You may only post in this thread if your country has been bombed by the US

You may only post in this thread if your country has been bombed by the US

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I don't think they have electricity in those countries.

Thank you for your service

When did they bomb Peru?

they bombed themselves ?

We were bombed by Americans during WWII.

Attached: Nijmegen_na_bombardement.jpg (4198x3050, 973K)


lol why did you bomb Japan after WWII ?

2 nukes wasn’t enough

Countless nuke tests.


We nuked ourselves because we ran out of people to bomb.

They accidentally dropped an inactive nuclear bomb over the coast of Virginia during the 60's

It was North Carolina

Sorry about that

Spain was bombed as well

didn't they fire bomb a neighborhood full of african american gentlemen once?

well the official story was planes did it


The fuck?


It was a Korean American pilot gone rogue.

I thought that bomb was dropped over the water.


Jet fuel can't melt my sides but your post could

I'm sorry but this is kinda funny.

When did they bomb China?

During Korean war I suppose.

Fucking hell we were (are) bombing everyone.