
i beat u up"


Do we look like we need help?

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What's the min salary for unqualified work nowadays? 350 eur?

>игнopиpaш ли дa мe мoжeш
Кaквo e тoвa?

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Tell him that you'll send the Red Army

Yes obviously your economy is laughable, you dont have an industry and half of your country is full of albanians muslims and gypsies, you were previously Bulgarian but then you got serb dick in your mouth and now you cant even enter nato or the eu without our help. We should have voted against your nato and eu membership your country will be only a burden on european economy

this is him btw

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kaufland near me only employs young people
all of their cashiers are qties in early 20s
i already tried my luck but got rejected

Meh, faggot politicians over here increase the salaries and pensions, but at the same time increase taxes and what not even more, so it's just for show.

нa peклaмнaтa aгeнция ca й cвъpшили идeитe и ca peшили, чe дa oбъpнeш знaкa нaoпaки, нo дa ocтaвиш нaй-гoлeмия фoнт oтгope, зa дa тe oбъpкa и дa ce зaмиcлиш, e ГEHИAAAЛHA идeя
и явнo paбoти, щoм cи зaбeлязaл

Lmao that's a fucking soyboy

1-slap healthbar


So like
what's a nice city in Greece?
i mean the mainland

Says the toilet cleaners of the EU. You got into the EU to stave off Russian influence and now you act like kingmakers holding us hostage over our identity like common bullies and yet you preach to us.

We are so completely Bulgarian for 250 years there has never been peace between us, you banned our schools and took advantage of the closing of the Ohrid Archbishopric, we are such brothers that you had to occupy us in 1945 and change our last names. Truly best frens

I know he said he was in Ripple for the long term, but I warned him. Arrow is where EUflag allegedly bought. Hope he didn't get cold feet and sell low.

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>giving advice

euflag is earning so much money that he doesnt care
he even made profit on my betting info, while I lost

мoжeш ли дa мe игнopиpaш бe тaтap


>We are so completely Bulgarian for 250 years there has never been peace between us, you banned our schools and took advantage of the closing of the Ohrid Archbishopric, we are such brothers that you had to occupy us in 1945 and change our last names. Truly best frens
imagine, just imagine

oh no no no

Is there like historic shit to see?
Museums and stuff

Kostur is all about history
Volos is for cucks

дpoгapи и дpoгapки
зaeднo штe paзгpoмим кaпитaлизaмa тeлeвизиa пo тeлeвизиa, aгeнт пo aгeнт
дa живeи бaи тoшo и дa живeи вeчниa кoмoнизaм

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I actually sold them cause I needed the money online, what happened with ripple? Did it take off?

I'm earning a lot and it goes into a lot of bank loans for apartments and frivolities, yes. It's not like money doesnt matter for me.

I just look at short/long orders and online hype. That's all you need.

>Reminder that former "macedonia" is a serboalbanian mutt shithole and that we shouldnt bother helping them at all
reminder that anybody who thinks like this, on both sides, should be brutally tortured and then publicly lynched to set an example.

Volos has an archaelogical and an ethnographic museum and there's a Byzantine museum to a village nearby (Makrinitsa).

Reminder that everything he's said is true.

No point in giving gibs to ungrateful, self-hating Bulgarian mutts.

I can hear feminine programmer hands furiously typing at 130 words per minute again.

can you hear me fucking your mom in the ass though?

Lots of companies here now put people through 6 months courses to hire them afterwards as programmers and shit, you think is worth doing?

Tfw no gf

even if the job sucks you'll learn a new skill, which opens more opportunities so yeah

let's discuss Volos' bike paths?

I can hear yours every time through your moaning cos you enter PMS come evening.

How long does it take to learn for ex java from scratch with 0 previous coding experience?

one hundred and eighty-three days, seven hours, thirty-three minutes and sixteen seconds

Girls only love money and see man as an object of slavery to bring them money

>he thinks that was a coherent sentence

cool thx

>ungrateful, self-hating Bulgarian mutts.
how, especially the last part?

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Here, educate yourself.

no clue, never even tried learning to code

Girls don't like boys girls like cars and money

that's ugly boy cope

I make good money from my corporate job but I really envy people that manage to do so without going to an office or being the bosses bitch. I honestly do. Talking about legal shit here ofc. Absolutely based to be the master of your time, the most precious commodity

that's ugly boy cope

>he can't understand why the shit he wrote is retarded

Just buy a business, bro.

I have a 10/10 face but im a manlet

>we are brotherly people as long as you gib pasosh, investments and subsidized places in Bulgarian universities
Just like M*ldovans, you bullshit your way with papers to a Bulgarian passport without ever considering yourself as a Bulgarian so you can leech from the Bulgarian state or fuck off to the West for gastarbajting.

what is

Are there a lot of Moldovans in Romania? I thought they prefer Russia.

Older people generally, younger ones get Romanian passports and fuck off to the West.