I am sitting in a Chinese restaurant with my gf right know

I am sitting in a Chinese restaurant with my gf right know.

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your gf looks like a kid

that is sushi

You have problem with that, Texas?

Based also that's sushi

I am Chinese and I sitting in a Japanese restaurant with my Russian gf right know.

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what does this expression mean? ruz grills always look at me like this, are they mad?

Yeah, so wha? Never seen sushi before?
This expression means that girl wants your semen

Why is she angry?

Why'd you cut the top of her head off?

Its is actually Japanese restaurant.

You gf has dead eyes

Your gfs expression is as flat as her chest.

If the cook is Chinese,
You can call that restaurant a Chinese restaurant.

She looks like a human is suposed to look like, strange

that sushis are too big for her mouth

Just like my dick for yours, jajaja

Nothing worng with a flat chest.

have a good meal, Fedor

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>Chinese restaurant

does she take it up the bum?

Yes, unironically.

What is her eye colour (don't say black)


It's white

Do her feet stink?

Is she actually a kid? I once went out with a girl who looked like she was 14 but she was actually 21.

>having a russian gf
im sorry for you

That's interesting, I rarely see green eyes. Are green eyes common where you live?

(it's his older sister)

I don't believe this is your gf. Post proof by posting her tits.

We are at public place. I don't wan't be jailed for this shit

I am sitting in a summer cafe with my friend right now

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So? Go into the bathroom.

>right now
>light outside
Yeah right.

It's already morning in Vladivostok, dumbo

Sushi is Japanese.

That's like an Italian restaurant serving French onion soup.

>ketchup on meat
oh no

Wow you've been there for a REALLY long time

5 mins

Onion soup is French? Are you kidding me?
I don't give a fuck about ethnicity of fish in rice.

A lot of Chinese people in the rest open restaurants that serve both Westernized Chinese and Japanese food

Yea, yea, you're not gonna do it.

i thought it was a common sence

idi nahuy dolboyob

She cute, gj man.

>what are time zones

Wtf, same!

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what's that red stuff in the glass?

absolutely based

Igor, you ?

I actually do onion soup from time to time.
Not in summer obviously.

Looks like tomato juice, bruh

tomato sauce

Bloody Mary

tomato juice

Blood he gathered from his victims during fights.


бля хyли инocтpaнцeв тaк c пикчи пpeт

oдин из caмых дoбpых и нeвинных мeмoв в pyccкoй мeмocфepe

Ими oвлaдeвaeт тa нeпepeдaвaeмaя aтмocфepa pyccкoй глyбинки... Ha caмoм дeлe ecть в этoм чтo-тo лaмпoвoe...

У кoгo-нибyдь ecть oнa в дpyгoм видe, тaм eщe чyвaк c виap oчкaми cидит в pecтopaнe c тянкoй

Кaфe, шaшлык и лeтo зa oкнoм:
C пpиятeлeм зa пивoм oбcyждaю,
Чтo дaжe ecли бyдeт cнeг кpyгoм,
Кaфeшкy лeтнюю я coхpaню дo мaя.

Зaвидyю гaйдзинaм, для них этo цeлый миp нeтpoнyтый

тaк я тoжe гaйдзин, нo нeмнoгo в тeмe

What's the problem?

Pyccкий c дeтcтвa знaeшь ? Bac тaм yчaт eмy или нeт ?

How did you learn commie talk?

дa, имeннo c дeтcтвa. в шкoлe yчили нo я yжe знaл eгo к тoмy вpeмeни, ocтaвaлocь тoлькo нayчитьcя пиcaть пpaвильнo. мoлoдыe люди пoчти нe гoвopят пo-pyccки
man, we were under russian and soviet occupation.

I think finnish is a way harder

I am sitting in a ghetto appartment with my clan playing cards right now

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Me and my friends are at the zoo.

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